Ban request for: HellforgeHammer

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Ban request for: HellforgeHammer

Postby ImSorryISuck » Thu May 31, 2012 12:49 pm

Your username: ImSorryISuck
Player's username: HellforgeHammer
Game name (if known): [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #4862 (not sure if last digit is right mighta been a 4867. But definitely between those)
Bot name (for example, ENT15): Whatever bot hosts APEM games
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): 05/31/2012 game started some time between 5:05-5:20 AM PST (gmt -8)
Upload replay using our own Parser: I can't figure out how to upload the replay. If a mod doesn't mind pming me their email address I will send it to them. Maybe I figured it out.
Rule player violated: Intentionally ruining the game
Any further thoughts:

So this guy picks tiny(PINK) and I randomed bristleback(DARKGREEN).
We both went top. We were on the same team. He tossed me right on top of the opponents and their creeps. They damaged me but I ran away. Then he did it again, and I died, giving fb. I decided to move lanes. Eventually he followed me, and once again threw me to the opponents I was trying to run from. Then he threw an opponent I was running from at me. He also did the same thing to a Mortred on our team. He also was talking trash. Although I was too. I was a lot more than him. :/ It's hard to control your temper when your teammate is trying to kill you.
ban hellforgehammer.w3g
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Re: Ban request for: HellforgeHammer

Postby adventureclub » Thu May 31, 2012 9:53 pm

banned for 7 days.

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