Replay Link:
Game Name:[ENT] Legion TD Mega #3
Your Warcraft III Username: werjho
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ilovegoat, mongoose984
Violated Rule(s): Did not want to Draw the game
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 02:40 / 03:04
Any further thoughts:
Even though we had an afk from the start, who later disconnected, they would not draw the game.
they were sure we tried to trick them, but then again, why wouldn't they just draw, it couldn't harm them anyways.
But they clearly wanted to gain on other peoples suffering
(01:49 / Allied) raphoxrs: !votekick ele
(01:49 / All) rialix: A votekick against player [eletura] has been started by player [raphoxrs]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(01:49 / All) rialix: Type !yes to vote.
(01:49 / All) rialix: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(01:50 / Allied) blazemastaflex: omg
(01:53 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !yes
(01:53 / All) rialix: Player [blazemastaflex] voted to kick player [eletura]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(01:54 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !
(01:55 / Allied) werjho: !yes
(01:55 / All) rialix: Player [werjho] voted to kick player [eletura]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(01:55 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !
(01:59 / All) werjho: afk
(01:59 / All) rialix: ?
(02:01 / All) blazemastaflex: afk
(02:02 / All) blazemastaflex: plz
(02:03 / All) rialix: who is
(02:06 / All) blazemastaflex: purple
(02:06 / All) werjho: purple
(02:08 / All) raphoxrs: purple
(02:15 / Allied) rialix: !afk
(02:18 / Allied) rialix: -afk
(02:21 / All) blazemastaflex: ?
(02:26 / Allied) rialix: !yes
(02:26 / All) rialix: Player [rialix] voted to kick player [eletura]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(02:29 / All) werjho: !yes
(02:31 / All) rialix: i did
(02:33 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !votekick eletura
(02:40 / Allied) werjho: !
(02:40 / All) mongoose984: sounds like failed cross
(02:45 / All) raphoxrs: its not
(02:47 / All) raphoxrs: hes afk
(02:47 / All) blazemastaflex: lmao type !afk
(02:48 / All) blazemastaflex: wow
(02:48 / Allied) raphoxrs: 0 value
(02:49 / All) rialix: A votekick against player [eletura] has expired.
(02:53 / All) werjho: !draw
(02:53 / All) rialix: Player [werjho] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(02:55 / All) rialix: sounds like they dont know to waht cross is
(03:00 / Allied) rialix: !afk
(03:04 / Allied) ilovegoat: !afk
(03:08 / All) blazemastaflex: really guys
(03:09 / Allied) ilovegoat: -afk
(03:09 / All) mongoose984: just teach him guys
(03:09 / All) raphoxrs: ok so you want a report instead?
(03:09 / All) blazemastaflex: ok
(03:19 / All) ilovegoat: i cant see shit
(03:19 / All) blazemastaflex: just report and forget these idiots
(03:19 / All) werjho: he is very much afk
(03:19 / All) rialix: i pass
(03:22 / All) ilovegoat: go for it
(03:30 / All) ilovegoat: waste ur useless time
(03:31 / All) raphoxrs: you can type !afk
(03:34 / All) ilovegoat: i did
(03:36 / All) ilovegoat: nothing came up
(03:37 / Allied) werjho: !afk
(03:37 / Allied) mongoose984: send
(03:39 / Allied) raphoxrs: !afk
(03:39 / All) blazemastaflex: yep u can waste a few days not playing
(03:44 / All) ilovegoat: OH GOD
(03:46 / All) blazemastaflex: care so much about 1 game
(03:46 / All) ilovegoat: what a waste
(03:46 / All) blazemastaflex: lol
(03:46 / All) ilovegoat: lmfao
(03:48 / All) raphoxrs: it says green is afk 3m 22 segs
(03:48 / All) ilovegoat: loser
(03:55 / All) werjho: !draw
(04:00 / All) rialix: !draw
(04:00 / All) rialix: Player [rialix] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:04 / Allied) |c00F8F8FFGhost: !draw
(04:04 / All) rialix: Player [|c00F8F8FFGhost] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:05 / Allied) raphoxrs: !draw
(04:05 / All) rialix: Player [raphoxrs] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:05 / All) mongoose984: if he was afk you would have paused game
(04:05 / All) werjho: at least draw it..
