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Postby Homicide » Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:02 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 222450.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] NWU -sdsm #72
Your Warcraft III Username: GhostRidder
Violator's Warcraft III Username: MMMMMMMMMMNMMMM (better known as Rocky)
Violated Rule(s): mh-ing
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 11:50, 21:20, 25:20, 31:20, 36:10, 46:15, 54:10.
Any further thoughts:
min 11:50 folows sasuke and kills him;
min 21:20 blinks near lee and kills him without a true sight;
min 25:20 pinging where enemy is. This I think is most obvious part that he's mh-ing;
min 31:20 folowing lee and kills;
min 36:10 again pinging where enemy is and atacks it;
min 46:15 kills pain (folows him without vision);
min 54:10 dodge sasuke ulti.

If u're questioning how do I know he's Rocky, well he admited it later that day and I know Rocky is using more alts also I know he's mh-ing and now I managed to find time to post a replay of his alt that has some obvious moves of mh-er.

rocky(aka mm) mher.w3g
(801.58 KiB) Downloaded 43 times

@matdas @Gaara
Last edited by Homicide on Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby ROCKY » Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:43 pm

Well if you wanted to take your anger out on me idk if trying to ban me for map hack is the best route man but GL

I also find it funny how no one team 2 says anything about mh and neither do you until i tell that's my alt sooo clearly you have a personal problem with me I even told u that i was willing to live stream while i raped you ^^ then you said i only mh on alts which makes perfect sense right? since my alts elo is so important all the people i play know i don't mh and i already know i don't mh. and btw ill give some tips on chasing players

1= they might go run towards enemy base to juke sometimes but there main objective is too always go back torward their base
2= process of elimination there is only so many routes you can take back to their base.... ( if only you had the brain power to understand that)
3=u need luck son if u watch me play most of times i gamble and it doesnt go through

http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?title=EntG ... ectMaphack --{use that please ghost since you accuse every player for mh}--

ill give u a hint skip to step 3 since i there are no fog clicks from me for the reason i dont mh you can check all my replays for fog clicks but there are none and if ive been mhing for this whole time you wuld think i would have screwed up and fog clicked once right? only logically
now if you still believe i do please press on

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Postby HazarDous » Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:30 am

After reviewing,

11:50: He doesn't really follow sasuke; rather goes for a gank and see sasuke and kills him. Maybe slightly suspicious because he didn't rly know sasuke would be there.

21:20: Thats extremely suspicious, he blinks over a hill with no sight of lee. Unless he wanted to go farm top, this blink makes no sense.

25:25: He had no vision of where he pinged, but he was absolutely right, enemies were coming from there. However, if you look on mini-map, you see no one is mid/bot. So predicting enemies are coming from there is something I would do myself. Slightly suspicious.

31:20: That's extremely bizarre. Lee has a good 7-8 second of advance on Rocky. However lee seems to take his time to go back to base, and take longer paths. Having no sight of lee during that whole time, Rocky goes exactly where lee is going and kills him. Lee being faster than jiro, and because he had 7-8 seconds late, I would never have chased him. Again, that's extremely suspicious. Lee could have been safe much earlier, could have gone bottom door or middle door. However, Rocky went middle door as if he knew lee was still going there... Very suspicious again.

36:10: Nothing suspicious there; I would've done the same. It was obvious enemy team was going that way.

Minute 46: Look at exactly 46:24. Rocky chases pain with no sight of him. However, when pain changes path, Rocky changes path aswell (still no sight). Pain could have simply gone directly back to his base, however, Rocky blinks exactly at him. During all that time, he had no sight of pain. Once again, extremely suspicious.

54:10: Nothing suspicious there, he saw lee and backed as sasuke ultied. He didn't dodge sasuke's ulti, he rather ran away from lee.

I detected a fog click from Rocky at 14:28, but he had vision of the unit within the past 5 seconds so I guess it's a delayed fogclick.

14:28 |cFF00FFFFMMMMMMMMMMNMMMM (Jirobou) |r clicked Ice Prodigy
14:30 <MMMMMMMMMMNMMMM> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Ice Prodigy], 0x00008E2900006CD6

I don't really like Rocky so I won't make a call on that because I fear it might be biased.

