[LTD] persephone/uswest

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[LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby ToT_random69 » Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:15 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/rep ... 199523.txt
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #89
Your Warcraft III Username: ToT_Random69
Violator's Warcraft III Username:persephone
Violated Rule(s): teamkill, wont listen to team
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): whole game
Any further thoughts: (00:24 / Allied) ToT_Random69: teal cross?
(00:40 / Allied) |c006969FFMAG: need to send
(00:41 / Allied) PaiOo: red, 2 whisp, 4 aqua
(00:42 / Allied) ToT_Random69: i meant i could value
(00:51 / Allied) gonat: k thx
(00:52 / Allied) moietpatoi: lv 2 y
(00:54 / Allied) moietpatoi: me too
(00:55 / Allied) PaiOo: lvl 2, you build 1 aqua and 1 whisp
(00:58 / Allied) Oppen: go 2
(01:02 / Allied) |c006969FFMAG: k
(01:05 / Allied) PaiOo: full aqua lvl for 3
(01:14 / Allied) PaiOo: full lumber push for 4
(01:17 / Allied) PaiOo: and so on
(01:22 / Allied) gonat: okok :)
(01:28 / Allied) PaiOo: I go hold, just push hard
(01:42 / Allied) PaiOo: purp
(01:43 / Allied) PaiOo: lol
(01:46 / Allied) Persephone: !ignore gon
(01:48 / Allied) PaiOo: lol, block
(01:49 / Allied) Persephone: !ff

goes further where he sells all hsit owers in my lane and builds with me, then sells them again sitting on 600+gold, wont push wood, then takes control of king and purposefully throws the game by constantly moving king so he doesnt kill, please ban

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby Deathnz1 » Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:30 pm

You need to be more specific with the times of the violations otherwise mods will not look at this. Just go through and write down each time he did something.

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby legiontdgrrr » Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:23 am

@ToT_Random69 can you give spesific time on when player did break the rules thanks
seBastian Kimi is FASTER then you

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby Zio » Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:34 pm

Game link not working. Nothing wrong, you're not the team's boss unless the team decides on it

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby Deathnz1 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:42 am

The above replay link should be http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 199523.w3g
It seems more like purp(ToT) asked for cross, Teal(persephone) went and built for value with alch/turret, purp then said he wanted to value, cross timing already screwed, instead with 5 seconds left purp built lod on teals lane. So basically cross with no wisp.
Teal then tried to !ff and !votekick purp
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 02:45(teal sells his units)

going to post another one for this player in here. Just had a game with him where something similar happened.

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 211360.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #83
Your Warcraft III Username: Deez
Violator's Warcraft III Username:persephone
Violated Rule(s): teamkill
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 00:36
Any further thoughts: Purp asked if teal wanted to cross insisting he had lod so could value, teal(persephone) didn't reply and instead went and built a halfbreed in purps lane and an eggsack in his own. Purp tried to explain to him but then built in his own lane and told teal to sell and solo with enough time for him to do it. Teal didn't so got no kills against an lod. The other team said he built in purps lane without a mention of a cross, teal didn't respond so slightly true but either way he was kicked as we believed he tk'd.

persephone is just a massive troll, his current stats are 0-37 on ltd. He seems to have no issue listening to english or using commands like !ignore, !ff and !votekick or even !lms'ing people when they talk to him to try and help. In both these games that were meant to be cross he didn't communicate at all though which lead to the downfall of them both.

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby Deathnz1 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:50 am

Looks like he does that kind of thing often,
Another two of his recent games: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 204205.w3g , http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 204356.w3g Hes green in both and just instantly goes and builds value for a cross. But pink in both these games go wisp/lumber

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby legiontdgrrr » Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:06 am

LVL1 well player persephone build on player ToT_Random69 (tho he ask for cross and after says he can value)
OK both too blame at start , i mean player ToT_Random69 ask for cross and then player persephone build , then he sayd i value (00:42 / Allied) ToT_Random69: i meant i could value) tho can i ask why you didn't insist or say go solo ToT_Random69, so you see that he goes already value , you have the time too tell him go solo or something ,but you say nothing and you build lod there , tbh LVL1 player ToT_Random69 is more responsible (no communication at all on both players or all team )
LVL2 player persephone starts ff and then !votekick player ToT_Random69 , he sell hes towers and build with player ToT_Random69
player persehonevy ruin the game on purpose with selling hes towers and build some on player tot random69 and he !ff and vk abuse also

Ok lvl 1 you are both did same bad (when there is no communication this happens all the time )
lvl 2 player Persephone shoud banned for vk abuse(on tot_ranom69)/team kill (sold hes towers) fails happen often , you cant just break the rules tho
and player ToT_Random69 shoud get a warning (because he coud also push since he see that other player go value or say something and not w8 until the end and go build lod)
seBastian Kimi is FASTER then you

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby zawadax3 » Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:16 am

Deathnz1 wrote:Looks like he does that kind of thing often,
Another two of his recent games: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 204205.w3g , http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 204356.w3g Hes green in both and just instantly goes and builds value for a cross. But pink in both these games go wisp/lumber

No point for the ban for now. We played together but He will be inactive since he will not buy a new Geforce RTX2080ti for his new pc. For now he cant play without GPU :lol:

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby Panopticon » Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:02 pm

@AmnoN In case if you weren't aware.
PSA: Bigtits = Iambackk

tinker_666 = ta-ta

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby AmnoN » Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:49 pm

@apoth Thank you - I have been reviewing games on the account Charnel as well.

Persephone@USWest banned 12 days for selling units/ refusing to build and intentional team killing through king control.

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Re: [LTD] persephone/uswest

Postby Quetra » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:20 pm

Dodged TID 134616

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