(04:06 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !draw
(04:06 / All) rialix: Player [blazemastaflex] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(04:10 / All) rialix: we are
(04:12 / All) rialix: id u cant see
(04:14 / All) rialix: if
(04:24 / Allied) blazemastaflex: send
(04:29 / Allied) mongoose984: you would have paused before round started
(04:39 / All) mongoose984: you woul;d have paused before reound started
(04:41 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !afk
(04:42 / Allied) rialix: just draw
(04:46 / Allied) rialix: this is a shit boring game
(04:47 / All) blazemastaflex: 4m 24 sec afk
(04:48 / All) blazemastaflex: !afk
(04:48 / All) werjho: becasue we think everyone is afk
(04:50 / Allied) rialix: and u will gain olny 6 ello
(04:51 / Allied) rialix: ffs
(04:52 / All) raphoxrs: you just complaining to not draw or kick
(05:00 / All) werjho: so we should have pasued the game for 5 min now
(05:21 / All) rialix: yellow and oj are just dumb
(05:23 / All) blazemastaflex: thats wat we are supposed to do?
(05:28 / All) blazemastaflex: lmao idiots
(05:33 / All) mongoose984: yes before round started
(05:37 / All) blazemastaflex: u just proved urself wrong
(05:39 / All) werjho: oh pls
(05:41 / All) mongoose984: thats how i know you guys suck at cross
(05:47 / All) ilovegoat: yal lsound mad af
(05:47 / All) ilovegoat: LOL
(05:49 / All) ilovegoat: EAT IT
(05:52 / Allied) blazemastaflex: just let it end and report
(06:00 / All) rialix: Player [blazemastaflex] is saving the game.
(06:10 / Allied) werjho: !draw
(06:12 / All) rialix: !draw
(06:13 / Allied) ilovegoat: !scores
(06:15 / All) blazemastaflex: !undraw
(06:15 / All) rialix: [blazemastaflex] recalled vote to draw the game.
(06:16 / Allied) raphoxrs: !draw
(06:16 / Allied) blazemastaflex: report
(06:25 / All) rialix: lol
(06:31 / Allied) blazemastaflex:
(06:37 / Allied) blazemastaflex: to report
(06:37 / Allied) ilovegoat: wait ur not the ghost
(06:37 / Allied) ilovegoat: from footies right
(06:37 / All) werjho: you guys fucking suck
(06:37 / Allied) rialix: can u draw u 2 idiots?
(06:37 / All) werjho: no spirit
(06:37 / All) rialix: eletura has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host).
(06:37 / QUIT) eletura: Disconnect
(06:37 / All) rialix: Player [|c00F8F8FFGhost]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(06:41 / Allied) ilovegoat: hahahah
(06:41 / All) |c00F8F8FFGhost: !draw
(06:41 / All) rialix: Player [|c00F8F8FFGhost] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(06:41 / All) rialix: !draw
(06:42 / Allied) ilovegoat: no chance
(06:45 / Allied) werjho: !draw
(06:50 / Allied) raphoxrs: !draw
(06:50 / Allied) rialix: u are so sad
(06:54 / Allied) ilovegoat: i am happy
(06:55 / Allied) ilovegoat: actually
(06:56 / Allied) blazemastaflex: !draw
(06:56 / All) rialix: Player [blazemastaflex] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(06:57 / Allied) ilovegoat: u are sad
(07:01 / Allied) rialix: pathetic i ment
(07:04 / Allied) ilovegoat: meant*
(07:10 / Allied) ilovegoat: ur brain appears to have a dent
(07:14 / Allied) rialix: !ignore goat
(07:14 / All) rialix: Player [rialix] has ignored player [ilovegoat].
(07:29 / Allied) raphoxrs: well i just sell all then more fast
(07:31 / Allied) rialix: !ignore mong
(07:31 / All) rialix: Player [rialix] has ignored player [mongoose984].