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Postby ROCKY » Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:26 am

Seriously believe that you only posted a mh request after I told you this was me... As it is the only time I really make suspicus plays which was like what 3? You know you couldn't find any other suspicus plays from any other of my games so this is your best chance you had well I have players I've shared screens with which all know I don't mh I promise you next time I vs you I will stream so if you cry my ill just rub it in your face

I seriously doubt I fog clicked hazard I wouldn't see how it would be possible

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Postby HazarDous » Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:35 am


I'm still quite new to fog click detector. It appears a fog click is called ''Delayed'' when you had vision of a unit, clicked on it, and instantly lost the said vision. Since it is a delayed fog click, there's nothing wrong with it and happens to everyone.

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Postby Nuts) » Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:55 pm

https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.p ... 54#p253354
I made ban request, but there was only one evidence, so they close request. I add it here, mb helps. strange ping on kyu, without any vision, at time when we trying killl him 51 min.

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Postby ArOuNDThaWOrLD » Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:57 am

I'm pretty sure Ichigo is Kirito, so you should post this here --> https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64095 instead.

As for Rocky 90% of his actions were justified...10% is luck I guess. I've had times myself where I did sketchy plays but it was actually just lucky guesses.

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Postby ROCKY » Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:47 pm

1) they ganked me top with juugo and i was not able to evade it since no one called ss at 7 minutes ( I'm guessing a mher would have seen that coming right?)

2) My kill on sasuke was mainly just for ganging mid since my team told me to start ganging and i usually gang with jiro after i get my mana boots

3) as for my kill on lee it wasn't expected as i thought it was a illusion but he used e so i killed him right there i went top to try to farm my hw but backed after i killed lee cus he gave me enough for kage relic but then 30 seconds later went back top to finish my ca and if u watch me play anygame my play style is 80% creep farm 20% hero farm anyone can clarify that.

4) as for that ping I didn't ping 4 times to represent the heroes i pinged 4 times to tell my team they were in that general area since they were all ss and last time i saw haku was mid so i doubt she went through bot portal to get us and btw we were pushing moron while they were all ss/alive... could you be anymore mentally slow ghost?

5) They killed my bird so im pretty sure a mher would have seen that coming also...

6) expecting to catch haku instead of that lee kill btw i missed stun thought lee gone by that time

7) now why would a mher go for a rune check and pass by a ward ...?

8) not sure about you guys but i was following ghostridders and meico777 pings i only pinged about 3-4 times that game (ghost says - again they top- so i follow my team and go top at 35 mins)

9) I am honestly questioning my self if you have downs ghost there team was going to push bot 3 of them were already bot...

10) while i was trying to give the new player neji advice ghost constantly flames him

11) i blink into lee thinking he is alone but then i when i blink haku is there also and i end up dying to them so please why would a mher do that..?

12) i ran stright into pain after i was trying to get away with low hp once again why would a mher do that..?

13 ) haku led me to pain

14) I was getting away from lee not dodging no damn krillen ...

15) i shared screens with ghost a game and played the exact same why i do every other game 20+ kills and then a couple days latter he acuse me of mh again telling me that mh could be shut off and turned back on ... what a stubborn hard head

16)idk about you guys but ghost cries about mh to everyone i honestly dont know a good player he hasnt accused for mh which is sad ( ask any good player)

17) ghostridder constanly flames me everygame even when i dont saw anything first = bad blood

sorry i was so late with a real reply but this was the least of my worries atm

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Postby Homicide » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:16 pm

So let's clarify some things straight up, as we all know there are usually 2 types of mh-ers: the ones who make it too obviously, like fogclicking and following/running from people that are invisible or in fog (probably cause they don't care or they are just newbs) and the ones which try to hide it and let their self die sometimes when it's too suspicious or acting like a normal player in some cases. I think you're somewhere between, mostly you're trying to hide the fact that you use it but sometimes you just take advantage of it. This is for answering to all your question about "why would a mher do that?".

