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Postby SpookyGhost » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:04 pm

Your Warcraft III username: SpookyGhost
Violator's Warcraft III username: GotAim
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA LoD -sds6d2 #83
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): 4/27/13 1:30 PM
Rule player violated: 2x revealed my location to enemy team, told them i had blink dagger, 2x abused votekick, flaming most the game
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer):
Any further thoughts: he raged just because i unshared my courier after waiting 10 minutes for him to upgrade it. he also bragged that he wouldn't be banned.

Edit: user put game as 85 , was 83
GotAim [ENT] DotA LoD -sds6d2 #83.w3g
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Re: GotAim

Postby DeadlyLink » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:13 pm

(19:30 / All) GotAim: at rosh
(19:36 / All) GotAim: get them -------------------reveals location

(24:45 / Allied) GotAim: !votekick spookyghost --------------------Votekick abuse he says to "make it even by kicking"
(26:37 / Allied) GotAim: !votekick spookyghost -------------------------- again vk abuse

(28:26 / All) GotAim: drow axe is here care -------------Aids enemy team
(28:31 / All) GotAim: he got blink dagger
(30:09 / All) GotAim: axe hiding on hill care
(30:14 / All) GotAim: right in mid

(28:42 / Allied) GotAim: stfu u noob shit------------Flames

!approved In the future don't tell him that your banning that only causes more flame

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