[HHTD] fidelgastro@uswest.battle.net

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[HHTD] fidelgastro@uswest.battle.net

Postby raKs » Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:03 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/replay.php?id=11320698
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #12
Your Warcraft III Username: raKs
Violator's Warcraft III Username: fidelgastro
Violated Rule(s):
-Refusing to cooperate by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.
- When using a mode other than the default one, the mode setter (red) has to announce it in the lobby before the game starts. Every player must be informed, so they have the opportunity to leave in case of dislike.
- Refusing/Avoiding to heal.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Beginning of game, level 10 and from that till end at lvl 14.
Any further thoughts: Without telling in Lobby he tried mode -hpgmcb, which thankfully reverted to standart paac, but still he tried to use other mode then standart without announcment.
We leaked a bunch at 10 but instead of upping king he upped his lumber twice (!!), then he did a solosend on 11 although we said to max king. He did not up king from 10 to 14 which caused us to have no Pres at 14 and died. He upped the last 3 Pres like 15 sec before the game ended which was way too late. And he did heal on Level 14. All in all he trolled from lvl 10 to end of lvl 14.

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Re: [HHTD] fidelgastro@uswest.battle.net

Postby Unitil » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:56 pm

Old patch, unable to review replay.



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