[LTD] Multiple Players

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[LTD] Multiple Players

Postby Badtown » Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:50 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 186098.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #68
Your Warcraft III Username: NoCrossJustBoss@useast.com
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ryang@asia.battle.net, drdraak@europe.battle.net, eogksalsrnr.3@asia.battle.net, carrykaver@useast.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): (Under LTD Mega > Antistuck) Cannot be used to delay or prevent units from teleporting to king with the intention to hide units or to aggro units away from king.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): First violation: 25:00 on round12, players anti-stuck yellow players Hydras for the purpose of aggroing units away from king. Second violation: 35:07 multiple players anti-stuck yellows units specifically for aggroing units away from king. This violation specifically bought them just enough time to steal the win over us.
Any further thoughts:
I went through and watched this replay through wc3 client and it doesn't announce player names in bold when they use anti-stuck in the replay. I'm hoping with the bot logs or someway of your own means you are able to determine which of these players were using Anti-stuck at the given times to give their team an edge. I don't believe all 4 of the enemies are guilty of abusing antistuck, but I know 2 or 3 names atleast were popping up when they were juggling units.

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Re: [LTD] Multiple Players

Postby gurjop » Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:13 pm

It takes some time to review all the banrequests. bumping them won't help. Each and every request will be handled in due time.
holymoly: lot of ppl want play with me.

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Re: [LTD] Multiple Players

Postby FalenGa » Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:04 am

Thank you for your accurate timestamps.

24:53 <Ryang.> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1412.63, Y: 5489.75, flags: 0x0040)

35:08 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1410.96, Y: 4850.48, flags: 0x0040)
35:09 <Ryang.> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1459.29, Y: 4930.17, flags: 0x0040)
35:15 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1385.28, Y: 5517.61, flags: 0x0040)
35:22 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1549.41, Y: 4514.81, flags: 0x0040)
35:29 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1381.83, Y: 5001.98, flags: 0x0040)
35:37 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1477.96, Y: 4960.90, flags: 0x0040)

Players eogksalsrnr.3@asia.battle.net and ryang@asia.battle.net should be banned for Antistuck abuse.

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Re: [LTD] Multiple Players

Postby Badtown » Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:48 am

Thank you so much for looking into this! Sorry for my impatience. Just glad to know players can't get away with it!!

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Re: [LTD] Multiple Players

Postby AmnoN » Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:31 am

24:53 <Ryang.> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1412.63, Y: 5489.75, flags: 0x0040)
^Anti'ed Hydras back to mid to delay teleportation to draw from King after

35:09 <Ryang.> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1459.29, Y: 4930.17, flags: 0x0040)
^Anti'ed again to delay teleportation

35:08 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1410.96, Y: 4850.48, flags: 0x0040)
35:15 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1385.28, Y: 5517.61, flags: 0x0040)
35:22 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1549.41, Y: 4514.81, flags: 0x0040)
35:29 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1381.83, Y: 5001.98, flags: 0x0040)
35:37 <eogksalsrnr.3> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 1477.96, Y: 4960.90, flags: 0x0040)
^Anti'ed to delay teleport to pull creeps away from king

eogksalsrnr.3@Asia banned 15 days for AS abuse (4th violation)

Ryang.@Asia banned 8 days for AS abuse (2nd violation)

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Re: [LTD] Multiple Players

Postby Arii » Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:15 am

No dodge as of now.

EDIT: No dodge

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