[DOTA] zuma@east

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[DOTA] zuma@east

Postby BigBooty69 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:09 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/game/10966251/
Game Name: DotA apem us/ca #19
Your Warcraft III Username: sunmaker
Violator's Warcraft III Username: zuma@east
Violated Rule(s): Selling items, sitting at fountain
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): around 45
Any further thoughts: at about 45 minute mark we noticed that BH had sold all his items and was sitting behind the fountain.

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Re: [DOTA] zuma@east

Postby TrueChaos » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:14 pm

00:44:00+~ refusing to play/afk confirmed sitting in base.

Zuma@useast.battle.net is banned for refusing to play and afk sitting in base in game. (3 days)

Replay timer:
43:50 Zuma Naka $13: Give item to Unit / Drop item on ground $0021 -6916 -7197 0x000067C5 0x0000FEEA
43:51 Zuma Naka $13: Give item to Unit / Drop item on ground $0021 -6922 -7187 0x000067C5 0x0000926A
43:52 Zuma Naka $13: Give item to Unit / Drop item on ground $0021 -6935 -7192 0x000067C5 0x0000A0FC
43:53 Zuma Naka $13: Give item to Unit / Drop item on ground $0021 -6933 -7217 0x000067C5 0x0000BE31
43:54 Zuma Naka $13: Give item to Unit / Drop item on ground $0021 -6907 -7221 0x000067C5 0x0000EA03

In game:
41:19 <Zuma> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -6915.56, Y: -7196.69, Target: 0x00006849000067C5, Object: 0x0023BA490000FEEA, flags: 0x0044)
41:20 <Zuma> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -6921.62, Y: -7187.48, Target: 0x00006849000067C5, Object: 0x000685290000926A, flags: 0x0044)
41:21 <Zuma> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -6934.85, Y: -7192.10, Target: 0x00006849000067C5, Object: 0x0007C8610000A0FC, flags: 0x0044)
41:22 <Zuma> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -6932.66, Y: -7217.16, Target: 0x00006849000067C5, Object: 0x000E9D6A0000BE31, flags: 0x0044)
41:23 <Zuma> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -6907.08, Y: -7220.54, Target: 0x00006849000067C5, Object: 0x002011C80000EA03, flags: 0x0044)

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