[LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

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[LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby suncrusher- » Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:27 am

Replay Link: Attached
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #76
Your Warcraft III Username: SunCrusher@entconnect
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Shambles@entconnect
Violated Rule(s): Racism, unnecessary constant pinging, flaming
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): All game

Any further thoughts:

Shambles spends the whole game typing racist remarks (such as spic, nigger, etc), and also flaming yellow all game blaming for losing games. While I think friendly banter / criticism are welcome especially in 1200+ games, i believe his words of choice are extremely offensive and the consequence should be dire.

This is far from shambles' first, second, or even 10th instance of using racist remarks in his games, and I believe he should be banned from the bot for an extended period of time before he gets the hint that it is NOT okay to be using these words.

Words that he is using, at least here in the United States, are such that would get you punched in the face if used in real life, and are equally as offensive. 1200+ is especially a smaller community and words he is using, are unjustifiable no matter the situation and he should be held accountable as such.

Thank you,
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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby kasper699 » Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:48 am

replay link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11581312

i just checked the replay chat log shambles was making not nice remarks and looks like 80% of players ignored him that game

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:55 am

Only problem with that statement is 2 things. First, we had you lod that game so no need our alc, spitter player to start 3 sprite, and go into engi. If he blast spit he best for team on all lvls. 2nd: I did not spend much time saying "words that make u cry such as nigger." I spent a few until the last of the noobs had ignored me. I carried that game and was biggest player in game, holder 15 enough that they even skip with 0 chance race 15. And we win. Moving forward, this fool of a player Suncrusher has literally no idea that I am 1800 elo player if Tklikeshambles. didn't exist. I have lost strictly 30+ games from players tk me "for fun" because of that account alone.


Also, inq witnessed it as have many other players. I flame people for stupidity in 1200 since it is not legion td here. In this bot, there will NEVER be legion td. It will ALWAYS be less than that, and you cant dispute it. As for my word choice, there was a day when people talked normal on dota, for example. If you cant handle being called a nigger for tk or for being a thickheaded imbecile (you said I was doing something wrong last game after our player who went sprite for no need) while I carry enough to scare them to skip 15). We also immo, he simply blow our wood on lvl 7 by full 20 hp and 2-3 regen 4 atk still burn one heal, when we called 8 all game into harlot moonguard. I have no problem if we save heal there with him going 3/0 until lvl 6 with his roll and only gettig 2 blaster and sprites for 7 no hold no save heal, and a late 6/1 upon seeing immo. I have no problem with tk generally, but when people post bans for good players i have problem. I ahve lost over 30 games from intentioal tk (point, chadsmallcock, boretkpanda says gf broke down on hwy during my biggest ea of life, draw arena; and every other new player who suicides godroll such as going engi nm over ghost ygg, or full leak all lvls ghost revs on 5 over sea).

I dont mind ban, my last acc was deleted also from apparently flaming. But the thing is i cant even play a GAME of legion td. I almost would say i have yet to play a single game of Legion, T-D, due to the incompleteness of either team (1-2 new players minimum). I'm excited to get out of mega, i mean 1200+ but i am almost 1200 elo due to the substantial tk and dumbass players online who also enjoy tk when on my team since Tklikeshambles. exists. Anyway, if im not in lihl i dont mind ban for calling you a dumbassfaggit nigger if you want to post me for "hateful words" go ahead, I just dont tolerate noobs and never will. -- - - you cant ask me to. If 10% of the 1200 community is going to directly tk me on purpose or try new builds or contribute to block me at all cost from simple trial of lihl (where I dont even have to type much since players often know how to play the game), i dont mind sit out for calling ppl a name. Its not like i have ANY factual basis on the color of their skin. And if you are offended for such (a person carrying you yet being flamed, and having noob ass blow heal go 3/0 all game and 6/1 on 6 no hold barely burn heal and all our wood for 8 when we should just burned one and full send, go ahead).

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:00 am

btw, in my lifetime on ltd, I could have posted 100% bans for over 30 players including frostkitty, point, krocis multiple times for flame and name call including the same names I have said that apparently set you off, braveheartwins, point, point, and also I prefer to let them continue playing instead to showcase their tk skills. Unfortunately you take off one of the top 10% players off the streets because you are a pussy. Lol in essence, you have no respect or keen eyesight for the legitimacy of the Legion Tower Defense game or its professional players, and instead substituted all care for the optimization of the game with petty nonsense like namecalling for extremely bad players. If anyone asked me what I want, it was to play a simple game: Legion tower defense. I shouldn't have to beg/complain to players to win the game. They should just do so naturally. Perma ignored btw sun

