Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

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Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby HugMeOnce » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:42 pm

Is he a decent player? Yes
Is he active? Yes

I'm not gonna dispute that Eldryan is a bad player and his activity is good for the league. However, its completely unbearable to play with him. He puts me on ignore at the start of every game so we have to discuss calls twice. He does this to 1007 too. Having to discuss calls twice every game I'm in with him and can't even communicate on what he's gonna do as he solo sends and decides plays on his own is ridiculous. This should never be an issue in LIHL. We were in a lobby last night playing 3s and it took 15 minutes to get a game started because 4 out of the 5 player pool besides Eldryan were adamant about not playing with this guy. If the majority of the league thinks he has a positive impact and wants to continue tolerating his behavior then I'll drop it and just try my best to avoid lobbies he's in.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby Play4EIo » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:01 pm

HugMeOnce wrote:If the majority of the league thinks he has a positive impact and wants to continue tolerating his behavior then I'll drop it and just try my best to avoid lobbies he's in.

its not about if 20 wants him gone and 19 wants him to stay..

But well if 90 % have a problem with him then ofc he shouldnt be here.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby dweiler » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:23 pm

If you have complaints about eldryanthewise, tell us why and show us where he misbehaves. This also goes for others, if you agree with this, tell us why and show us evidence on it. I don't care for a poll in a case like this, where it has more the function of a popularity contest, which LIHL isn't - people don't have to be popular, but they should not behave in a way that's not appropriate in a league. I think the poll is redundant and if anything damaging and therefore I will remove that part of your post.
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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby Dong » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:50 pm

Tbh, If you can't join a game without ignoring or getting ignored by others consistently then there is a clear problem imo.

It is not that i my self have personal problems with eldryan, but i have experienced his attitude and stubbonness, and i really dislike being on team with him when there is 1 or 2 other team member(s) that he just can't communicate with, that is such a bad disadvantage to have in a competitive league such as lihl.

Just my 2 cents-
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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby eldryan » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:18 am

I don't really think playing in LIHL should be dependent upon being butt-buddies with everyone else in the league. There can be agree-to-disagree scenarios, and simply saying you don't like someone isn't valid cause for an unvouch.


If you and 1007 are cheating,refusing to draw a game where someone dcs in a race, and calling players liars... maybe you should be unvouched for breaking the rules. Instead, I respectfully don't report you as pewpew said it was probably a personal difference. And !ignore you instead. But if you want to cheat, and demand everyone chat you up about it, perhaps you should go join an In-House you are moderating.


