[CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

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[CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Determination » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:12 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 998741.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Civilization Wars #43
Your Warcraft III Username: Determination
Violator's Warcraft III Username: bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net (KazakhstanBorat and other game accounts)
Violated Rule(s): Trolling by gameplay. Stupid commands in the chat, jokes like "because of you we are losing". DeterminedAnal's nickname is also trolling of course.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all happened after the 45 minute.
Any further thoughts: In the 46 minute Anal uselessly spending gold on the towers for the bottom line. After the 50 minute Bibi make only income, not army (for 250 food or more). At minute 57 Bibil make the 30 useless villages for mid line. At 01 hour Anal blows up his towers on the bot line, because of what line is dead, 2 our capitals are destroyed. The last capital survives by luck, and we win. Of course, there were no attempts to win after the 45 minute, the players held a lot of gold and didn't build army.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby caff » Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:07 pm

You won the game dip shit. Stop wasting Admins time by reporting people for having a bit of fun. Also having watched the replay its obvious u were trolling your teammates and attempting to throw an otherwise won game by abusing shared control to deactivate your mid's wonders without permission and detonating teams static defenses to suicide your own lane. Nice try faggot.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Determination » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:58 pm

caff wrote:u were trolling your teammates and attempting to throw an otherwise won game by abusing shared control to deactivate your mid's wonders without permission and detonating teams static defenses to suicide your own lane.

I didn't abusing share control, give proof. I have replays of my games and can expose fake complaints.

About fun:
[Determination]: oj
[Determination]: if you will troll i will report you
[Determination]: i mean gameplay trolling
[Determination]: not chat

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby caff » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:03 pm

(48:42 / All) bibi169: WTF
(48:54 / All) bibi169: can someone ask him for me
(48:56 / All) bibi169: he muted me
(49:13 / All) bibi169: can someone ask yellow pls
(49:15 / All) bibi169: he muted me
(49:19 / All) bibi169: ask him why he deact my interstate highways
(49:22 / All) DeterminedAnal: He has me muted as well
(49:31 / All) bibi169: seriously what is his problem

are you saying he was lying about that?

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Determination » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:14 pm

caff wrote:(48:48 / All) bibi169: YELLOW WHY U DEACT MY INTERSTATE

He know I ignored him, said to enemy team. It is trolling and lie.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby MyNameIsABorat » Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:17 pm

Watch the replay, and had past experiences with Determination so I'd like to chime in.

1. Watching the replay its rather obvious red and teal are new, and its highly likely purple and orange noticed this so they played for fun as Caff stated, which I don't believe is trolling. Plus you won after all, so why on earth are you complaining especially when Orange, and Purple won you the game?

2. Lots of people income, and tech and wonder a bunch after killing a lane. I can practically guarantee that Determination has done this before, and this in no way is trolling. Added on this gives an opportunity for newer players to learn the game more, by giving them time to go throughout the whole tech tree and see the possibilities of different tactics. So in fact prolonging the game helps the community.

3. If they were truly trolling and trying to throw the match then either mid or top would be killed aka their lanes, but they weren't. Instead they ended up killing wests top, locking mid, and even destroying two capitals guaranteeing a win. That definitely doesn't sound like trolling, surrendering or throwing a match.

4. The fact you state others are trolling and throwing matches is quite ironic considering in your prior game [ENT] Civilization Wars #42 (based off the replay) You deactivated most of your docks, didn't help defend mid and didn't rush. This deactivation caused your lane to lose its tower , and overall made your teams loss certain, which from what I understand is surrendering.

4.5 Further to point 4. In this game which you filed this report. In the replay you can clearly see that you made no attempt to help kill at mid, or even defend when you lost your lane. Isn't that surrendering? The only reason you ended up with the win is due to oranges and purples peasants defending your lane and killing the enemies final capital. So basically purple and orange won the game for you while you basically surrendered at that point.

