Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] BattleShip Crossfire #65
Your Warcraft III Username: Korean_Map_Hack
Violator's Warcraft III Username: troende_sonen
Violated Rule(s): Refuse to kick afk
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 38:10, 42:34, 45:02, 50:34, 56:56
Any further thoughts: Tried to kick afk 5 times. Keep refusing to kick afk which ruined a already unbalanced game.
[BS] [troende_sonen@Europe]
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: [troende_sonen@Europe]
I was not in that game, just wanted to point out ENT does not have a rule that says "players are required to kick afk".
I understand it can be frustrating, but, what rule did they break?
I understand it can be frustrating, but, what rule did they break?
- FalenGa
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Re: [troende_sonen@Europe]
When a player breaks a rule, like going afk for a long period of time, it gives an unfair disadvantage to his team. If his team deems it right to kick that player, they should announce the reason in the all chat. When this happens, everyone in the game is pretty much obligated to accept the votekick, unless of course there is reason to believe that the votekick is not fair/abusive. Failing to votekick a player who is obviously breaking a rule, is a form of game ruining.
Re: [troende_sonen@Europe]
While i somewhat agree with you, I think you are interpreting the rules too loosely. If ENT wants to introduce a rule like this, they are welcome to, but my opinion is that its best to stick to strict interpretation of the rules.
Re: [troende_sonen@Europe]
@qaqa What rules are exactly you saying are not clear? ... ng:VKRules
Afk is bannable per the general rules, so yes you are obliged to votekick an afker. ... ng:VKRules
You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules. If someone or several indicate that a particular player is game ruining, you, as a player in the game, are obligated to question/check about the situation/claim.
If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes.
Afk is bannable per the general rules, so yes you are obliged to votekick an afker.
Re: [troende_sonen@Europe]
I appreciate your response. However, the URL you provided points to !votekick rules. If we look at the in game chat here: ... 152736.w3g it's clear that no !votekick commands were used in this game. BattleShips Crossfire has its own -kick command, that has different voting rules from the ENT !votekick command. I do not think your argument has weight if the !votekick command is not involved, such as this case.
Do you see my point?
Do you see my point?
- FalenGa
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Re: [BS] [troende_sonen@Europe]
I know it's been 13 days, but, well...
There are two kinds of rules. One is the basics rules that apply in every single game and are listed here ... ming:Rules
And second are the specific rules to each game, which in this case are here ... ng:BSRules
The goal of the second type of rules, is to add up however it is necessary to the main rules on each game.
I completely understand your point. But, as long as one of those rules is broken, it doesn't really matter how the player gets kicked. You are still obligated to kick, if the reasons are clear.
We should not let minor technicalities, like it was "kick command" instead of "votekick command", ruin our games. Am i correct?
Now, on the case.
You're claming that the kicking reason was : afk. And that people refused to kick afk.
However, for the first two kicks, he is not afk. He is there, active, playing. He is just a new player.
(01:06 / Allied) Troende_Sonen: im newbie
Same deal for the next 3 timestamps you provided. Never afk, always clicking/playing.
None of you tried to offer some advice to him, guide him, tell him what to do and how to do it. Not even once. Maybe he would be of more use if he knew a thing or two.
I don't think anyone should be banned here.
EDIT* : My review was wrong. I got comfused, and thought this BRQ was against player troende_sonen for the reason of "AFK".
There are two kinds of rules. One is the basics rules that apply in every single game and are listed here ... ming:Rules
And second are the specific rules to each game, which in this case are here ... ng:BSRules
The goal of the second type of rules, is to add up however it is necessary to the main rules on each game.
I completely understand your point. But, as long as one of those rules is broken, it doesn't really matter how the player gets kicked. You are still obligated to kick, if the reasons are clear.
We should not let minor technicalities, like it was "kick command" instead of "votekick command", ruin our games. Am i correct?
Now, on the case.
You're claming that the kicking reason was : afk. And that people refused to kick afk.
However, for the first two kicks, he is not afk. He is there, active, playing. He is just a new player.
(01:06 / Allied) Troende_Sonen: im newbie
Same deal for the next 3 timestamps you provided. Never afk, always clicking/playing.
None of you tried to offer some advice to him, guide him, tell him what to do and how to do it. Not even once. Maybe he would be of more use if he knew a thing or two.
I don't think anyone should be banned here.
EDIT* : My review was wrong. I got comfused, and thought this BRQ was against player troende_sonen for the reason of "AFK".
- FalenGa
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Re: [BS] [troende_sonen@Europe]
Hello @Aliscad,
First of all, thank you for reporting.
There are no specific rules regarding the "-kick" command in BS. With that being said, there is nothing we can do about this Ban Request, since no !votekick ever started.
In the future, if you believe someone is breaking an ENT rule, use the !votekick command.
This ban request is denied.
Moving to processed.
First of all, thank you for reporting.
There are no specific rules regarding the "-kick" command in BS. With that being said, there is nothing we can do about this Ban Request, since no !votekick ever started.
In the future, if you believe someone is breaking an ENT rule, use the !votekick command.
This ban request is denied.
Moving to processed.
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