Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

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Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

Postby 4-More-Fears » Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:47 pm

Your username: 4-More-Fears
Violator's username: xincyxtigaxpd
Game name (if known): [ENT] DotA ap AUTOBAL us/ca #65
Bot name (for example, ENT15):
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page):
Rule player violated: Drow player, xincyxtigaxpd, casts a random silence on invisible clinkz hero by own tower at 16 min. Then 22 min possibly fog clicks clinkz.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): 16min and 22min in
Any further thoughts: The mh was pretty obvious i thought.
xincyxtigaxpd mh.w3g
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Re: Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

Postby Nz.Death » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:32 am

Ok i watched it for you aswel.

10:00 Drow pings enchant in the fog at tower ( Might have been meaning to take the tower)

Thats all i saw at 16minutes i never saw a random silence, The only silence i saw was next to their tower and u werent even invis, There were no fogclick's unless my detector wasnt working properly.

Also as for you reporting maphacking , What about you trying to abuse votekick ??
[spoiler=](31:39) shiznyt: A votekick against player [shiznyt] has been started by player [4-More-Fears]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(31:39) shiznyt: Type !yes to vote.
(31:43 / Allied) 4-More-Fears: lets take his gold[/spoiler]

Now at this point you had two other's on your team who were 1-6 and riki was 2-5 i think.
What sense does that make except to take his gold as u stated very clearly to your team.

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Re: Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

Postby 4-More-Fears » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:43 am

Im sorry what i meant was mhing at 14:20 game time and 16:20 elapsed time (theres a difference in that my mistake). Fog click was at 22 min mark in game time as well possibly. As for the votekick, that was against riki who fed and bad mouthed everyone HOWEVER, i think the main concern is that mhing instance at 14:20 game time and 16:20 elapsed time at scourge bot tower. Thank you for your viewing.

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Re: Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

Postby Nz.Death » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:52 am

Ill watch this again , But im sure he is not maphacking. You ran around him so many times during the game invis and he had no idea you were there. Ill watch it again now though with the new times youve given me.

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Re: Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

Postby Nz.Death » Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:02 am

Ok as for the silence at the tower my own opinion is he wasnt lying he thought riki couldve been there. I didnt see any sign of maphack (i might be wrong).

As for the fog click at 22mins, There wasnt one and he wouldve got vision on you invis because Zues used his bolt within range of you and it has true sight aura when he does that.

Upto an admin but i would have to say he wasnt maphacking.

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Re: Please ban xincyxtigaxpd for mh and possible fog click

Postby ForMaDawgS » Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:10 am

so this whats going to happen im gonna deny your ban request and inturn ban you for36 hours for votekick abuse
clearly stated ingame "lets take his gold" because seeing this you have probably done this before and no have been caught we have the !ignore command to ignore flammers and also you showed such horrible sportsmen ship

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