5. You stated "58:04 / Allied) Determination: just interesting wut about you talking" a bit after all the issues occurred and the deactivation of the heavy armor wonder. Why unignore them at that point, or unignore them at all unless you truly did deactivate the Interstate wonder and trolled in other ways and just wanted to see the reaction of your fellow teammates, and the damage you caused.

6. I've played with Determination before a bunch of times, and he has a huge reputation of trolling, surrendering,and being a toxic elitist. Proof of this is his comments where he insults .FS when .FS isn't even fighting too hard for bot, and hes busy teaching both red and teal.
(44:52 / All) Determination: bot
(44:57 / All) Determination: you aren't good
(45:04 / All) .FS: Tru
(45:05 / All) .FS: lel
(45:16 / All) Determination: it is why your team losing
And in the points I've presented. He's stated plenty of times in multiple games that he's a "pro", and he's plenty of times blamed others for loses when he surrenders, and he's insulted newer players plenty of times which most likely caused them to avoid the civ wars game (Most of the time when he sees a new player on his team in the lobby, he leaves as well). So he's seen quite negatively in the civ wars community, so it's not surprising that other members in the community don't treat him with respect, or joke around while playing with him/against him. In my believe that's his own doing, and he should adjust his attitude if he wants others to treat him better. He also has a noob/troll list supposedly so I can see him trying to troll these people because he doesn't like them since they are supposedly noobs. I can also see him making this report just to try and get them banned because as I stated he doesn't like them.

7. During a possible top rush from the west team, Determination decides to ignore the mid after mid states that a rush is possible. Why would he do that unless in a way he wants the loss? Plus if orange and purple wanted the loss then why would they even attempt to counter a rush or try to plan a way to defend. You also ignored orange after he tried making the team coherent again

Summary: I don't see orange or purple doing anything wrong. They didn't troll, they didn't surrender and in no way did they throw the match. Did they have some fun and joked around a bit? Sure. But they both locked, and killed their lanes and even won the game in the end with their peasant defense and attack. Determination on the other hand surrendered at the end (Which hes known to do), didn't help his team at all, and from the looks of it deactivated the interstate wonder. So no idea why he's trying to waste the admins time when he's done bannable offenses plenty of times, and even in this game, other than to make a silly attempt to get people he doesn't like banned.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby BiBi169 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:47 am

Determination, are you seriously reporting us for trolling when you in fact were the one trolling us and playing to lose? According to you, you're a pro player and total game count is what matters, not elo/winrate. So either you are really noob or you were trying your best to make us lose.

(24:48 / Allied) Determination: there is no tactic against spam
(25:01 / Allied) Determination: i can make grains for 600 gold and add villages
(25:02 / Allied) Determination: -2000 gold
(25:06 / Allied) Determination: -1500 for build

When the enemy bot added peasant staggers for himself, you literally told me there is no way to push against that, when I had locked mid for majority of the game and had provided you with st abbey and iron works. I watched the replay and confirmed the enemy mid literally gave the enemy bot nothing, and all you needed to do was build staggers to push. Both me and determinedanal literally attempted to teach you how to 'counter against spam', but you outright ignored us. Despite me telling you from the beginning of the game to lock bot, you basically gave up bot and caused our team to lose income for several minutes, which resulted in me having to maginot mid and farm mid instead. If this is not trolling, I don't know what is. Unless for some reason your 600+ games didn't teach you anything?

When you lost YOUR lane, you outright refused to do anything. You didn't deact, you didn't build anything in mid and you outright refused to repair the capitals despite me asking you to do so. At this point in time you had unmuted me, so there's no excuse for you not repairing the capitals. If anyone had surrendered prematurely, it would be you, Determination. Also, the useless peassants you talked about literally protected our last capital from dying.

