Archol Unfit Mod

Moderator: LIHL Staff

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Archol Unfit Mod

Postby KinG23 » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:43 pm

Regarding this, I would like to add why @Archol is an unfit moderator and should be relieved of his duties right now:

1) No rules were broken, yet I was given a 36 hour unvouch.

therefore ill unvouch King23 for 1 1/2 day, total 36 hours - not mainly for his mistake at lobby chat but due unfair sportmanship, also he should be aware that he also was part of this misunderstanding. Ill enforce it to warn all players beforehand to avoid unfair sportmanship in the future and a warning seems not be enough for me in this case.

You may appeal to this ban to other mods / admins, due its not stated in the rules more or less.

Nevertheless you cant compare this league with real life situations - in honor of sportmanship i decided to ban him, although its not stated in the rules - thus i also broke a rule in this case more or less, and therefore ill take the consequences

Every game someone would be banned for "unfair sportsmanship" to some degree if reported. Will we consider sending Warriors level 1 unfair if you start as Harlot holder? You get the point here. How is a ban for what is not on the rules justified? That's what the rules are in place for. As a moderator you are supposed to enforce the rules, not make them up as you go along.


2) dafuker's team noticed he were AFK with 43 seconds left before the level started, more than enough time to reroll and build. Also, he had 5 seconds after all Scientists were built to upgrade 2 to Engineers. dafuker decides to risk 4/0 start, which will hold without a Warrior send. This is his team's responsibility to pause the game.... how would my team know? It's not like myself or others unpaused a paused game to gain an unfair advantage. Dafuker had time to build but simply decided to risk a 4/0 start. Watch the replay... he had time to do the standard build but instead decided to risk.

Assume you start Halfbreed and 3/0, but enemy sends Warriors. You build with 37 seconds left, and leak due to the send. Should those that do not draw to that leak get a ban?


3) I caused drama in NO WAY. Check the chat log, I barely spoke in game. Two of my teammates were totally against drawing (their right, not required by the rules to draw), and someone from the OTHER team said to play on. The closest the game ever got to being drawn was 2 more votes needed, yet I'm the only one punished. There is NO drama here in any way caused by me, so I will not even accept archol's warning. Only drama caused is by dafuker for blaming others for going AFK, and requesting a draw when he took a risk assuming my team doesn't send Warriors.

Please read the chat log in full archol before you make false claims: ... 261373.w3g

Some important quotes:

My team's opinion on the scenario (did I speak at all saying not to draw... nope... but I caused the drama?!)

02:35 / Allied) Wolke: no way man
(02:41 / Allied) Wolke: they had time
(02:46 / Allied) Wolke: 40sec to build
(03:27 / Allied) Dr.awkward: well i wont draw this
(03:27 / Allied) Dr.awkward: are we kindergarden?
(03:27 / All) Wolke: if you want draw
(03:27 / All) Wolke: you should paused at 0sec and not wait until you leak big to king
(03:27 / All) Dr.awkward: play
(03:27 / All) Dr.awkward: it

dafuker's teammate Patarinsky:

(03:27 / All) Patarinsky: he had 40 secs
(03:27 / All) Patarinsky: to build
(03:27 / All) Patarinsky: so its his fault
(03:27 / All) Patarinsky: lets play

So a member of the other team wants to play on and we are obliged to draw, or force a ban? Really no logic there archol.

Final thoughts:

I was not going to make a topic about this but the failure in moderating by archol with total lack of logic and not reviewing the case in full gave me no choice. Archol has proved he is unfit to make decisions for LIHL as a moderator. He clearly did not review this in full and made certain invalid assumptions.


Ill resign immediately if im wrong in regard of your situation

Let's see if you stay true to your word.

The league needs mods like nabo., aRt)Y, RadiantCrystal, Diablo_, and Mick that follow the rule framework and enforce what is in place after reviewing cases in full, not doing incomplete and unfair rulings. Keep it up, you guys are doing a great job with your work!

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Re: Archol Unfit Mod

Postby FadingSuns » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:49 pm

Not pretending to judge specific cases but in my view, the Word a mod should worth more than any kind of rule, more if we talk about lihl, where we are all experienced players.

Having nothing agains King, since i mostly like him when he is in a positive attitude (most of the time). I would disagree about taking archol out mods. In my experience, he has always tried to be neutral.

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Re: Archol Unfit Mod

Postby Diablo_ » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:49 pm

This indeed was a weird ban imo, but asking for a kick from staff team looks like an overreaction, based on one incident only.
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Re: Archol Unfit Mod

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:55 pm

Re-read my post on the case in question. If you truly think you got a victory there, you are mistaken and have learnt nothing.
Leagues are based on sportsmanship. One should assume pros know the basic rules and dont need a rule framework, yet players misbehave and moderators are there to upheld higher standards.

Moderators are removed from staff for abusive behavior, not for judgements in one case; even more so considering your history.

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