Page 1 of 1 ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:05 pm
by IamZealot
as the tittle say tariq did ragequit after we told him we dont draw cause he have visitors and can't let them wait.i aldready did 2 times draw for his visitors no way i do again.

Re: ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:45 pm
by tariqtd
Dear brother
first of all I am sorry for what happened
I said in the game I have visitors and it is not mannered to tell them go and no one can tell his visitors please wait 30 m until I end may game
when you refuse to draw I said I will leave now report me and have the elo for the dc
and I said { please guys I need to go and I am sorry for that }
I think we play a lot together and we are friends here and I think that friends understand each other and no need to be mad about your roll , so your rolls and elo better than my friendship that is my real questions ?
I am normal person and have visitors some time and when this happen 3 time when I play + 650 time in lihal I think that is normal too , just no need to be mad and you reaction is very rude , I am sorry for make you mad and I am sorry to take your win but I am not sorry for leave the game and said to my visitoe you are welcome because I am mannered person .
I accept any ban np just make my friends in that game happy
salam all and regards

Re: ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:05 pm
by Don_Killuminati
Here is one of the best mannered player in lihl :
Peace ma brother.

Re: ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:35 pm
by IamZealot
Well i know you are a good guy gamilios:D and ofcourse you are my friend but as i told you i will keep the report to learn to respect your friends irl and in the game not only the irl.From the time you want to spend our time for not spend the time of your visitors that show me you respect them a lot more than us.I never told you to tell them to go away i just told you to tell them to wait in your house.and it will be nice if you tell them next time and the other times to tell you that they coming minimum 30min before they come.Sorry for my report but i will keep it.

Re: ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:42 pm
by Diablo_
If you expect visitors you shouldn't sign for a game, simple as that.

Re: ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:48 pm
by RadiantCrystal
I respect you that you care about your visitors, however, in a sense the people who you were playing with are your "visitors" too and shouldn't have been treated otherwise.

Unvouched for 1 day

Edit: After a discussion with other mods, due to your adequate behaviours no unvouch will be applied, this will only be a DC pen

Re: ragequit

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:59 pm
by RadiantCrystal

Code: Select all

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