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Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:37 am
by Dong
He wanted fiji to kick an observer, wich he couldn't cause function doesn't exist anymore

i tried to tell achillesgr that, and he just said "that's bannable" and instant left the game, before we could do anything..!!!

Edit: Just handle this as DC report please... i just want some elo

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:54 am
by nabo.
??? Why is it not possible to kick?

Rule clearly states to votekick and if one vetos an obs, he must be kicked.

  • One veto is enough to reject a player from observing a game, however, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before.
  • If the observer refuses to leave the lobby despite being vetoed, votekick him or draw and rehost the game.

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:58 am
by Dong
he thought the command !kick for owner still existed. i tried to explain that we need to votekick for kicking obs, but he just rage quit really fast..


(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: cause you are a retard
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: i promise
(05:12 / All) shrimp: wtf
(05:12 / All) shrimp: are u talking about?
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: i asking for kick fiji
(05:12 / All) Dong[thai]: what happened ?
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: leave =)
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: and you dont
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: thats banable
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: he doesnt want u ig
(05:12 / All) shrimp: i will
(05:12 / All) Dong[thai]: fiji can't kick anymore
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: i dunnO
(05:12 / All) shrimp: i just wanna know why
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: i guess hes angry
(05:12 / All) shrimp: ur flaming me
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: Achillesgr has left the game voluntarily.
(05:12 / QUIT) Achillesgr: Left
(05:12 / All) shrimp: ill report u right now
(05:12 / All) Dong[thai]: they have removed that function

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:00 am
by cam_breezy
i was the obs and would have gladly left per his request, all i asked was why and he said because im retarded. then he left the game. nobody has any idea why he randomly wanted to kick obs. he didnt even wait 30 seconds before leaving after he asked. im aware he does not need a reason to ask me to leave but he didnt need to proceed to call me a retard for no reason.

(05:03 / All) ZTX)Fiji: whats the matter ?
(05:04 / All) Achillesgr: if you unpause
(05:06 / All) Achillesgr: i will leave
(05:10 / All) Achillesgr: kick the obs
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: obs pls leave
(05:12 / All) shrimp: huh?
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: or i will fucking report you
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: achiles angry
(05:12 / All) shrimp: for what?
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: pls leave xD
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: leave
(05:12 / All) shrimp: really?
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: byyourself
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: yes
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: we gonna be done prior to 17
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: cause you are a retard

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 4:39 am
by pewpew lasergun
leave lihl not just the ob slot

u post the wrong name ,its shrimp who did a rule break not achillesgr

achillesgr had every right to leave the game following a rule break by shrimp.
and no justification needs to be given when asked to leave multiple instances.

(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: obs pls leave
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: leave
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: pls leave xD
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: leave =)

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 4:47 am
by Dong
pewpew lasergun wrote:@shrimp
leave lihl not just the ob slot

u post the wrong name ,its shrimp who did a rule break not achillesgr

achillesgr had every right to leave the game following a rule break by shrimp.
and no justification needs to be given when asked to leave multiple instances.

(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: obs pls leave
(05:12 / All) Achillesgr: leave
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: pls leave xD
(05:12 / All) ZTX)Fiji: leave =)

Just stop. achilles left so fast, that we didn't have time to kick or anything. so no,, just stop your hate post.

besides, people have been trolling from time to time, regarding obs kicking..

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:25 am
by Dong
@nabo. @supersexyy @beepboopbeep @krayzzie @keero @don_killuminati @ba_fail @v1rus @radiantcrystal @supersexyy

would liked this handles before season end.

keep in mind that 1 rule break does not justify another, and that Achillesgr did leave so fast, that we can not determin if shrimp really did a rulebreak or not.


Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:19 pm
by elektro
I agree with pew, if someone asks obs to leave, just leave ! idc achilles reasons, maybe he had komodo ir idk, besides, rules say if 1 player dont want obs, then obs should leave or get kicked out from game.

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:43 pm
by matdas
Here is one of the clear cut reasons why i believe all games should be started and not unhosted in lobby.... All the evidence is here and no screenshots of chat can be missed.

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:47 pm
by Dong
elektro wrote:I agree with pew, if someone asks obs to leave, just leave ! idc achilles reasons, maybe he had komodo ir idk, besides, rules say if 1 player dont want obs, then obs should leave or get kicked out from game.

Dude. the problem is Achiles left before we could kick shrimp. like 30 seconds tops wich is not ok. and therefore, this is defined as rage quit.

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:51 pm
by cam_breezy
elektro wrote:I agree with pew, if someone asks obs to leave, just leave ! idc achilles reasons, maybe he had komodo ir idk, besides, rules say if 1 player dont want obs, then obs should leave or get kicked out from game.

first of all man just for your knowledge komodo is autobugged as soon as game starts with obs in game. it will not work even if obs leave after game starts. second, you can't just discriminate against 1 obs, its either observers or no observers. 1007 was also obs and is not a mod so he would have had to leave too.

furthermore i was just as confused as everybody else as to why stathis was raging. i would have left in 10-15 second if it was just a clear cut "no obs please" but he called me a retard and i wanted to know what his problem was, as did everybody else. seems like an obvious rage quit due to failed warriors. imo

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:47 pm
by Achillesgr6
to learn to do not matters

1)nightmare always leak to warriors and if you can see game i will have 2 nightmares for lvl 3 so the plan of fiji is out and i didnt faild as you say

2)if you go to the game you will see i get mad when 2 simple things happened by you and fiji a)when you speak to all and you say "i should stay" i thought you telling someone what to do then i did the simple thing i told you to leave by yourself that was my first phrase

b)now fiji unpause the game while i am trying to kick obs that pissed me off..when someone goes afk for ages i am waiting and he dont shows respect to my pause? ++++he trolls me stathis is angry and etc etc...

i am asking you to leave the game from obs i have the right to use it no matter if my thoughts are correct or no you leave no matter what and i dont wan t a troll from noone you leave the game instantly...we beg you 2 minutes to leave? and asking why also? you leave no matter what

you ahve to understand that i need my mind be calm when i play legion cause i have to comunicate with my mate for the calls for my build i dotn build random stuff like you doing by watching television and i lost my patient i went mad..i leave the game cause your and fijis action made me lose my patient a) by unpause b) by need an apologise why i need you to leave

of course i leave and as you saw i left cause i couldnt play anymore..fiji always doing this crap.....when you are high elo and someone asking you to not have obs you must have the balls to kick or to close obs..if you dont have the balls just give owner to another one so we can play

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:58 pm
by Artichoke
I don't condone Stathis ragequtting but then again it's a bit unfair when the veteran players get treated with such disrespect. If an obs is told to leave he should leave immediately without any question. No reasoning is necessary. Rules are rules and it's very rude to stick around as obs if you are unwanted.

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:24 pm
by matdas
Artichoke wrote: then again it's a bit unfair when the veteran players get treated with such disrespect.

This statement, just makes me lul. Do you not realize that some of the veteran players are the ones to blame for the majority of the actions that happen?

Re: Achillesgr RQ 2v2 game.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:53 pm
by Don_Killuminati
Achillesgr -18elo
Ztx)fiji +4
Dong[thai] +4
artmas +4

Theses apply for season 10