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Positive Feedback LIHL

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:25 am
by HealByColor
Personally since I've been playing LIHL I would say I've gotten 20% better. Enjoy the game a lot more. Honestly I cant play public matches anymore.

Special Thanks to all the people that got this started up.

Re: Positive Feedback LIHL

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:44 am
by supersexyy
For as many problems as the LIHL has had, I agree that its difficult to go back to pub now! Just being able to play prophet without mercs and having games that often last to 27+ is such a blessing.

Re: Positive Feedback LIHL

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:58 pm
by ygg-lag
i make supersexxy and healbycolor´s words mine.

I cant play in pubs anymore too and now i can really develop my skills for real...


Re: Positive Feedback LIHL

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:48 am
by iightfyre
Thanks for the post and your comments :D It is so refreshing to hear these words - most of the forum tends to be about complaints.

We are working hard to provide the best game play for you all and I am glad to see that it is not going unrecognized :D :D :D

I too cannot stand pubs anymore. LIHL is where its at!

PS - Thank you @supersexyy, @cyberpunk, @uakf.b, @beepboopbeep, @bit, @healbycolor and @ THE COMMUNITY! :)

Re: Positive Feedback LIHL

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:54 am
by dweiler
I know I am the biggest complainer, so I will say it here: I, too, am grateful for the LIHL. Even though I can only comment on the forum during the week in my break times and cannot play I dearly enjoy the games that I play in the weekends. My 'complaints' are not meant as nagging, but to make this league even better. Every new organization has start-up problems. I think you are improving quickly and that the 'drama' is needed to learn, I am sure next time the issue will come up both you and I will deal with it differently (and better) and that is a major profit for all of us. If you thought that you could start up a new league with new rules and have no problems at all, I think you were a bit naive (and I am not saying this is a bad thing). ;)

Finally, yes, people tend to post on a forum when something is going wrong and are less likely to post when something went right. If you want to, I can post all the things that are going right, but I would spam the forum then, because way more things are going right than wrong (and you can take that as a compliment :D)

Re: Positive Feedback LIHL

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:40 pm
by iightfyre
moving to archive.