New mode: Race Roulette
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:39 pm
So to better explain what i ment with my suggestion:
Like -PR you get a new set of units (or a random prophet roll) each round... My suggestion to a new mode that would still be -RR (Race Roulette) so like PR you would get a new builder each round (not including hybrid or prophet).
And to pretty much remove the whole "bad roll cause me to lose the game" (i have seen things :S) i would suggest all players get the same builder.. So a game might go as follows:
Level 1: Paladin has been randommed for all players - Some people build archers and some people build footmans. - maybe everyone holds..
Level 2: Shadow has been randommed for all - some might sell some units for a LoD and some might build some nightmares... and so on
so even with everyone having the same options you can still have a different game everytime even though there is 14 builders to choose from here..
I hoped that explanis what i ment with my messege
Like -PR you get a new set of units (or a random prophet roll) each round... My suggestion to a new mode that would still be -RR (Race Roulette) so like PR you would get a new builder each round (not including hybrid or prophet).
And to pretty much remove the whole "bad roll cause me to lose the game" (i have seen things :S) i would suggest all players get the same builder.. So a game might go as follows:
Level 1: Paladin has been randommed for all players - Some people build archers and some people build footmans. - maybe everyone holds..
Level 2: Shadow has been randommed for all - some might sell some units for a LoD and some might build some nightmares... and so on
so even with everyone having the same options you can still have a different game everytime even though there is 14 builders to choose from here..
I hoped that explanis what i ment with my messege