[DOTA]m.tl.v@uswest; Game Ruin

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[DOTA]m.tl.v@uswest; Game Ruin

Postby Trustmebro » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:32 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 521171.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #38
Your Warcraft III Username: wub
Violator's Warcraft III Username: m.tl.v@uswest
Violated Rule(s): Game ruin: refusal to play with team, intentional feed ; Non-voting Scourge players
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 18:35, 24-27:00, 32:00, etc. all dota parser time
Any further thoughts:

Hes clearly not a good player in the beginning but he at least looked like he was trying to work with us (though he did die twice in the first 4 mins of game).
As the game went on though he starts going solo frequently and a couple times he gets ganked but it still isn't clear hes throwing yet.
At around 18 mins some fighting went down that i wasnt watching to closely but all of the sudden we notice oj is chasing nothing... chasing all the way past their t2 mid tower when rest of sent is basically on our side of river, so hes completely alone seemingly chasing nothing, with enemies approaching on the minimap and we tell him to get back.
(18:35 / Allied) pshhh: b
(18:45 / Allied) ruthless: ??
(18:50 / Allied) ruthless: why you all the way there
(18:56 / Allied) pshhh: wtf oj
He dies after not listening
(18:59 / Allied) pshhh: dumb noob
this is when it begins to look as if hes intentional disregarding the team and doesn't care if it gets him killed

fast forward about 5 mins, scourge has us pretty much turtled in our base and we just saw 4 or more of scourge (blink axe in particular) to the right of our t2 mid tower in forest
He has died twice in the past 2 mins to Lina's combos but hes completely unfazed and doesn't care so he starts to leave base alone
(27:12 / Allied) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: oj stay back
hes doesn't listen and dies again to Lina... that's 3 deaths in barely 2.5 mins all to the same hero and after being asked to stay back
upon closer inspection, the 2nd of 3 deaths he was alive for less than 45 seconds, the 3rd of 3 he was alive less than 30 seconds.

So I start a vk and clearly explain why
(27:33 / Allied) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: !votekick m.tl
(27:33 / All) Vintage89: A votekick against player [m.tl.v] has been started by player [WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(27:33 / All) Vintage89: Type !yes to vote.
(27:33 / All) Vintage89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(27:37 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: intentional feed
(27:41 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: we told him to stay back
(27:46 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: and stay with team

(27:52 / Allied) jaguar: lol
(27:52 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: he keeps pushing out
(28:08 / Allied) pshhh: !yes
(28:08 / All) Vintage89: Player [pshhh] voted to kick player [m.tl.v]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(28:10 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: he ignores us with the intent to die alot
(28:12 / Allied) Cheeseburger1: !yes
(28:12 / All) Vintage89: Player [Cheeseburger1] voted to kick player [m.tl.v]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(28:19 / Allied) ruthless: !yes
(28:19 / All) Vintage89: Player [ruthless] voted to kick player [m.tl.v]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(28:24 / Allied) Cheeseburger1: lol
(28:25 / Allied) Cheeseburger1: 0-10
(28:32 / All) pshhh: 11
(28:33 / All) Vintage89: A votekick against player [m.tl.v] has expired.

He even dies another time during vk because he refuses to play safe.
All of sent votes, the team is unanimously stating hes ruining the game and all of scourge refuses to kick

@ around 29 mins they are pushing top and mid, I go clear out top as axe runs mid and oj comes top and goes further out alone again as I run back because they are pushing mid. Theres a quick 3v3 teamfight mid and oj sees a chance to feed again so he heads mid after we kill axe and are running back into base. He proceeds to die alone 1v3 to lina again. So again we vk.

(32:51 / Allied) Cheeseburger1: now thats' bull
(32:55 / All) pshhh: !votekick m.t
(32:55 / All) Vintage89: A votekick against player [m.tl.v] has been started by player [pshhh]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(32:55 / All) Vintage89: Type !yes to vote.
(32:55 / All) Vintage89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(32:56 / Allied) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: !votekick m.tl
(32:57 / Allied) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: !yes
(32:57 / All) Vintage89: Player [WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ] voted to kick player [m.tl.v]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(32:58 / Allied) Cheeseburger1: !yes
(32:58 / All) Vintage89: Player [Cheeseburger1] voted to kick player [m.tl.v]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(33:00 / Allied) ruthless: !yes
(33:00 / All) Vintage89: Player [ruthless] voted to kick player [m.tl.v]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(33:03 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: intentional feed
(33:10 / All) Cheeseburger1: that was way too obvious

(33:11 / All) pshhh: vote faggots
(33:21 / All) Vintage89: stfu faggots
(33:30 / Allied) pshhh: fucking pathetic
(33:32 / All) Furmy: yea teal that will make us want to votw LOL
(33:47 / All) pshhh: pussies
(33:51 / All) pshhh: need him to win
(33:51 / All) Vintage89: yea
(33:55 / All) Vintage89: A votekick against player [m.tl.v] has expired.

and once again all of sent and none of scourge vote.

Third vk
(39:36 / Allied) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: !votekick m.tl
(39:36 / All) Vintage89: A votekick against player [m.tl.v] has been started by player [WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(39:36 / All) Vintage89: Type !yes to vote.
(39:36 / All) Vintage89: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(39:51 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: intentional feed
(39:57 / All) WUBLUBBADUBDUBZ: refusal to listen to team
(39:59 / All) Vintage89: we got it dude
(40:09 / All) Vintage89: we just dont give a shit about it
(40:10 / All) Vintage89: period
(40:10 / Allied) jaguar: LOL
(40:13 / All) Furmy: for real kid why do u think we care?

(40:36 / All) Vintage89: A votekick against player [m.tl.v] has expired.

Sent has kinda given up trying to kick him at this point and we all assume its guna b a lose but I try a third vk anyway and that is how scourge responds. They are not disputing any of the reasons for the vk, they "just dont give a shit about it"

I hope that is enough to prove my points, OJ ended 2-20-19 k/d/a and did not die quite as frequently for the last ~15 mins of the game but I personally did not see much effort to correct the behavior of the first ~40 mins of the game. Please keep in mind the attitude of the non-voters when considering their ban length because this nonvoting game ruiner behavior ruined the enjoyment of the game just as much as the game ruiner. If I had to put a number on it I'd say OJ was explicitly throwing for roughly 30 mins from ~18-48 mins in a 55 minute game.


Re: [DOTA]m.tl.v@uswest; Game Ruin

Postby Larz » Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:27 am

m.tl.v died 20 times during game and refused to listen to the team
Banning m.tl.v for 5 days for feeding
3 days for refusing to kick

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