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dc pen

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 10:41 pm
by ArMeDaNdDeAdLy
They straight 7 send and fail, also red had shit roll and he "dcs" on 9.How more obvious can it be.

I play 10 games today and half of them are dcs, no respect for my time at all.I stay all my loses in game i never pp.Since when did this league changed into elo whore league and people massivly pping? @art)y Mby stricter policy against dc is needed.

Re: dc pen

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 12:09 am
by Diablo_
Adjusting stats for [ace_of_spades] by +3 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [armedanddeadly] by +3 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [bugatti_veyron] by +3 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [] by +3 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [fredegl] by +3 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [magic.potatoes] by -21 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [] by +3 (gid=7730080)
Adjusting stats for [] by +3 (gid=7730080)

Not every dc = "pp"