[LTD] raffwas europe.battle.net

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[LTD] raffwas europe.battle.net

Postby Sydrok » Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:40 pm

Replay Link:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 272085.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Hell #89
Your Warcraft III Username: Sydrok@useast.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: raffwas@europe.battle.net

Violated Rule(s):
1. When using a mode other than the default one, the mode setter (red) has to announce it in the lobby before the game starts. Every player must be informed, so they have the opportunity to leave in case of dislike.
2. Do not spam or randomly start !votekicks, do not !votekick to avoid being kicked, and do not !votekick without proper reasons. Votekicks are ban-able even if they are not passed since negative intentions can still be assessed and misusing it can lead others to misuse it. Kicks and bans are enforced based on how severe the rule has been violated. ENT keeps the right to enforce punishments as warning.

Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(00:06 / Allied) RAFFWAS: -hpgmcb
(16:08 / Allied) RAFFWAS: !votekick Sydrok

Any further thoughts:
We entered the game and i kindly let red know that using a unannounced mode is bannable, to which he responded "So ban me, bitch";
(15:08 / All) Sydrok: setting a personally selected mode without announcing in lobby is bannable
(15:17 / Allied) RAFFWAS: so ban me
(15:19 / All) RAFFWAS: ban me
(15:36 / All) RAFFWAS: bitch.

Also to note, he tried to kick me (Using votekick) for informing him of ENT's rules, aswell as tried to votekick me in lobby without explanation.

I am unaware however how to access the logs from the lobby.

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Re: [LTD] raffwas europe.battle.net

Postby halo_mauler » Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:18 pm

Raffwas banned 3 days mode, vk violations
[RAFFWAS]: !votekick sydrok
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: BstrdKrlle, Jochenhans
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: BstrdKrlle, Jochenhans
[AScientologist]: hi
[BstrdKrlle]: !yes
[Jochenhans]: !yes
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: Jochenhans
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: BstrdKrlle, Jochenhans
[Sydrok]: wat
[RAFFWAS]: !votekick sydrok
[AScientologist]: no
[System]: 10. . .
[System]: 9. . .

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