Chat log;
(15:26 / Allied) 1007: they no immo
(15:26 / Allied) 1007: ahahaha
(15:26 / Allied) TinSoldier: ur heal eld
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: hug heal
(15:26 / Allied) HugMeOnce: ya
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: go full hp
(15:26 / Allied) HugMeOnce: keep upping king
(15:26 / Allied) EldryanTheWise: pew when u unpause
(15:26 / Allied) EldryanTheWise: say before
(15:26 / Allied) HugMeOnce: my heal first
(15:26 / Allied) 1007: forget about farm up hug
(15:26 / Allied) 1007: they die
(15:26 / Allied) 1007: here
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: pp
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: is real
(15:26 / All) pewpew-lasergun: k re
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: !draw
(15:26 / All) 1007: Player [EldryanTheWise] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we down 1 heal
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: no need draw, we won
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: sry
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: ....
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 3 heals
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: two ppl upping
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: need draw
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: u think u live?
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: lol
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 50 leaks and stomp...
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 10k hp
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 3 heals
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: u are rip son
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: not even a close game
(15:26 / All) pewpew-lasergun: ur ygg blew also ?
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: u guys die same as us
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: except we better inc
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: we stomp
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: up king more
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we stomp
(15:26 / All) 1007: we st too
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: we more pro stomp
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: .....
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: draw it
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: loool
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: damn
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: i report him
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: for dc pen
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: im pretty sure we won this
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: but ok
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: looks pretty even
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we got 2 7/2 one 4/1
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: upping
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: u guys?
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: 7/3 7/5
(15:26 / All) HugMeOnce: lmao
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: and?
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: im 7/5
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: what is hug
(15:26 / All) HugMeOnce: 4/0
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: and 4/0
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: u guys up a bit faster
(15:26 / All) HugMeOnce: we win...
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: but both live with 3 heals imo
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: we sent more wyvs
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: both live only 50 leaks
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: man
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 3 heals
(15:26 / All) 1007: Player [EldryanTheWise] voted to drop laggers.
(15:26 / All) 1007: TinSoldier was automatically dropped after 180 seconds.
(15:26 / QUIT) TinSoldier: Disconnect
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: !draw
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: u wont live sry
(15:26 / All) 1007: then brun 2heal
(15:26 / Allied) pewpew-lasergun: !draw
(15:26 / All) 1007: Player [pewpew-lasergun] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(15:26 / All) 1007: eld
(15:26 / All) 1007: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Check out our forum at entgaming.net for our rules, list of current games, and player statistics!
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we live same as u rofl
(15:26 / All) 1007: lets see close or not
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: man he can't up king
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: that's half lumber just dc
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: 3 more ups
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: wont make difference
(15:26 / All) 1007: i
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: ....
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: u guys die
(15:26 / All) 1007: i just wanna see
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: same rate
(15:26 / All) 1007: you keep lie
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: Draw then i can kc
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: Wtf
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: ....
(15:26 / All) 1007: just to behonest say
(15:26 / All) 1007: 'we die'
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we are higher hp then u
(15:26 / All) 1007: then we draw
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we don't die
(15:26 / All) 1007: ok
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: with 3 heals
(15:26 / All) 1007: tin lum up?
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: with 2 heals, obvsly die
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: ....
(15:26 / All) 1007: i wont up king
(15:26 / All) 1007: now
(15:26 / All) 1007: you wanna see?
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: u alrdy up
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: idk if he did
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: but it's both live anyways
(15:26 / All) HugMeOnce: he did for sure
(15:26 / All) 1007: only 1up
(15:26 / All) HugMeOnce: its tin
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 3 heals...
(15:26 / All) 1007: what is diffrent
(15:26 / All) 1007: ok i wont heal too
(15:26 / All) 1007: ok?
(15:26 / All) pewpew-lasergun: can we go next pls
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: 1007 no up, no heal)
(15:26 / Allied) EldryanTheWise: gonna be close
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: lets try,, i think fun
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: idk if tin upped
(15:26 / All) 1007: i wont heal wanna se whats going on?
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: we can try, but it's stupid
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: since 3 heals both live
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: 1007 go miss last heal
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: 2 heals, just both race
(15:26 / All) 1007: both die
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: hug heal first
(15:26 / All) 1007: come on
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: me 2nd
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: yea, and stomp vs bo
(15:26 / Allied) HugMeOnce: k
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: good for race
(15:26 / All) 1007: lets just see
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: go
(15:26 / All) OccupyW.Street: 1007 no heal, no up
(15:26 / Allied) EldryanTheWise: ur heal pew
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: miss last heal 1007
(15:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: go
(15:26 / Allied) pewpew-lasergun: zz
(15:26 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: hug first
(15:39 / All) EldryanTheWise: couldn't take king
(15:43 / All) OccupyW.Street: stop
(15:43 / All) EldryanTheWise: couldn't take king from him
(15:45 / All) 1007: i wont heal
(15:46 / All) 1007: Player [EldryanTheWise]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(15:46 / All) EldryanTheWise: .,...
(15:51 / All) 1007: Player [pewpew-lasergun]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: why unpause
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: i missed heal
(15:52 / All) 1007: so you think you live what?
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: rofl
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: JUST MISSED FUCKING HEAL
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: cuz u unpause
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: ....
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: cause you paused
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: you mean
(15:52 / All) 1007: and you still think 3 heal can save you?
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: I COULDN"T STOMP
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: CUZ TIN HAD THE FCKING KING
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: ......
(15:52 / All) 1007: idc draw
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: might've been close
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: !draw
(15:52 / All) 1007: Player [OccupyW.Street] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: now idk, cuz can't stomp
(15:52 / All) 1007: but your lie is bull shit
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: YOUR FUCKING RETARDED
(15:52 / All) HugMeOnce: you're lying eld
(15:52 / All) HugMeOnce: no way u live
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: duh we die now rofl
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: just missed heal
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: u have like 10 wyvs
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: both die
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: eating ur asshole
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: 2 heals
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: but it's race
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: and i couldn't take king
(15:52 / Allied) 1007: im tired oc
(15:52 / Allied) 1007: his bull shit
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: to stomp...
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: well
(15:52 / Allied) OccupyW.Street: you still lost
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: cuz tin had it
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: and he dc
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: you still lost
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: not sure lost
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: at all rofl
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: miss heal + miss stomp
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: its like 3 seconds
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: til u can take king
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: was 2 attacks
(15:52 / All) 1007: if we did miss heal
(15:52 / All) OccupyW.Street: and stomp
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: yea
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: i did a stomp
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: at 1k hp
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: instead of 1 at 6k
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: 1 at 1k
(15:52 / All) 1007: you dont have 1k hp
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: before pew heal
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: fuck u stupid
(15:52 / All) 1007: pewpew-lasergun has left the game voluntarily.
(15:52 / QUIT) pewpew-lasergun: Left
(15:52 / All) EldryanTheWise: not even worth arguing
(15:52 / All) 1007: EldryanTheWise has left the game voluntarily.
(15:52 / QUIT) EldryanTheWise: Left
(15:52 / All) 1007: The other team has left. If you stay for fifteen seconds, the game will be marked as your win.
(15:52 / All) 1007: 1007 has left the game voluntarily.
(15:52 / QUIT) 1007: Left
(15:52 / All) HugMeOnce: OccupyW.Street has left the game voluntarily.
(15:52 / QUIT) OccupyW.Street: Left
(15:52 / All) HugMeOnce: HugMeOnce has left the game voluntarily.
(15:52 / QUIT) HugMeOnce: Left

