[LTD] undeadkingpr@useast.battle.net

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[LTD] undeadkingpr@useast.battle.net

Postby Electro]PaR[ » Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:21 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8372316
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #96
Your Warcraft III Username: Legion-00
Violator's Warcraft III Username: undeadkingpr
Violated Rule(s): solo send
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): full solo send @ lv 16
Any further thoughts: unmannered guy who caused me to ignore him with his harsh behaviour + team killing intention with this full solo send lv 16

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Re: [LTD] undeadkingpr@useast.battle.net

Postby ispamcolts » Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:46 pm

I was blue in the game. King is almost impossible to play with, and many people just can't ignore him fast enough. This causes communication breakdowns in the team. I said numerous times "let's 17". He suggested 16 and I said 17, red and teal agreed. He then sent a demon for 16. I said "don't send" as we could still dd 17 and win. He then sent full trying to force us to send with him, even though I knew DD 17 was a sure win.

He's toxic and flames nonstop - and his behaviour isn't new. Should be banned for a considerable time.

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Re: [LTD] undeadkingpr@useast.battle.net

Postby undeadkingpr » Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:09 am

If you look at the actual text of the game-
(09:05 / Allied) ispamcolts: 7/7 and let's dd 18
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: 16
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: imo
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: 16 100% works
(09:05 / Allied) Legion-00: they aint too bad lv 18
(09:05 / Allied) ispamcolts: then let's just dd 17
(09:05 / Allied) ispamcolts: with leaks
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: no
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: no
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: 16.
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: SEND
(09:05 / Allied) undeadkingpr: LEVEL 16!
is what was said regarding sends from 10 to 15
so 1 vote for 17, 1 vote for 16, no other votes
Thus, it was not a solo-send

Furthermore, the "solo-send rule" says REPEATEDLY not working with allies meaning one solo-send is not sufficient even if you gave it to colts.

Lastly, WE WON THIS GAME! Colts just hates me and is reporting for no reason. This was an easily won game on 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20.

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Re: [LTD] undeadkingpr@useast.battle.net

Postby SLSGuennter » Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:37 am

Teal and Blue both wanted to send 17, red wanted aswell (but didnt say it, so it doesnt rly count).
So it was 2 people wanting 17, you wanting 16 and red not saying anything.

You just forced your team to do what you want. Nobody ever said yes to your send. And 2 even said they dont want.
Considering your ingamebehaviour (spamming and insults) + your banhistory (one of the longest i ever saw): undeadkingpr@ueast banned 2 weeks.
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