[LTD] Bumpimp@USWest & Spok1@Europe

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[LTD] Bumpimp@USWest & Spok1@Europe

Postby mog-ur » Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:14 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11231411
Game Name: Legion TD Mega #24
Your Warcraft III Username: Ayla
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Bumpimp@USWest & Spok1@Europe
Violated Rule(s): 1.When picking a mode other than the default one (-hpgmcb prophet or -phgmcb), mode setter (red) must announce it in the lobby before the game starts. Every player must be informed, so they have the opportunity to leave in case of dislike.
2. Refusing to cooperate by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Bumpimp: in lobby. Spok1: Solo sends at 00:48 again at 09:23
Any further thoughts:

-Bumpimp did not announce -pr mode until countdown was just about to begin. I don't believe that's enough time for all players to see it and decide to leave if they want. Shouldn't have to risk leaving during countdown and subsequently dropping before game starts and getting auto-banned.

-Spok1 solo sent on lvl 1, and was then warned by Bumpimp. He solo sent again.

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Re: [LTD] Bumpimp@USWest & Spok1@Europe

Postby legiontdgrrr » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:53 am

well player bumpimp did anounce it ( he join second from last ) 'he did anounce 3/4 sec before the coundown(+10sec) you for sure have the time to leave(and no1 even sayd nothing at start or lvl 1 , why you put PR ) [bumpimp]: pr

imo DENIED for player Bumpimp

player spok1 solo send LVL1(hermit) team ask him too not solo send again LVL5 he solo send again(wyv)

player spok1 shoud be BANNED for solo sends/team kill
seBastian Kimi is FASTER then you

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Re: [LTD] Bumpimp@USWest & Spok1@Europe

Postby blazeitup » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:22 am

Two players had not been spoof checked yet so there sure was a few seconds for people to leave. However just writing pr is what upsets me. You should really try to show players that you are changing the mode maybe by using caps lock or spam it when the timer is short
Or something like that, not just "pr" once, not even all players would see or understand the meaning of that. Imo warning this player and telling him he needs to try to announce it more clearly is enough.

Regarding spok1, the player is a first timer and its obvious. Currently banned 48 hours for leaving anyway.

Im not really being bans being handed on this one.

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Re: [LTD] Bumpimp@USWest & Spok1@Europe

Postby Quetra » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:26 am

Mode was announced.

Solo send was minor and he wasn't properly warned:

(01:58 / Allied) bumpimp: solo send harder purp....
(02:11 / Allied) Gnidzorsist: got herm
(02:16 / Allied) bumpimp: plz dont do it again

(10:28 / Allied) bumpimp: look likes thats a ban
(10:35 / All) spok1: 미친년
(10:50 / Allied) LegionTDGOD42O: hes a faggot AND a retard

Not exactly informing him about the rules.


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