[ID] JEWMAN@east - mhing_guy

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[ID] JEWMAN@east - mhing_guy

Postby 1337hamburger » Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:57 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8644718
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #32
Your Warcraft III Username: 1337HambUrgeR
Violator's Warcraft III Username: jewman
Violated Rule(s): maphacksssssssssssssss
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:

right off the bat he goes to what is clearly the weak point on the map

offtopic: satyr probs mher

just watch 10:00 -15:00 it's really sad that he doesn't even cover any of it.

could add like 30 timestamps, but it isn't really needed. . . this guy obv as heck!

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Re: [ID] JEWMAN@east - mhing_guy

Postby Hash » Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:26 pm

So since you did not provide any specific time-stamps I watched the entire replay looking for suspicious movements

1:45 titan starts heading towards middle right before he pearls, a bit suspicious.
9:20 titan finds lumber base bottom right of map without scouting it first, a bit suspicious.

Since you said 10:00-15:00 i'll start from here.

10:09 titan pearls top middle right as goblin finishes making his lumber base, kind of suspicious
10:26 3 of the titan's minions walked right by the goblin without even hesitating, if titan did map-hack it would have been an easy kill, makes me think he doesn't mh
11:24 titan finds goblin workers at bottom left of the map, it is a bit suspicious he would find them there but at the same time, murloc had a seed close by to it so titan could have been pearling for that, the titan also scouted like 3 lumber bases in wind-walk before he found the goblin's workers.
12:55 the 3 minions find the ogre's lumber base at bottom right of the map without scouting it first, kind of suspicious.
14:24 titan pearls top right area where the goblin was walking towards, I'm sure you thought this was suspicious since you mentioned it in the game, but that was like the 5th time titan had pearled the top right area, the first few pearls there were blanks, top right and euro were definitely the two most pearled spots for this titan.
14:48 titan walks south in wind-walk while goblin walks north, in very close proximity, but if titan was map-hacking seems like it would have been an easy kill on the goblin right there.
16:32 minions kill the goblin at the shop, I'm sure you thought this was very suspicious as well, but titan had just pearled around the goblin a few seconds ago and it gave vision of the goblin attempting to jump on the ramp. Now if this were some noob titan or pub player I would have thought this to be pretty suspicious also, but considering this guy isn't and had vision of you attempting to jump right before you did, it makes it seem less suspicious to me.

Now my overall thoughts after watching this replay over and over again for a couple hours. In my honest opinion, based off of this one replay I do not think the titan map-hacks for a few reasons, the way the titan scouted the map with his main and minions (they were constantly roaming the map, and walking into blank areas most of the time, but walked to a couple lumber bases without pearling), the titan was constantly pearling the map and like more than half of the titan's pearls were misses, he even missed out on a few kills that would have been super easy if he was map-hacking, and this titan isn't some noob or random pub player (probably would have been considered top 3 best titans of 2015). In my opinion there weren't any obvious map-hack plays so I would usually deny this request, but this guy is a good friend of mine and I don't want anyone to think that I am being biased here, so I would like some other Island Defense moderators/admins to review this, give their input and process it them self. @haunt @av1on

Side note: I already banned that satyr for map-hack on his other aliases last night. That satyr is a really obvious map-hacker.

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Re: [ID] JEWMAN@east - mhing_guy

Postby Nat » Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:53 am

Been a while since a MH case!

Titan spawn: Pretty strange how he instantly sets foot for euro direction and as he's cleared a few ft he finally pearls only Faerie in that area. Also if it was a legit pearl I feel like it would have been placed up more to spot the base where he just missed with his positioning.

2:43 Upon arrival at mound, it's a short visit and a new journey to burn base. Except, before the lazy pig even reaches dry land, he would pearl top left and instantly move that direction also. What's odd here is that there was no delay between changing direction and pearling, and that he so confidently abandoned searching the common lumber base.

4:09 Don't blink or you'll miss it! Notice how his movement mirrors goblin as he goes downhill and gob becomes fogged? This could have just been convenient but there's no saying it was not the least dodgy either.

The rest Hash covered, didn't see much else.

Not enough solid proof to warrant a ban, in fact I picked out that Satyr was mhing before I started suspecting this guy.
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Re: [ID] JEWMAN@east - mhing_guy

Postby Haunt » Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:45 pm

What Hash said pretty much. Not enough proof that he hacks.


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