Sometimes people pay too much attention on their opponent or creeps from top lane (1v1) so even with mh u could be caught up in a moment when u don't look at the minimap (1).
They were going back already (min 11:36) and u were still near top and on min 11:39 the vision of them already disappeared so u had no reason to go after them anymore,(min 11:44) u got rune and u're heading to mid meanwhile they were all backing on fog,(min 11:46) you stop a 1 sec and then you're changing your move on that part where sasuke comes, cause he chose a stupid move by going with that hp looking for rune (remeber that all those things happened on fog and you couldn't guess this). What gang do you talk about since we all were dead, they were back already and only sasuke was low (2).
How come u waited the exact amount of time on going to farm top as lee got closer to that zone, you didn't rushed top you just waited the perfect ocassion to get him ,(min 21:23) u stop for 1 sec and after u blinked right on lee. And you are saying that you backed after killing lee cause he gave you enogh gold for kage relic but u already got enough money for that before killing him (min 21:26 you got 2100 gold the amount needed for that item) and why would you go back after killing him when you could of just pushed top right on that moment, not 30 seconds later. So yea you're just heading top to kill lee(3).
How could you say you didn't ping for heroes, u did exaclty 4 pings (as many as heroes were near) and you did it right where they were (1 by 1) looking like you used bingo book (but u hadn't that item unfortunately). You could of just made more or less pings in just one area to notify us that they are coming from somwhere near, I don't say that it isn't obviously that they would come to us eventually while we pushed and they were missing but your pings were too exactly where they were and they could have been splitted (2 coming from mid and 2 from bot), but no u "guessed" the exact of amount of players and where they are (4).
If you guys could look in min 26:16, through the bird it was visible that haku were near so he could make the bird visible (if there weren't any sandeyes planted that a "normal" player wouldn't see it). So if Rocky was paying attention even with or without mh he could of avoided the death of his bird(by moving it away or using bird's sheild), I just think he wasn't paying to much attention. So this excuse doesn't prove anything regarding his mh, from my point of view (5).
Min 31:16 neji has vision on haku but jiro is heading to lee place and I ping twice that haku is still in that zone, still jiro is going for lee,min 31:32 haku appears on top, still jiro is heading for lee, and the fact that he missed his stun at min 31:35 just shows the lack of his skills cause he already got vision of lee (helped by mh)(6).
Not sure what u're talking about give timestamps on(7).
In min 46:18 he only got vision of haku, meanwhile pain could have backed in any direction, min 46:23 haku still running straight to mid and uses ac so the vision even on him dissapeared but jiro changes he's direction wierdly (min 46:24) to something that he "smelt" and after he blinked near pain (min 46:26) (13).

I've put here all timestamps that I've found suspiciously so there might be some of them that doesn't prove much as (8),(14) but I thought to put all cause I don't want to miss anything.

About the accusing part, that I acuse every "good player", this has no relevance with this post, in game everyone can accuse someone of mh-ing, and after watching replay he could say he was wrong (by doing nothing) or right (by posting a ban request). I've acused some players (not "all good players" that he's referring of) and I've been acused of mh-ing so that's just part of the game.

And if these aren't enough evidences that he mh (which I doubt it), I'll bring back an older ban request where I didn't gave timpestamps and explications at that moment and it was denied for that reason:
https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.p ... 96#p213296
Since this game it's from several months in the past and there's no saved replay in the storage, I've managed to find some replay on my own computer:
anko mh min 11, 13, 25;40, 26.w3g
(1.34 MiB) Downloaded 33 times

In min 12:46 he folows me as I ran off him, I got in fog(min 12:55) so his vision is kinda lost but in the end he still manage to perfectly pull me (min 13:00) without no vision or knowing that I went in that side.

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Postby getstomped » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:39 pm

thank you all for your input, locked until reviewed.
Your = Belonging (ex. Your hat, your hero)
You're = You are (ex. You're banned)

There = Location (ex. Get there fast)
Their = Belonging (ex. Their hero, their item)
They're = They are (ex. They're not helping, They're banned)

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Postby HazarDous » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:46 pm

Not enough evidence of maphack, thanks for reporting.


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