Hellraiser O.o' Alphas males

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Hellraiser O.o' Alphas males

Postby Zulthar » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:15 am

Moving alphas to first Tier is interesting, and adding three tiers to it, I like it. Cata and hunters does well on 10 only combo i tested so far, But I don't like the 20% proc on fury on the 3rd tier, I feel like it should be at 25%. Whats your opinion on it, come argue with me :D

Another suggestion, Maybe make tribesman a dual axe wielder with the old school attack sound from orcs vs humans. Love the old shcool axe thrower sound from that game, thought it would be more interesting maybe better then giving them mining pickaxes as a weapon?

Another suggestion if everyone leaves on enemy team, you should make the king auto focus on infernos first, because me and another wanted to keep playing to 35, but king got rekt because he wasn't focusing on infernos first.


Actually got another suggestion instead of making the king auto focusing on infernos. How about this? If everyone leaves the game, now you can send against yourself instead of sends going to the other side. Thought it would be a good idea, then people can practice alone if they wanted, or make it challenging for themselves that wanted to keep going when enemy team leaves.

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