[Determination]: don't know why you use smurfs
[Determination]: i only for evade bans, but it is secret
(From lobby chat, pretty sure this is against the rules)

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby caff » Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:44 am

Hey Determination this is a link to the beginners guide to Civ Wars: download/file.php?id=25800

You might want to have a look, I thought it may come in handy for the next time u play.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby MyNameIsABorat » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:38 am

Determination surrendered again in [ENT] Civilization Wars #28. Ban Request created. Hes definitely a repeat offender and this only further proofs that he's known for the habits he pulled in this game.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Determination » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:43 am

MyNameIsABorat wrote:its rather obvious red and teal are new, and its highly likely purple and orange noticed this so they played for fun as Caff stated

Red (blackwald): Games: 29, W/L: 11/18 (37.93%)
Blue (.fs): Games: 3, W/L: 1/2 (33.33%)
Teal (mikapuppy): Games: 1, W/L: 0/1 (0%)

But they didn't look like noobs, first 20 minutes the fight was equally. Very many players create smurfs. bibi169 now have only 65 games, determinedanal have 3.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:2. Lots of people income, and tech and wonder a bunch after killing a lane.

Are you talking about changing east's bot line after you destroyed your 6 or 7 bunkers? Then we almost lost, it was trolling, not tactically move. In the near-striker era, this is too risky.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:Instead they ended up killing wests top, locking mid, and even destroying two capitals guaranteeing a win.

Not guaranteeing. Good 3 players can break one line, using all their gold. I have seen this many times at the start (with fire archers, mounted fire archers), in the end it's even easier (5-6 tanks or armors on one line).

MyNameIsABorat wrote: You deactivated most of your docks, did not help rush. This deactivation is caused by your lane to lose its tower.

I deactivated docks which could be destroyed by the enemy in seconds.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:So basically purple and orange won the game for you while you basically surrendered at that point.

I lost all my buildings including capital, and workers. I had only modern worker, who can build only if capital is exist. I lost it only because you destroyed your own buildings from bot line.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:Why unignore them at that point, or unignore them

Cus my team start spam mid line by villages and build granaries for 300 food.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:unless you truly did deactivate the Interstate wonder and trolled in other ways

I don't know why mid player shared his army for me, I never control any his units or building for all game. Maybe you did it? After you destroyed your bunkers you said:
(60:51 / Allied) DeterminedAnal: No more bunkers cause yellow demolish them
(60:53 / Allied) DeterminedAnal: See him die
(61:40 / All) DeterminedAnal: My bunkers only keeping yellow alive. WHat does he do. Demolish them
(61:59 / All) DeterminedAnal: Yellow fail us
(63:05 / All) DeterminedAnal: Yellow suck much
(63:14 / All) DeterminedAnal: He lose bot

I was yellow and you didn't share control to me.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:I've played with Determination before a bunch of times, and he has a huge reputation of trolling, surrendering,and being a toxic elitist.

I agree only with the latter, but no any trolling or surrendering. You have reputation of chat troll, it is why i said:
[Determination]: if you will troll i will report you
[Determination]: i mean gameplay trolling

MyNameIsABorat wrote:(45:16 / All) Determination: it is why your team losing

Maybe it's toxic words, and what? It isn't an insult, trolling, or spamming "you are noob" as you do:
(20:53 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Let me guess Determination is being stupid?
(21:42 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Idk man. Cant get much worse than determination lol
(21:50 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Cant get much stupider as well
(22:24 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Determination. Everyone hates you cause you're an idiot, and you're useless but think you're a pro lol.
(22:41 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Lol you're utter shit
(22:45 / All) KazakhstanBorat: With your negative win ratio
(46:49 / Allied) KazakhstanBorat: Btw sorry for my toxicity
(46:56 / Allied) KazakhstanBorat: Im really toxic to 3 people only :P

MyNameIsABorat wrote:he's insulted newer players plenty of times which most likely caused them to avoid the civ wars game

I insult new players only if they don't hear good players or ruin all game.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:Most of the time when he sees a new player on his team in the lobby, he leaves as well

I'm bad teacher for CivWars and playing not for it.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:it's not surprising that other members in the community don't treat him with respect

Why do you speak of yourself in the plural?