(07:31 / Allied) raphoxrs: to wait
(07:46 / All) werjho: why no draw ?
(07:58 / All) rialix: cuz yellow and oj need that ello
(08:01 / All) rialix: !scores
(08:05 / All) rialix: all this 7 ello
(08:07 / All) werjho: !scores
(08:38 / Allied) raphoxrs: just let the king die
(08:41 / Allied) raphoxrs: more fast game
(08:52 / Allied) werjho: no i want a fucking draw
(09:00 / Allied) raphoxrs: they wont
(09:03 / Allied) raphoxrs: they area morons
(09:09 / Allied) blazemastaflex: i am reporting rn
(09:13 / Allied) werjho: nice
(09:21 / Allied) blazemastaflex: not even playing anymore cuz its over
(09:26 / Allied) blazemastaflex: we are 1/0 3/0
(09:26 / Allied) blazemastaflex: lol
(09:31 / Allied) werjho: xD
(09:39 / Allied) werjho: wehre do you report ?
(09:41 / All) rialix: Player [rialix]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(09:41 / All) rialix: Player [|c00F8F8FFGhost]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(09:42 / Allied) werjho: on ENT ?
(09:45 / All) rialix: Player [werjho]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(09:46 / Allied) blazemastaflex: go to ghost play de
(09:48 / Allied) blazemastaflex: google ghost play
(09:50 / All) rialix: Player [raphoxrs]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(09:54 / Allied) blazemastaflex: its the first site, make an acct and report them
(09:56 / All) rialix: Player [blazemastaflex]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(10:03 / Allied) blazemastaflex: i never waste time doing that but these guys are ridiculous
(10:07 / Allied) blazemastaflex: they need a permaban
(10:07 / Allied) werjho: true
(10:34 / Allied) werjho: but this is an ENT server
(10:37 / Allied) mongoose984: -info 6
(10:40 / Allied) werjho: not BK
(10:43 / Allied) raphoxrs: stop building teal
(10:54 / All) werjho: !DRAW
(10:54 / All) rialix: Player [werjho] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(11:07 / Allied) rialix: !draw
(11:07 / All) rialix: Player [rialix] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(11:21 / Allied) rialix: send 7
(11:39 / All) rialix: this will end soon
(11:41 / All) rialix: sorry guys
(11:44 / All) rialix: i tried
(11:50 / All) werjho: we sold everything
(11:53 / All) raphoxrs: they area autistics
(11:54 / All) werjho: to make game go faster
(12:03 / All) ilovegoat: to stupid to ff?
(12:12 / All) raphoxrs: oj yellow dont want 1v1? i am at 1352 atm
(12:18 / All) ilovegoat: omg
(12:23 / All) ilovegoat: ur amazing!
(12:23 / All) rialix: lol
(12:25 / All) mongoose984: good for you dude
(12:27 / All) rialix: !lms rap
(12:27 / All) mongoose984: fake elo
(12:33 / All) mongoose984: :0
(12:35 / Allied) rialix: !stats rap
(12:37 / All) raphoxrs: i say 1v1 lo not this
(12:48 / All) rialix: why would they want 1vs1
(12:51 / Allied) raphoxrs: in mega can happend all like guys dont want to draw
(12:53 / All) rialix: 1vs1 mode sucks
(13:00 / All) raphoxrs: more hard than mega
(13:10 / All) raphoxrs: more tactic
(13:19 / All) raphoxrs: mega its all about cross
(13:23 / All) ilovegoat: you talking to urself?
(13:36 / All) rialix: its much more than that
(13:37 / All) raphoxrs: it seems cuz you two are autistics
(13:52 / Allied) ilovegoat: send
(13:55 / All) rialix: Player [werjho]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(14:07 / All) rialix: Player [rialix]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(14:26 / Allied) raphoxrs: -king
(14:27 / All) mongoose984: gg ez
(14:33 / All) ilovegoat: ezpz
(14:39 / All) ilovegoat: l8r gayboys
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Re: [LTD],
Players are not obligated to draw.
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