Game Name: [ENT] Risk Devolution #18
Your Warcraft III Username: Setharias
Violator's Warcraft III Username: thunder(x)prime and i.own.noobs
Violated Rule(s): Preteaming (2nd or 3rd offence)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
I.own.noobs (Dark Green)
thunder(x)prime(Yellow )
In the violations i will also post related chat log please not DG and YELLOW never use in game chat to communicate with each other, preteamers are always chat quiet able to communicate using third party voice software.
3:00 LB hits DG Spain and kills him
6:00 Yellow does not mind sharing borders and giving dark green Finland notice how Yellow expands to the left as dark green expands to the right, they do not once communicate peace in chat, or guard their borders with eachother. No player has a peace that close and expand opposite of eachother without having any defense against eachother without any chat communication between the two. That is HIGH flag of preteam behavior.
12:00 Yellow and DG still share borders with yellow leaving all bases against him unguarded without still any chat between them in game, how strange?
18:00 Orange asks yellow for peace, yellow ignores and hits him, still to this point why is yellow going out of his way to expand outward and war everyone else while he let DG take and still keep finland and border him and still has not put any defense on their bordered bases and still have not used in game chat to communicate together? WTF?
21:45 dg runs a knight through Sweden and Norway takes yellows port then fills up a transport all without communicating between them two or without yellow questioning why DG took one of his bases and he just casually without chatting takes it back without any issue?
22:15 Now DG sails that same transport and without any chat between them or any confrontation just casually takes yellow's svalbard yet again yellow says and does nothing about it.
22:30 Purple asks DG for peace and DG accepts after that Purple attacks Yellow in Sweden chat proof of this peace between purple and dg.
(21:52 / All) TheDefender16: nice
(22:14 / All) TheDefender16: dg
(22:19 / All) i.OwN.nOoBs.: ?<
(22:25 / All) TheDefender16: you're cool with me man
(22:29 / All) i.OwN.nOoBs.: yes
(22:47 / All) TheDefender16: oh, i meant that as in I'm telling you dont worry about me
25:49 Purple builds knights and attacks purple without any communication from DG or Yellow. Note Purple and Dg had a confirmed peace, but then after Purple Fights yellow, then DG breaks the peace and attacks purple? Cmon now that is just ridiculous still notice Yellows border bases with DG in norway and sweden are still undefended not even 1 extra rifleman on the bases?? At this point people start to comment on their behavior.
(25:52 / All) TheDefender16: okay dg
(25:58 / All) TheDefender16: so you hit me after i said im good with you
(25:59 / All) TheDefender16: bad idea
Now purple calls for a truce on yellow so he can fight DG lets see what happens ehh?
(26:09 / All) TheDefender16: lol
(26:28 / All) TheDefender16: truce yellow
26:52 Purple retreats his attack on yellow to hit back DG lets see if yellow respects the truce or keeps teaming purple to defend his buddy DG.
(27:24 / All) TheDefender16: take sweden yellow
(28:00 / All) TheDefender16: yellow teally now
(28:01 / All) TheDefender16: wow
(28:07 / All) TheDefender16: holding a grudge huh
(28:09 / All) TheDefender16: after i was friendly and truced you
(28:24 / All) TheDefender16: and dg is on me for no reason
(28:26 / All) TheDefender16: preteam much?
28:00 Yellow hits purple as expected in the baltics to defend his ally DG.
Dark Green finally speaks for the 2nd time and asks purple for peace after his friend yellow hits purple hard. Weird?
(28:37 / All) i.OwN.nOoBs.: peace purpo ?
(28:50 / All) i.OwN.nOoBs.:

30:00 Purple agrees to DG's peace and starts hitting yellow instead again, lets see if Darkgreen breaks the truce and teams purple to help yellow again.
33:45 Without communicating DG breaks the peace with Purple for the 2nd time and attacks him once again in russia once yellow starts to lose the war, i mean these guys dont even try to hide it, still note yellow has not once ever communicated in game, or made defense against his borders with DG, instead he fights everyone else except for DG.
36:00 DG begins his full out attack war with purple while yellow fights blue.
Now At the point that thunder/Yellow quits they still have income and troops to play out the game but he just quits. His buddy leaves a minute after even with alot of troops still live.
Finally again leaving same time frame as 100% always
thunder(x)prime 45.42 has left the game voluntarily
i.own.noobs. 46.85 has left the game voluntarily
Any further thoughts:
Every game they are together they quit at the same time frame win or lose and every game they play multiple players refer to them as preteaming in the chat log, 100% of my ban requests for preteaming have gotten approved by the ENT admin staff, that shows how carefully i select and the effort I make into each ban request. I know they are long but that is because I want to remove any unsure thoughts from the admins responsible for the ban to assure the most accuracy.
These guys along with their other alt or friends names fire(x)prime / frozen(x)prime / kikou / zizidure and others have been ban request by me and banned by hazardous / hyo / king23 multiple times for the same offences playing together this group of 2-4 has repeatedly pre-team even being banned multiple times for it. Either due to they are ban dodging (possible) or just don't care because the 5-7 day ban does not influence them enough to correct their behavior. Therefore I politely request that this ban be extended to 2 weeks with IP ban to prevent ban dodging if it has occurred which is highly possible.