MyNameIsABorat wrote:He also has a noob/troll list supposedly so I can see him trying to troll these people

It's list of really stupid people and trolls, I don't play with these people in the same team. Why? Look this report's replay, I played with you and you trolled team by spending your gold for bunkers, destroying them, etc.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:7. During a possible top rush from the west team, Determination decides to ignore the mid after mid states that a rush is possible.

No, I added two carracks to top line.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Determination » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:05 am

BiBi169 wrote:in fact were the one trolling us and playing to lose

You have replay, you can watch my game and determine where there "playing to lose" and "trolling" is.

BiBi169 wrote:(24:48 / Allied) Determination: there is no tactic against spam
(25:01 / Allied) Determination: i can make grains for 600 gold and add villages

You began to command me to add staggers for bot line, i had 18/15 food, mid line was locked by enemy with their army and building. I had no income or extra gold, for staggers I had to make 3 granaries and 2 villages (200, 200, 200, 500, 500: total 1600 gold), with income 320 it is 5 ticks of waiting. Anyway my tactic was better, watch replay.

BiBi169 wrote:Unless for some reason your 600+ games didn't teach you anything?

Probably, 65 your games didn't teach you how to resist spam from enemy. It's hard to explain, but staggers aren't always good, and also they can be countered by some units: grenadiers x2, ballista x2, field cannon, railroad, father spawn points for tank units etc.

BiBi169 wrote:you were outright refused to repair the capitals

I had only 1 worker, enemy had 3 heavy armors...

BiBi169 wrote:[Determination]: i only for evade bans, but it is secret
(From lobby chat, pretty sure this is against the rules)

It was joke. Also you need facts for report me, not my words...

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby MyNameIsABorat » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:18 am

Determination wrote:
MyNameIsABorat wrote:its rather obvious red and teal are new, and its highly likely purple and orange noticed this so they played for fun as Caff stated

Red (blackwald): Games: 29, W/L: 11/18 (37.93%)
Blue (.fs): Games: 3, W/L: 1/2 (33.33%)
Teal (mikapuppy): Games: 1, W/L: 0/1 (0%)

But they didn't look like noobs, first 20 minutes the fight was equally. Very many players create smurfs. bibi169 now have only 65 games, determinedanal have 3.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:2. Lots of people income, and tech and wonder a bunch after killing a lane.

Are you talking about changing east's bot line after you destroyed your 6 or 7 bunkers? Then we almost lost, it was trolling, not tactically move. In the near-striker era, this is too risky.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:Instead they ended up killing wests top, locking mid, and even destroying two capitals guaranteeing a win.

Not guaranteeing. Good 3 players can break one line, using all their gold. I have seen this many times at the start (with fire archers, mounted fire archers), in the end it's even easier (5-6 tanks or armors on one line).

MyNameIsABorat wrote: You deactivated most of your docks, did not help rush. This deactivation is caused by your lane to lose its tower.

I deactivated docks which could be destroyed by the enemy in seconds.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:So basically purple and orange won the game for you while you basically surrendered at that point.

I lost all my buildings including capital, and workers. I had only modern worker, who can build only if capital is exist. I lost it only because you destroyed your own buildings from bot line.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:Why unignore them at that point, or unignore them

Cus my team start spam mid line by villages and build granaries for 300 food.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:unless you truly did deactivate the Interstate wonder and trolled in other ways

I don't know why mid player shared his army for me, I never control any his units or building for all game. Maybe you did it? After you destroyed your bunkers you said:
(60:51 / Allied) DeterminedAnal: No more bunkers cause yellow demolish them
(60:53 / Allied) DeterminedAnal: See him die
(61:40 / All) DeterminedAnal: My bunkers only keeping yellow alive. WHat does he do. Demolish them
(61:59 / All) DeterminedAnal: Yellow fail us
(63:05 / All) DeterminedAnal: Yellow suck much
(63:14 / All) DeterminedAnal: He lose bot

I was yellow and you didn't share control to me.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:I've played with Determination before a bunch of times, and he has a huge reputation of trolling, surrendering,and being a toxic elitist.

