[CF] serendipshiity & kinoooo

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[CF] serendipshiity & kinoooo

Postby SirSandgroper » Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:05 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 650842.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Castle fight! #6
Your Warcraft III Username: SirSandgroper
Violator's Warcraft III Username: serendipshiity, kinoooo
Violated Rule(s): afking, no communication, No rescue strike, no teamwork, throwing game behaviour
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Duration
Any further thoughts: No tower built, excessive afking and no Rescue strike at the end. Green afk a long time, no communication and grey afk at times, missed Rescue strike, no tower built when asked and apathetic remarks and behaviour as if to throw the game.

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Re: [CF] serendipshiity & kinoooo

Postby wTc[JediMaster] » Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:33 am

You were afk too in the start bu grey paused the game so that you would be able to come back.
Teal & Red both tried to VK the AFKer(green) a few times, red was the only one that typed !yes on the first vk and on the 2nd Green got back.

But beeing korean he didnt type anything at all or understand(or maybe a little?). He did howerver your first RS at 3min ingame time tho.
Grey used your 2nd RS at 6:54 after a few seconds of panic when he was getting close to RSing too late.
Grey made a tower on botton line at 9:40ish got taken down right away tho. And you used your Last RS at 9:47 first round ended in a loss shortly after that.

At 3min into the 2nd and last round you tried to !draw only you ingame voted for draw tho grey even said you were trolling.
(13:52 / All) serendipshiity: hes really trolling (unless that was for green IDK)
Grey did first RS at like 3:10, You asked for mech tower at 4:50 but grey didnt build any as he was getting adamant and needed both gold & wood for that. You did the 2nd RS at 5:04.
Meanwhile you tried to make a cage at bottom while grey & green tried to make one top, You asked for a tower again at 5:35 but grey having 70gold and 65 wood would not have been able to make one even if he wanted to as all his wood & gold went for ada.

You made a tower topline at 6min at the same time green used your last RS. Then it was GG at like 6:16 (00:17:12)
(17:08 / All) SirSandgroper: I report ( Is more an overreaction then a fair BRQs

SirSandgroper(You) - Pink
Kinoooo(The Korean) - Green
serendipshiity - Grey

I would not say that there was any AFKing part from you 2 in start and you both got back, Green after like 2-3min and you after like 30sec.
No RS you say seem to me you used all 3 both rounds.
Grey did however almost miss his first RS, but then your RS on the 2nd round missed a magna. About grey beeing "apathetic" IDK and dont really matter alot, your co-op wasnt really the best tho but would not say any of them "threw the game".

Red announced modes and they helped you to VK if you wanted, So cant blame the other team for anything either.
May The Force Be With You! & Have a wormTastic game!
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Re: [CF] serendipshiity & kinoooo

Postby SirSandgroper » Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:10 am

Thanks Jedi, yeah just annoyed and teamwork not the best. My bad afking lobby tbh and ending up with randoms.

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Re: [CF] serendipshiity & kinoooo

Postby Unitil » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:54 pm

See no evidence of failure to communicate, used rescue strike both rounds, and does not appear as though he was attempting to intentionally teamkill during the game.

Request to ban serendipshiity@USEast.Battle.net denied.

Was AFK for the first 2~3 minutes of the game.
Used his/her rescue strike both rounds.

Checked over some previous games played on his alias, appears that he is able to understand/speak english fine, but failed to communicate during this game when asked to do so multiple times.

Player kinoooo@Asia.Battle.net banned [3 days] for AFK at the start of the game, and failure to communicate with the team.


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