Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #70
Your Warcraft III Username: Velzu
Violator's Warcraft III Username: [] [] [] [thewird-] [] []
Violated Rule(s): Teamkilling by juggling king to death, votekick abuse, and refuse to kick teamkiller.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 11.38 > 17.34
Any further thoughts: Ok where to start.. I hope you take the time to read everything and/or see the replay of the game, as it's pretty clear that all these 6 players broke one or more rules in this game. Pink obviously is the biggest offender, in which he also admits to, but everyone had a part when not kicking him. He also stated that he doesn't care if he gets banned for the next couple of days as he has 16 hour shifts coming up.
Anyway, at level 1 we get 7 warriors send and our spawn holds the leak from all 3. Opposing team starts a votekick on teal, claiming he's afk. Game gets paused for roughly 1 minute while we try to contact teal in all chat. He obviously doesn't answer and his whole team claims that he is afk without upgrading his unit on lvl 1, and without sending full. We then obviously try to kick him without luck cause 1 player is not voting. Game gets resumed by green and and they hold level 2 without leaks. Draw vote gets spammed, while me and orange claiming that we won't draw after lvl 1. Especially after they fail their send. A flurry of flame comes next and we finally manage to kick him right before level 4 and it's a 3v4 game. Sad, but that's how it is. We already draw 4 games in a row cause of a leaver on level 1. None of the above is a part of the ban request however, as no rules are broken just yet, but its just an introduction as to how the tension started out.
Now at level 5, pink claims that he will go afk and not send in an attempt to lose the game, because he is unhappy with the way green is building in their cross and the fact that me and orange didn't draw the game. These news gets cherished by the opposing team.
Then purple starts a votekick abuse on me for not drawing the game, followed by 2x !yes from blue and pink. I clearly say in all chat that this is bannable offense votekick abusing someone who didn't break any rules.
Then comes level 7 where the biggest violation takes place. We leak 19 units to king with 4 heals. Pink takes the king and juggles him for around 2-3 minutes, until we lose the game with the same 19 leaks still alive. Let it be said that after roughly 30 seconds of juggling the king, I started a votekick on pink for intentionally teamkilling, and I clearly state in all chat that it's bannable offense not kicking a teamkiller. Not a single vote approached, hence the ban request for all the other players in the game aswell.
When enemy team sees that pink is juggling the king, they seem fairly happy about it.
In final words, yes it can argueable whether it's the right thing to do to draw the game or not, post their fail send, but all the facts here are clear on 6 different people breaking one or more rules in a single game.