I agree only with the latter, but no any trolling or surrendering. You have reputation of chat troll, it is why i said:
[Determination]: if you will troll i will report you
[Determination]: i mean gameplay trolling

MyNameIsABorat wrote:(45:16 / All) Determination: it is why your team losing

Maybe it's toxic words, and what? It isn't an insult, trolling, or spamming "you are noob" as you do:
(20:53 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Let me guess Determination is being stupid?
(21:42 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Idk man. Cant get much worse than determination lol
(21:50 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Cant get much stupider as well
(22:24 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Determination. Everyone hates you cause you're an idiot, and you're useless but think you're a pro lol.
(22:41 / All) KazakhstanBorat: Lol you're utter shit
(22:45 / All) KazakhstanBorat: With your negative win ratio
(46:49 / Allied) KazakhstanBorat: Btw sorry for my toxicity
(46:56 / Allied) KazakhstanBorat: Im really toxic to 3 people only :P

MyNameIsABorat wrote:he's insulted newer players plenty of times which most likely caused them to avoid the civ wars game

I insult new players only if they don't hear good players or ruin all game.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:Most of the time when he sees a new player on his team in the lobby, he leaves as well

I'm bad teacher for CivWars and playing not for it.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:it's not surprising that other members in the community don't treat him with respect

Why do you speak of yourself in the plural?

MyNameIsABorat wrote:He also has a noob/troll list supposedly so I can see him trying to troll these people

It's list of really stupid people and trolls, I don't play with these people in the same team. Why? Look this report's replay, I played with you and you trolled team by spending your gold for bunkers, destroying them, etc.

MyNameIsABorat wrote:7. During a possible top rush from the west team, Determination decides to ignore the mid after mid states that a rush is possible.

No, I added two carracks to top line.

11/18? Those stats are almost as bad as yours so obviously not someone to take seriously. As for Teal. You could tell by his formation and lineup that hews new.

You mean how you deacted wonders, and destroyed the bunkers? Ya I agree it was definitely trolling by you.

It wasn't 3 good players for one. We had hardened bunkers. You had support. Plus they had their capitals destroyed for a while, and if mids destroyed then they cant tech etc. So easy win. You really need to pay more attention to whats going on in the game, and what could happen. Also learning to read the possibilities in the match.

That's why you deacted ones that weren't damage also right? That's why you've done this in plenty of games right, and surrendered in this one and plenty of others right? Not defending mid or even attempting to rush. Just going for the loss.

You had plenty and I mean plenty of time to build to defend mid and attack the enemy mid lane. What did you do? Nothing. Didn't deact bot even. Just let yourself die, and let yourself and mid lose the capital. If it weren't for oranges and purples peasants the game would have been a loss due to your surrendering.

Or because you were trolling and wanted to see oranges and purples reactions. Like your trolling of deactivating wonders etc while your teammates even though they were having some fun, literally won the game for you by killing top, then defending mid, and killing the enemy when you surrendered.

Any expert player always shares control with teammates. If you didn't know that then I guess you truly aren't the pro you think you are, and of course I'd be annoyed with you for destroying the bunkers. We almost lost cause of that, you deacting wonders, and then you surrendering fully while we tried to fight for the win.

You're definitely all of them, which is funny when you're not even good at the game as many people state. Theres proof of you surrendering literally in this game, the game prior to this one, and the one I reported you on today. Same with trolling.

Like I said people would treat you with more respect and wouldn't be a dick to you if you weren't a cocky elitist dick to everyone. You always state you're a pro and everyones a noob compared to you, so of course people will make jokes about you when you completely fail, cause in reality you're not good at all. P.S In the past I used to not be an ass to you, and mostly ignored you. Sadly I had to deal with your toxicity and had to deal with it multiple times so honestly I just had enough of your shit, and your shitty attitude of how you're such a pro (with a negative win ratio LOL) and how everyone other than you is a noob.

