[BS]7horol, atfmfs, machachi, Punkbuster, T.R.A.P, kwaakgegay, nonojohn

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[BS]7horol, atfmfs, machachi, Punkbuster, T.R.A.P, kwaakgegay, nonojohn

Postby xblade » Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:33 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 045335.w3g
Game Name: Battleships Pro
Your Warcraft III Username: akbfea
Violator's Warcraft III Username: 7horol, atfmfs, machachi, Punkbuster, T.R.A.P, kwaakgegay, nonojohn
Violated Rule(s): 7horol, atfmfs afk, rest refused to votekick.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 7horol afk from start to 13:40, atfmfs afk from 20:00 to the end. rest didn't votekick afkers all game
Any further thoughts:
So we actually were playing handicap match all game with a guy being afk from beginning and after he left, another guy started to being afk untill game over. and note that they know how to votekick someone obviously, according to their behavior that they were trying to abuse votekick against player machachi in the end of the game, they all voted.

It happens over and over again and totally unfair for ppl who fallowing rules, we have to votekick afkers for them and take the loss, and violators can just do it over and over again since the ban for refusing votekick only last 24 hours. truth is people play this like once in half a day or even few days, so the ban doesnt really matter to people, some of them did't even notice they got banned because they simply didn't try to log on. hence they will never learn to fallow the rules. i have some suggestion about it:

1st option we can remove the rule that forcing people to kick afkers since it is so called a vote, its fair to everyone then.
2nd option we can add in a afker autokicking system maybe?
3rd option we can make the ban last long enough for people actually to learn to fallow it.

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Re: [BS]7horol, atfmfs, machachi, Punkbuster, T.R.A.P, kwaakgegay, nonojohn

Postby ShadowZz » Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:33 pm


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Re: [BS]7horol, atfmfs, machachi, Punkbuster, T.R.A.P, kwaakgegay, nonojohn

Postby ShadowZz » Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:46 pm

Banned 7horol and ATFMFS for 3 days for AFK.
Banned machachi and punkbuster and nonojohn and t.r.a.p and kwaakgegay for 2 days for refusal to vote kick.

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