[DOTA] [ComOn and PlisLeave]

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[DOTA] [ComOn and PlisLeave]

Postby davidhasselhoff » Sun May 31, 2015 8:55 pm


[ENT] DotA ap us/ca #70


ComeOn Europem, PlisLeave USEAST

ComeOn Europe - Game ruining, PlisLeave USEAST - refusing to kick game ruiner

Ax and Mort started to argue between 4 and 5 minutes in to the game. By 9 minutes in Axe was only farming. Refusing to help team. He did rejoin the team for a time after that. We tried to work with him, we tried to get him to play with us. But after he died bottom eh declared he would no longer help the team at 17 minutes in to the game. At 24 minutes after farming for 7 or 8 minutes he rejoined the team for one tower defense, called Mort a game ruiner and left the team. He would not help again after that until the Sent had mega creeps 30 minutes later. At 28 minutes he runs to a team fight, but circles it refusing to help. After we win the team fight he runs in to attempt to steal a kill and possibly steal some creep kills. At 30 minutes we have a fairly successful push mid. We might have won game had Ax not refused to come. At 33 minutes they seige and axe again just runs away refusing to help, stating he won't die for this team. Check 37 minute specifically. This is my biggest gripe. I had a guinsoo, and we had Teal dead to rights. He runs right by Ax. Ax just lets him go. That's when I knew we had to kick him and that's where my gripe against Plisleave begins. We repeatedly tried to votekick but none of them would vote. PlisLeave stated we were noob, and that it wouldn't be fair to kick because we'd get his items. Then Sentinel booted their afk omni, taking his gold and items. PlisLeave also suggested we were abusing votekick. He should be banned for enabling greifing. Players like him ruin games as badly as players like Axe. I also ask that you check chat log for further proof Ax was greifing. Another significant time stamp, at 43 minutes we push mid and specifically ask Axe to come. He refuses. I think I have given you enough examples.

This is why removing EM from the bot was a huge mistake. I'm not sure why Axe threw from the very beginning but we had a very new Abba who really didn't know what he was doing so Axe throwing made it a 3v6. Our PA was very farmed and we had much better picks for a non=em game. We would have won easily had the game been somewhat balanced. But instead of winning we had to suffer through a 60 plus minute waste of our time. Not fair to myself, the PA, or the Krob who all played decent games and all were capable of winning.

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Re: [DOTA] [ComOn and PlisLeave]

Postby mystical_ice » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:46 am

Agree this is another case for keeping EM.

Seems as many 'noob' players that hate getting rid of EM, there are just as many higher level players. I've played many games with @davidhaselhoff and he's far from noob. Guess what - seems he doesn't like no EM games either.

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Re: [DOTA] [ComOn and PlisLeave]

Postby AnotherWorld » Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:07 pm


ComeOn did play well whole game.
He been somekind a few laming because Mort & the whole team didn't support him early game.
He asked a lot & none helped. None of you asked mort to move & play the right way.
He not been afk nor sold any items but kept defend & get kills.

Furthermore, your VK was an ABUSE.

+PlisLeave been right.
At this stage, kicking him would give you an advantage.

I don't ban you this time for your VK.
Next time, motivate mort to act all as a team & not leave axe getting gang, that will make him continue grouping also.

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