[LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

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[LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Melphis20 » Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:37 pm

Replay Link:
Bender, Varg, Glory. , crey-best.w3g
(2.35 MiB) Downloaded 66 times

Game Name: Legion td mega 1200+
Your Warcraft III Username: Melphis20
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Vargy, Glory. , Bender, crey-best
Violated Rule(s): They would not draw the game, after telling us to kick our afk player. They asked us to kick our afk player who had to leave which one from their team also said he had. We then kick after their advise, and then they refused to draw the game.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Round 20 and forwards
Any further thoughts: Think its a shambolic behavior and sportsmanship. I asked them multiple times to lets just draw and end game, but they wanted to cheat to win.

Thanks Melphis20

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Re: [LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Kreutertee » Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:46 pm

^ Bender

1. We never promised draw, I suggest both kick 3v3 game, since orange also wanted to leave
2. You were super fast in kick your AFK (!!!!! cant stress that enough) player, but orange decided to then keep playing. He's the one who wanted out all the time
3. Dont start a fucking game if you cant finish it. not my problem really.
4. you failed to kill us 18 AND 20, we then took our shot at 24. And to keep it fair, we sent only 3 people. One player didnt send at all. So suck it up.



Re: [LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Hatedmaru » Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:10 pm

Replay link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7982688

Drawing is not mandatory, so nothing bannable here if they refused to draw (They did kick your afk player as you requested)

With that being said, this should be denied, as none of the current rules were broken

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Re: [LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Melphis20 » Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:18 pm

Lets just be fair.

We did not suggest any kicking, we paused it to show we had a afk. Bender then decides in the game to say lets kick both your afk and our player Glory who wants to leave and then draw the game.

We then says thats fine, and we do the votekick and kick ours, then I start the votekick for theirs and they say he dont want to now, and they dont want to draw now.

If you cant see that move is manipulative and cheating then I am gobsmacked.


Re: [LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Hatedmaru » Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:23 pm

Well you had an afk - You decided to kick him, as did everyone else, as you all decided.

While you can argue the fact they wanted to draw, and then dind't, drawing is not mandatory/bannable if people don't do so, and that's why there's nothing bannable here (I can understand what you're saying, as i read the logs, and it's pretty sketchy from them, but indeed, there's nothing bannable in their actions, even if i disagree with their attitude as well)

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Re: [LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Melphis20 » Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:11 pm

So you saying having manners and playing fair is not something ENT supports.
You can cheat the other team with promises then make them kick and take your promise back ?
That seems like a complete different to any other Egame on the market. But good to know.


Re: [LTD] Bender / Glory. / Vargy / crey-best

Postby Mercy » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:39 am


Refusing to draw is not bannable as stated. It's highly abuseable. Since nothing bannable has occurred, processing.

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