For one. You're not a good player, so I can see why they wouldn't listen to you. Second of all. On every occasion I never saw a noob try to ruin a game nor not listen on purpose. They do their best, yet you're completely toxic to them, and a complete ass to them even if they do better than you at times. You gotta remember. We were all noobs at one point, and noobs are the ones that will continue the civ wars community so we need them.

Who says you need to teach? Others can teach and the noobs can slowly learn on their own. But yes obviously you wouldn't be a good teacher due to your toxicity. Also yes I know. You only try to stack instead of trying to have some fun then you troll, become toxic etc.

I'm decently liked in the civ wars community, and actually have friends I play with. Haven't seen one person say a good thing about you yet, and only heard negative things about you because of the way you act, surrender and the way you treat others. Hey I was even in the Civ Wars clan for a while.

Probably should have yourself on it then cause Purple and Orange carried you that game while you trolled, lost your lane, and surrendered which almost caused a loss.

You did that after a while, plus you ignored both purple and orange at that time. So couldn't coordinate things. Coordination and communication are the most important aspects of defending a rush.

I really don't get why you're trying to bs yourself out of this. Caff immediately saw the stunt you pulled from just watching the replay, and theres tons of evidence against you from this game and past games. Admit your mistakes. Stop being toxic and an ass and others will stop being dicks to you. I also really can't believe that you're trying to waste the admins time with bs, and lies especially since you guys won due to purple and orange like caff said.
Last edited by MyNameIsABorat on Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby MyNameIsABorat » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:29 am

Determination wrote:
BiBi169 wrote:in fact were the one trolling us and playing to lose

You have replay, you can watch my game and determine where there "playing to lose" and "trolling" is.

BiBi169 wrote:(24:48 / Allied) Determination: there is no tactic against spam
(25:01 / Allied) Determination: i can make grains for 600 gold and add villages

You began to command me to add staggers for bot line, i had 18/15 food, mid line was locked by enemy with their army and building. I had no income or extra gold, for staggers I had to make 3 granaries and 2 villages (200, 200, 200, 500, 500: total 1600 gold), with income 320 it is 5 ticks of waiting. Anyway my tactic was better, watch replay.

BiBi169 wrote:Unless for some reason your 600+ games didn't teach you anything?

Probably, 65 your games didn't teach you how to resist spam from enemy. It's hard to explain, but staggers aren't always good, and also they can be countered by some units: grenadiers x2, ballista x2, field cannon, railroad, father spawn points for tank units etc.

BiBi169 wrote:you were outright refused to repair the capitals

I had only 1 worker, enemy had 3 heavy armors...

BiBi169 wrote:[Determination]: i only for evade bans, but it is secret
(From lobby chat, pretty sure this is against the rules)

It was joke. Also you need facts for report me, not my words...

Replay shows a ton of it including your surrendering.

We got mid back quickly, plus you had support from mid. .FS had no support from mid. You easily could have made a granary or two considering all that. Always gotta listen to your mid. Especially when you yourself are wrong.

You're right about the counter too stagger, but you didn't do it at all. You went sharpshooters instead lol.

Could have had more workers to repair, and could have attempted to defend our capitals by making catapults peasants etc. Especially since Catas are really effective against heavy armor. Instead you did nothing, didn't deactivate and just surrendered.

Haha funny how you're trying to avoid a ban but trying to deny the very thing you said. Your guilt is showing more and more. Hopefully they IP Ban you so you can't avoid the ban.

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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Frothin » Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:15 am

I feel the need to weigh in on this. I was playing as .FS@uswest.battle.net

Red (blackwald): Games: 29, W/L: 11/18 (37.93%)
Blue (.fs): Games: 3, W/L: 1/2 (33.33%)
Teal (mikapuppy): Games: 1, W/L: 0/1 (0%)

But they didn't look like noobs, first 20 minutes the fight was equally. Very many players create smurfs. bibi169 now have only 65 games, determinedanal have 3.

