danielstand@entconnect [maphack]

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danielstand@entconnect [maphack]

Postby mich_vee » Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:37 am

Replay Link: click here
Game Name: Werewolf - Transylvania! +1
Your Warcraft III Username: Hooded_Beauty
Violator's Warcraft III Username: danielstand
Violated Rule(s): Maphack
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 02:00 | 03:12 | 03:49
Any further thoughts:
Violator uses the public hosting bot regularly so he always violates the rule. The owl items he retrieved are invisible, randomly located in three out of ten locations. He found them in less amount of time without using item that reveal invisible unit or item.

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Re: danielstand@entconnect [maphack]

Postby mich_vee » Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:31 am

Here's another latest replay link: click here
In this game, he buys item that reveals invisible units but he never misses where to find the owl items.
Around 20 mins, he drops his haunting unit in the cave assuming my villager will go there since it was near the entrance. I was the ww btw.

And another..... replay link

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Re: danielstand@entconnect [maphack]

Postby Burn » Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:18 pm

Name@Realm: danielstand@entconnect
Duration: 1 yr
Reason field (Reason, tid, offense times): mh tid:70913 Basically first ban, has one autoban after over 1 thousand games
Maphack confirmed, clicking invisible units:
1:51 <danielstand> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Sister Spiri], 0x0000AD450000AD45
3:09 <danielstand> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Sister Spiri], 0x0000AD9F0000AD9F
4:15 <danielstand> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Sister Spiri], 0x0000AD5E0000AD5E

1:50 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked Sister Spirit (fogclick confirmed)
3:8 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked Sister Spirit (fogclick confirmed)
3:20 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked The Werewolf (host spawn glitch, ignore)
4:14 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked Sister Spirit (fogclick confirmed)
6:26 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked |cff99b4d1Villager|r (skipped)
9:12 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked Raccoon (skipped)
10:24 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked The Werewolf (skipped)
10:44 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked The Sutler (skipped)
11:11 |cFFA020F0danielstand|r clicked Wandering Hunter (skipped)

Replay attachment:
(495.47 KiB) Downloaded 22 times


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Re: danielstand@entconnect [maphack]

Postby HazarDous » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:57 am

No dodge, processing.

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