Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #89
Your Warcraft III Username: ToT_Random69
Violator's Warcraft III Username:persephone
Violated Rule(s): teamkill, wont listen to team
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): whole game
Any further thoughts: (00:24 / Allied) ToT_Random69: teal cross?
(00:40 / Allied) |c006969FFMAG: need to send
(00:41 / Allied) PaiOo: red, 2 whisp, 4 aqua
(00:42 / Allied) ToT_Random69: i meant i could value
(00:51 / Allied) gonat: k thx
(00:52 / Allied) moietpatoi: lv 2 y
(00:54 / Allied) moietpatoi: me too
(00:55 / Allied) PaiOo: lvl 2, you build 1 aqua and 1 whisp
(00:58 / Allied) Oppen: go 2
(01:02 / Allied) |c006969FFMAG: k
(01:05 / Allied) PaiOo: full aqua lvl for 3
(01:14 / Allied) PaiOo: full lumber push for 4
(01:17 / Allied) PaiOo: and so on
(01:22 / Allied) gonat: okok

(01:28 / Allied) PaiOo: I go hold, just push hard
(01:42 / Allied) PaiOo: purp
(01:43 / Allied) PaiOo: lol
(01:46 / Allied) Persephone: !ignore gon
(01:48 / Allied) PaiOo: lol, block
(01:49 / Allied) Persephone: !ff
goes further where he sells all hsit owers in my lane and builds with me, then sells them again sitting on 600+gold, wont push wood, then takes control of king and purposefully throws the game by constantly moving king so he doesnt kill, please ban