As to the game of 3v3, where there were 2 players from here (1007 and hugmeonce) and fredegl/som1else didn't want to vs 1007, you're completely BSing the issue. It ended up being me/piper/fredegl anyways, and all ok with team.
Last edited by HazarDous on Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added spoiler (spam).


Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby MarshMallows » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:46 am

Ignoring people at the start of a game is so TK, Would suggest a ban if it happens again. I was in a game with Eld and Hug and Eld instantly ignored him with no priors. I wont be signing with Eld until this stops, it's not fair to others on the team and made decision making a nightmare.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby HazarDous » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:48 am

Might want to provide replays so moderators can see for themselves, @MarshMallows


Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby MarshMallows » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:51 am

@Hazardous im too lazy

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby eldryan » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:56 am

HazarDous wrote:Might want to provide replays so moderators can see for themselves, @MarshMallows

the rules explicitly say you can ignore. saying following the rules is cause for unvouch is pro.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby HazarDous » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:08 am

You are placing words in my mouth. I never said that ignoring someone is against the rules, nor did I imply that you should be unvouched for this.

However, rules are not static, and they are subject to modifications if the community believes there is an issue in regards to ignoring people. I have yet to see a replay that shows you ignore people from the get go for no reason, but if that is the case, I fail to see how it does not negatively impact the communication within the team.

Which is the very point of providing replays. Identify the issues so they can be adressed, if any.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby eldryan » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:15 am

HazarDous wrote:You are placing words in my mouth. I never said that ignoring someone is against the rules, nor did I imply that you should be unvouched for this.

However, rules are not static, and they are subject to modifications if the community believes there is an issue in regards to ignoring people. I have yet to see a replay that shows you ignore people from the get go for no reason, but if that is the case, I fail to see how it does not negatively impact the communication within the team.

Which is the very point of providing replays. Identify the issues so they can be adressed, if any.

well, it's the topic name, and if the post is on topic, then it seems posting a replay here is just contributing to something off-topic or it's in the wrong thread.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby HugMeOnce » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:20 am

First of all, I don't need to be butt buddies with you Eldryan. We just need to be civil its a league after all. Its laughable that you even have the word respect in your vocabulary the way you treat people and speak to people on a regular basis. You think it is respectful to me by just ignoring me every game and putting that burden on not only me but our teammates to have to routinely discuss calls twice.

