[ID] unholylegion@useast

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[ID] unholylegion@useast

Postby Hash » Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:10 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7435585
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #52
Your Warcraft III Username: FullMeltHash
Violator's Warcraft III Username: unholylegion
Violated Rule(s): If a player pings a seed and/or a base it does not mean they have the right to have the seed and/or base.
The first unit that has the ability to build (includes any builder/summoner, excludes nature's workers) to the seed and/or base has the rights to it. Team- Kill
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 2 minutes into the game
(02:04 / Allied) FullMeltHash: ogre
(02:06 / Allied) FullMeltHash: leave
(02:10 / Allied) FullMeltHash: i waas here
(02:11 / Allied) FullMeltHash: firstr

(02:33 / Allied) Fortlock: shiiet ty anyways :P
(02:36 / Allied) Hddie: np
(02:39 / Allied) FullMeltHash: ogre
(02:40 / Allied) FullMeltHash: leavew

(02:41 / Allied) Hddie: short cd
(02:50 / Allied) Fortlock: lol
(02:53 / All) grondo-lamer: why game lag
(02:54 / Allied) FullMeltHash: this ogrew
(02:55 / Allied) FullMeltHash: tking me

(03:03 / Allied) day: rip
(03:04 / Allied) duck.: !boot pink
(03:04 / Allied) UnholyLegion: You killed my stuff
(03:04 / Allied) Fortlock: put in ban request
(03:05 / Allied) Fortlock: gg
(03:07 / Allied) FullMeltHash: dude
(03:07 / All) grondo-lamer: !checkme
(03:09 / Allied) Fortlock: doesnt matter
(03:09 / Allied) FullMeltHash: i was here first
(03:09 / All) grondo-lamer: Wtf
(03:10 / Allied) FullMeltHash: and u
(03:10 / Allied) Fortlock: hye was
(03:10 / Allied) duck.: -boot pink
(03:11 / Allied) FullMeltHash: built
(03:12 / Allied) FullMeltHash: in myl

(03:12 / All) grondo-lamer: help
(03:13 / Allied) day: like fucking day2.0 did to me
(03:13 / Allied) Fortlock: there first
(03:14 / Allied) FullMeltHash: lumber base
(03:16 / Allied) UnholyLegion: He could
(03:18 / Allied) UnholyLegion: have asked

(03:19 / Allied) Fortlock: youre going to get banned oh
(03:20 / Allied) Fortlock: i did
(03:21 / Allied) FullMeltHash: I ASKED
(03:23 / Allied) Fortlock: multiple times
(03:23 / All) FullMeltHash: YOU
(03:24 / All) FullMeltHash: TWICE
(03:24 / Allied) day2.0: IT WASNT ME
(03:25 / Allied) UnholyLegion: no he didn'ted

Any further thoughts: I arrive at my lumber base around 1:30 into the game and start building my shelters and fruits, the ogre (unholylegion) shows up to my lumber at 2:00 and starts to build his shelter and fruits. I asked him politely to leave because I clearly got there first and there is not enough space in that lumber base for two people. I even asked him to leave for the second time around 2:40, yet he refused to so I killed his buildings because they are in the way of my lumber. So then he starts team killing all my lumberers and buildings.

He claims at 3:18 that I did not ask him to leave, but I in fact did ask him TWICE both at 2:06, and again at 2:40, yet he refused, so I removed his buildings from my lumber base. After doing so, he proceeded to team-kill my lumber base.

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Re: [LTD] [ID] unholylegion@useast

Postby linker1 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:47 pm

I watched replay so i will try to comment:

1:50 Orange puts first building
1:59 Pink puts first building
2:05 Orange tells ogre to go other spot
2:14 Pink ignores Orange and builds food-providing-building and starts spawning workers
2:16 Orange destroys all Pink buildings
2:31 Pink again place his buildings
2:40 Orange destroys all Pink buildings
2:47 Pink starts killing Orange's workers and buildings
3:26 Purple voted to kick Orange (reason was stated by Pink, valid votekick)

To author:
I agree for both rule violations u stated, with one except for your acts here, instead of teamkill, you should votekick him from the spot when he ignored your call and built his next building. (on replay - Pink's second building (first after you called out to him) was fruit tree, you had your reasoning right to votekick already at this moment and solve all the problems since
Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruinners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game.
You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules. If someone or several indicate that a particular player is game ruining, you, as a player in the game, are obligated to question/check about the situation/claim.
If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes.
It is possible to game ruin by being new. In this case, votekick will only be valid if the new player refuses to learn and cooperate. Just because someone is a newbie or bad does not mean he is intentionally game ruinning.

Pink actually had negative impact on game, and you were obligated to !votekick bcuz he broke ENT's rules by ignoring
your call (request) to leave his base.
Just before votekick/after votekick cast you stated why you want to kick him so its valid votekick.

@FullMeltHash should remember to votekick after he/she sees game-ruining act instead of prolonging it regardless of rule violations and its victim/s or culprit/s (by teamkill in this case):
Do not ruin the game on purpose:
Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).

@unholylegion should remember to votekick after he/she sees game-ruining act instead of prolonging it regardless of rule violations and its victim/s or culprit/s (by teamkill in this case):
Do not ruin the game on purpose:
Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).

@unholylegion should be banned for Ignoring request to leave from base owner @FullmeItHash :
Refusing to leave base after being asked by owner. However, you may stay in the base if
the titan is near and escaping would lead to death
your escape skills are on cooldown.
Meanwhile, you must share your control with the base owner, so he can move your builder inside the base.

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Re: [LTD] [ID] unholylegion@useast

Postby Hash » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:11 pm

@linker1 I agree probably should have tried to vk him before removing his buildings from my lumber base, but my thought at the time was that it would not pass quick enough, and would stall me from finishing my lumber base. As always, your input is much appreciated.

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Re: [ID] unholylegion@useast

Postby Merex » Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:36 pm

@fullmelthash Honestly hash, you provoked this a lot more than it was needed. It was clear he was ''new'' or inexperienced to understand the ''base claim'' system in ID. You immediately TK'd him and told him to leave. That's not necessary, verbal communication should be established first.

Seeing as he was kicked and it's his first offense let alone in a game he doesn't play regularly, I'm only issuing a warning.
UnholyLegion@useast.battle.net warned for Teamkill.
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