Maybe idea to improve on all waves, by making two elites and champion for each wave. elites/champion start spawning on level 5 till 29, for example level 7 spawn 100 Satyrs, reduce spawn number to 97, then make two Satyrs elites that are x2 or x3 stronger then normal Satyrs, and the champion Satyrs will be the same as the two elites, but the champion Satyrs could have passive skill like evasion for level 7. So each wave would have two elites and 1 champion with each champion having different passive skills each wave. no elites or champion spawn on boss waves. It's just idea but it might actually improve on sending on a lot of the waves, and make the game bit tougher
Can you take a look at soul of hero i feel like his passive skill is a bit useless
@HELLRAlSERAnd the two elites and champion would have similar reduce aggro as the infernal.