Now if you want to discuss that game of 3s. You and 1007 were having a discussion so I was alt tabbing in and out waiting for what was going to happen. There was never any discussion of us ever not drawing. You simply left suddenly and didn't wait for the draw. I was ready to draw. I have no problem drawing. If you want to attack my integrity go find one instance of me refusing to draw in an lihl game where I actively pursued a no draw. As for me calling you a liar about whether or not you would hypothetically live or die there. Ofc you die there. Even Ray Charles could see it. All you had to do was admit that you die to appease 1007 and the game is instantly drawn. However, Eldryan the manchild that controls your inner psyche would not allow you to do so and now you continue to ignore me any time I'm on your team. Incredibly respectful of you. Now some time in the following week I will compile a list of your shenanigans with the rest of the league and we'll see whose in the right or wrong.

You cant BS something when its all written
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/dow ... 122007.txt

Just for immediate context. I really hate to drag other peoples names into this but we were about to play a game of 4s and Eldryan signed. 4 of us including myself Sony Ilocos and Frede all unsigned the 4s and went to play 2s just to dodge playing with him

[HugMeOnce]: i just dont want ot play with eld
[HugMeOnce]: !scores
[SONY-]: lmfao
[FredeGL]: me too
[SONY-]: me neighter
[HugMeOnce]: swap me and sony?
[ILOCOS_NORTE]: !scores
[FredeGL]: plz no eld

Since we went to go play 2s there weren't enough people to sign for the 4s including Rosethorn who said as soon as he saw Eld he unsigned. Thats just the tip of the iceberg when I have more time I'll provide more.
Last edited by HugMeOnce on Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby n1ll3 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:38 am

In my opinion Eldryan is very Toxic!
Nearly every game he tells you "i was #1 lihl and im the smartest dude on earth.... "
(14:26 / All) EldryanTheWise: compare achilles eldryan
(14:38 / All) EldryanTheWise: or 1007 eldryan
(14:40 / All) EldryanTheWise: or any1 here eldryan
(14:59 / All) EldryanTheWise: i just ask u to ask bot
(16:05 / Allied) EldryanTheWise: ah noob mudman
(16:07 / Allied) EldryanTheWise: dafq u doing

Furthermore he is very disrespectfull and if eldryan cant lead a game he wont stop talking until he enforce his will. So a game with Eldryan is stressfull and no more fun for me.(i will post replays tomorrow no time now...)

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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby FQ-CoM » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:43 am

I just got home and saw this. I don't have anything against 99% of players in the league but eld is imo behaving really bad.

Idc that he won the 2's tournament that he hosted but during the time we played the games he was really disrespctufl. Sadly I did not take any prints of this because I thought it was just for the moment but apparently it was not.

To start of I was quite tired already lost a lot of elo this day and din't really want to play on lihl bot, u can ask LF for it. So 2nd game we play I didnt want to play on lihl bot because I wasnt in the mood to lose more elo but eldryanh said if it's decided who wins/lose we can draw game.
Though in the heat of the moment drawing a game is one of the least things you'll think about and I were not pleased with the outcome. I wrote to eld and more or less told him that he already knew I was not keen (to lose elo in this stupid and sadless tournament). However he was like all about, you could've asked for draw, but as I already said that's not something you focus on during a game. Then I told him that I was unleased and as the host of the tournament that you should have good manners against others that rly don't want to lose elo at this particular moment. He just told me to stfu and that I could've asked for a draw and trying to jump on me that this elo won't matter in 4s games because he would still be above me at end of season but yeah we can all see how that is going, ROFLMAO.

This is comming a bit late, sadly, but I really think he's disrespectful to most of people in here and I beleive also that most of us is tired of his stupid nonsense. (I'm new to league but it's so obvious.)

Honest words from me and I'll be glad to discuss this more wiuth both eld and others!
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Re: Eldryan Unvouch [TOXIC]

Postby eldryan » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:53 am

we already discussed this. I told you 1 minute before the match, the rules of the tournament were we could play it on either the pub 2v2 bot, a private hosted game, or the LIHL bot. If you played on the LIHL bot, you had the option to draw BEFORE the game. One minute later, we started the game and you didn't ask for a draw. I didn't see the need to repeat myself over and over again.

If you want to actually report something, go ahead. If you want to message me, feel free. But to act like I should feel guilty for beating you is just ridiculous.

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