[LTD] [highontd@europe.battle.net]

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[LTD] [highontd@europe.battle.net]

Postby YoMama » Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:57 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 570830.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #86
Your Warcraft III Username: YoMama
Violator's Warcraft III Username: highontd
Violated Rule(s): Exploiting bugs
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 03:39
Any further thoughts: Told him to sell geomancer as there is a bug that leads to disconnects with mac with this unit. After that, he refused to do so. I asked him to not upgrade it at least, because this is what really triggers the bug. Straight after telling him that, he upgraded and even went for a second geo.

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Re: [LTD] [highontd@europe.battle.net]

Postby Keelay » Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:01 am

This bug is a known problem. Here is the timestamp for the desync:

(08:27 / All) Lago: Warning! Desync detected!
(08:27 / All) Lago: Players in game state #1: YoMama
(08:27 / All) Lago: Players in game state #2: Lago, Phill6R, MGK, HaMoH3LLo23, gronn, MisterLove, HighOnTD

There was an attempted vk against Highontd:

(07:45 / All) MGK: !votekick high
(07:45 / All) Lago: A votekick against player [HighOnTD] has been started by player [MGK]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(07:45 / All) Lago: Type !yes to vote.
(07:45 / All) Lago: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
with no votes yes, including @YoMama

Warning from Red about bug:
(03:39 / Allied) YoMama: teal, please sell that geo, it's buggy for macplayers
To which teal built the unit which is known to drop mac users.

Player HighonTD has 100+ games on account.

In my opinion, since it was clearly stated that building this specific unit would cause a player to drop i.e. ruin the game and the accused player has sufficient games to be flexible enough to use another unit, I believe HighonTD should either receive a warning or ban for game ruining. Had the player been ignorant to this bug, I'd lean more for the warning side, but there were several, clear warnings and the eventual desync.
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Re: [LTD] [highontd@europe.battle.net]

Postby Quetra » Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:55 am

I don't think the bug is well known amongst players yet and I also don't think he built it just to make his teammate dc. Also since the bug isn't immediate impact and he disconnected minutes later he probably just didn't believe him after seeing that he hadn't dced. Nobody else in the game seemed to know about the bug either.

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