[DotA][Northrend-Europe]All but leaver, myself &metainfernum

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[DotA][Northrend-Europe]All but leaver, myself &metainfernum

Postby DeadILeave » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:23 pm

Your Warcraft III username: DeadIleave

Violator's Warcraft III username: defjam2 europe.battle.net |mad-kalle europe.battle.net | deerwang uswest.battle.net | chlrkdxmfprtm asia.battle.net | thegreyfox europe.battle.net | inorroutz uswest.battle.net | nore]juno useast.battle.net

Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #99

Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=4018080

Rule player violated:
- For the 5 first players named => Ban for not votekicking a game ruiner on purpose.
- For inorrooutz uswest.battle.net => Ban for gameruining, not teamplaying when asking for several times, and hiding in woods, voluntarily avoiding the enemies to let them push, with not a single will to defend or teamplay.
- For nore]juno useast.battle.net => Well i'm not sure if it's necessary for him cause he went afk 10 minutes because the game ending but still, he didn't really contribute to a fair game as he stopped playing, leaving "metainfernum" and myself alone against a team who perfectly knew they were having an advantage not kicking the ruiner.

Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer):
23:43 / Allied) InOrrOutz: afk
(23:44 / Allied) NoRe]juNo: lol
(23:45 / Allied) NoRe]juNo: this panda

From this time on exactly, he respawned and decided to go woods (scourge woods when the sent team was on their side, and sentinel woods when the sent team was pushing towards the scourge base)

Any further thoughts:
Well no, not really. Did you know that octopus had three hearts? That's awesome!

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Re: [DotA][Northrend-Europe]All but leaver, myself &metainfe

Postby I3omb » Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:22 am


inorrooutz banned for 7 days for refusal to play, defend or do anything for the team. I never saw him at a teamfight after his 0-4, he avoid the team and didn't defend but jungled as mid and bot got raxed.

I guess proving his game ruining as not as simple as you think, they may have feared the fact of kicking out of the game to get a ban. I can understand their position when I check chatlog, I will not ban scrouge for this.

nore]juno banned for 7 days as well, going afk with no raxes lost to not defend either mid or bot rax

Any comments pm me

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