I would like to point out that Determination stretched the truth when he said this. While .FS@europe.battle.net does have the stats he said, he ignored that my stats are actually decent on the main account:
Realm: uswest.battle.net ELO (rank): 1135.22 (105)
Games: 243 W/L: 130/113 (53.5%)

It saddens me that he must lie about my stats in order to push this idea that the enemy was all noobs, and somehow "prove" that this means that determinedanal and bibi169 were trolling. I worked hard to earn my stats, and they should not have been abused in this way. Determination has shown no respect for his fellow players by doing things like this. I was showing restraint in responding, as I would hate to lose a member of the Civ Wars community, but the coldness of Determination's behaviour has now gone too far.

Also, regarding whether Determination was trolling, what I remember from the game is that I had to teach a noob midlane and toplane at the same time. So I didn't really try too hard, and was completely distracted by trying to teach, yet was still able to hold my lane against Determination with no help from midlane for a long, long time. Determination got tons of help, yet seemed to be incapable of holding his lane. In no way did Determination's teamates appear to try to undermine Determination in any way, this despite Determination typing all sorts of abusive words into allchat. It is true that my mid and top had played years ago, but I still had to teach them near everything.

Determination's refusal to cooperate with his team and coordinate were obvious to me, as I had to pay close attention to his gameplay in order to recover my lane when not teaching my teamates. His timing for upgrades never seems to match up with his midlane adding, he did not coordinate to help top during the game. Despite this, bibi169 and determinedanal were able to threaten toplane enough to necessitate me giving up botlane, at times, in order to not die on toplane. This should have given Determination the time he needed to have a comeback, yet he chose not to, every time.

Determination's team was ahead despite his behaviour, and I believe Determination knew it, and sought revenge (He had been complaining in chat all game about his team). His reponse to mid carrying his lane by building interstate was to deactivate it a couple ticks later. This is tragic, because I had just finished teaching my team about rushing and asked them to come down. Furthermore, I'd finally got some catapults up to counterplay, and was nearing the technology for tanks. The tick he deacted could very well have been enough to break my lane, but we will never know for sure now. It was never a certain thing.

Because we were already in position, and losing top hard, I taught the noobs on my team how to rush. We did fairly well, partly thanks to determination deactivating most of his camps early. This allowed our stack to continue to build, making getting the first capital down fairly easy. However, determinedanal and bibi169 responded with some very creative gameplay, including a beautiful play where they build dozens of peasant villages in midlane, thereby drawing fire from our units away from their capitals. This bought them the extra 40 seconds they needed to win the game. It was that close.

In conclusion, Determination is trying to get revenge for what he perceives as wrongdoings on the part of bibi169 and determinedanal. You can see Determination blaming them for things that Determination in fact did, in Determination's comments. Hence Determination has shown that he is blind to his own mistakes, and blames others for them. Whether on purpose or due to his nature? I don't believe that he will reform if things are left as is.

If necessary I can also explain what happened in the previous game talked about in this thread, as I was his midlaner that game.
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Re: [CW] bibi169@entconnect, determinedanal@europe.battle.net

Postby Quetra » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:47 pm

You trolled Determination the whole game in chat and at the end by extending the game on purpose. He didn't deactivate purples interstate like you claimed and orange was doing silly things on purpose like spamming bunkers on bot. I don't think it's worth a ban, especially as this ban request only exists because of personal issues you all have with each other, and I don't think you were trying to teamkill but rather troll him, the game was already certainly won. Still, I am going to warn both of you for the trolling. It doesn't matter how justified you think it is because of how he has acted in other games, don't harrass your teammates. He didn't do anything to deserve being harrassed in this game.

The rest of this discussion in the thread is irrelevant.

Warning bibi169@entconnect and determinedanal@europe.battle.net

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