[BS] [racon dont want kick afk to ruin game]

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[BS] [racon dont want kick afk to ruin game]

Postby myeloissexy » Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:39 pm

[b]Replay Link:[http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=5698971.w3g]
[b]Game Name:[[ENT] Battleships Pro 5v5 #7]
[b]Your Warcraft III Username:[myeloissexy]
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username:[racon]
[b]Violated Rule(s):[dont kick afk until end]
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay):[all game]
[b]Any further thoughts:[ the other player of his team didnt kick afk as well : westacc, xhonx, lordhams, pumpk1nz / we proposed to draw they didnt want too / our mate the-canabis was afk all game... / westacc killed many time our afk .... ]

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Re: [BS] [racon dont want kick afk to ruin game]

Postby Tedro32 » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:12 am

@myeloissexy please keep format. Read red box at top of this site.

now about your ban request, make a detail ban request instead of saying "all game".
You said violator is racon but he voted with you so according to his actions, i dont ban him. he seems a fair player.

(08:45 / Allied) myeloissexy: !votekick the
(08:48 / All) myeloissexy: afk
(08:49 / Allied) gbit: !yes
(09:44 / All) westacc: A votekick against player [The-Canabis] has expired.

(09:53 / All) gbit: !votekick the
(10:52 / All) westacc: A votekick against player [The-Canabis] has expired.

(14:36 / Allied) myeloissexy: !votekick the
(14:40 / Allied) gbit: !yes
(14:42 / Allied) RaCoN: !yes
(15:33 / All) westacc: A votekick against player [The-Canabis] has expired.

(17:37 / Allied) myeloissexy: !votekick the
(17:40 / Allied) RaCoN: !yes
(17:41 / All) gbit: !yes

the-canabis for being afk 4 days.

Players banned 2 days for not votekicking:

Player westacc is banned 3 more days for feeding from afk.

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