[DOTA] ethereal.mind and solidgold both USeast.battle.net

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[DOTA] ethereal.mind and solidgold both USeast.battle.net

Postby CheesePizza » Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:10 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 942588.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #30
Your Warcraft III Username: kingbowser
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ethereal.mind, solidgold
Violated Rule(s): refusing to kick feeder
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 15.50 is just once instance
Any further thoughts: zues feeding it up and they refuse to kick MULTIPLE times but ill just post the votekick i started.

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Re: [DOTA] ethereal.mind and solidgold both USeast.battle.net

Postby BeerLord » Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:27 pm

Well, I think some context applies here.
Slark calls mid at start, but zeus goes mid anyway. Team asks zeus to let slark have mid. Slark leaves mid at 03:51. It quickly becomes a one sided game. The first votekick for zeus is initiated at 09:40 after zeus dies a third time.
Here is some more context:

at 13:00 zues is 0-4, crystal maiden 0-3, and slark is 0-2.
at 14:16 zues is 0-5, crystal maiden 0-4, and slark is 0-3.
at 1756 zues is 0-5, crystal maiden 0-4, and slark is 0-5.

Pertinent chat:
(10:06 / All) NostringSonmE: he afk (slark explaining need for votekick. zeus was never afk.)
(11:36 / Allied) KingBowser: euros need to be banned from us servers
(11:38 / Allied) KingBowser: dunno y they come here
(20:19 / Allied) KingBowser: !sd hongkong
(20:21 / Allied) KingBowser: oh ur euro
(20:22 / Allied) KingBowser: omg
(20:29 / Allied) KingBowser: fuken hate u fags
(23:45 / Allied) KingBowser: im not starting the kick again cuz i want 2 of them gone
(23:49 / Allied) KingBowser: 24hours

The last comment by Kingbowser relates to the fact that on the final votekick only ethereal.mind and solidgold did not vote, and he is planning to ban.

This in my opinion was an inappropriate votekick. Zeus certainly didnt play well, but as cm finished the game 0-10, singling him out was wrong. I do not think ethereal.mind or solidgold should be banned for failing to vote. KingBowser should be warned about votekick abuse, and nostringsonme should likewise be warned about lying about the reason for the votekick.

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Re: [DOTA] ethereal.mind and solidgold both USeast.battle.net

Postby child » Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:47 pm

Yeah. Zeus may have been rude to come mid and force slark to leave, but @cheesepizza feeding is ONLY bannable if: A. It is intentional, B. if player refuses to team play/follow teams helpful advice and continues pattern of feeding, or C. If is excessive to the point of single handed game ruining. Zeus did not even have the worst score in the game. I only saw rage here, no constructive criticism, and a vote kick started mostly out of blame or a grudge.

If a player, even a jerk like this zeus, were kicked in this situation and he came and reported it it is possible that you would receive a ban. Consider this a warning.

Look to the wiki for rules and if you have specific questions pm a mod.

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