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby kasper699 » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:05 am

so the next game https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11581361 shambles tk his team and sent dinos lvl 14, if he sent right other team would have died

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:21 am

and as far as extended period of time, you think long ban make me tolerate noob easier u can think twice. fool. many players group up to ruin my elo any way from lies for draws on my wins to tk trying new builds in 1200 to intentional tk *cough* point. Last 6 time I play with him he intentional tk ftl ask anyone. I receive legitimate -500 elo from the corrupt community, tklikeshambles. forcing so much tk upon me, refer to this: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=137496, and from simple new players having legit little knowledge of ltd. You think I deserve a lengthy ban for flame tk, you can think again. refer to this concept viewtopic.php?f=8&t=137496. Also, youre plain retarded if u think im not a great player and can do well on teams as a follower or a caller. That being said, you should want me to play at a high level, not any less, yet you think its best to remove me from game. Whatever let admins deal with it. Far as im concerned this white community ousted me from lihl after tricking me to apply, turned cold shoulder with the immense amount of tk I received from collective hatred after tklike appeared, and now ask me to sit out for flame about it. Fuck all of you who share in this lifestyle.

-Seacrest out

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:26 am

stfu on that 14 send, no they wouldn't die, I sent dino since i had no time to send garg since all ignored me and no cluewe 14. 15 was the call we had 2 hydras and me biggest lane again at /4. I'd push if we 14 end of discussion, call it then fool. I was /4 and how the fuck would I know we send 14 when lebikks ignore me and other fool ignored. Anyway stfu noob

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby suncrusher- » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:32 am

If you cant handle being called a nigger for tk or for being a thickheaded imbecile

To me, this is self-efficient evidence for a permanent ban.

Under the ENT rules:
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.

Under the ENT Website:
We're an active and friendly Warcraft III gaming community, and much more.
Our main goal is making your gaming experience as enjoyable as possible.

If he is not banned, then I will take it that the ENT is a community that tolerates racism and bigotry from its players without serious repercussion.

Not only does Shambles show ZERO remorse for his racist words, he feels they are justified and does not understand the kind of unnecessary hate that it spreads.

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby eld3r » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:37 am

I agree with every1 here that Shambles. Need a Long ban. His Behaviour is absolutely awful. It is unable to Play a game with him. Extremely Flames or instant ignore every1. Always ruining game as well.

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:40 am

In conclusion, I carry very often, and am way better player than almost all by percentage of players, but have only gotten pure shit for teamwork and have received immense criticism that I am not even a decent player. I won a 2v1 the other day from lvl 1 btw vs legion90 and some other dweeb who refused to draw after saying they draw in lobby but no during. But besides that, I'm used to being the best player on the team be it in sports or in a dota/league setting, but having to suffer greatly due to the team oriented nature of the game. Players split pushing when other team roaming as 5 when ez win if we just gather. I don't mind sitting out some time while simultaneously being among the best players who u can count on to carry your retarded ass. Its whatever considering even if I was god himself ppl would still tk me and i'd go back to mega elo just the same. Pce

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby suncrusher- » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:45 am

Shambles I still do not think you understand the purpose of my post.

It does not matter if you are the best player in the world for Legion td, or the Highest ELO, or whatever metric you might use to define your skill.

The words that you are using in the 1200+ bot are words that should be avoided even to real life felons, criminals, or... just about anyone. If you want to criticize bad plays, that is okay - calling someone bad or noob is okay too. I simply do not think you understand the weight of the words you are using.

If your reading comprehension level is above a third grader, perhaps you should read this post:
https://www.huckmag.com/perspectives/op ... i-g-g-e-r/

Enjoy your ban.

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:57 am

I never ignore all, also, I didn't spread hate. It was thrust onto me by the lack of intelligence of some of our new players on 1200. Oh shit I fear a permaban, oh god a way better player than you is perma banned for calling out fools daily who cause him to sink to mega some intentional, some unknowing. Im sure permaban is the solution to ent explaining to world that it doesn't tolerate racism, even tho I use the word "nigger" in a derogatory manner meaning Noob, or Tker, as it were. Nothing to do with color of skin, once again. Same with the word faggit, just a put down when someone auto loses game solo, something you have done quite often solo call 14 eld3r.

Under the ENT Website:
We're an active and friendly Warcraft III gaming community, and much more.
Our main goal is making your gaming experience as enjoyable as possible.

That's actually quite funny to post this Suncrusher, as you would have to neglect the intense amount of hatred I have received, just sweep it under the rug? It's not you getting the hard tk from a troll Tklikesuncrusher causing over 400 elo drop minimum to your main acc. Let me make this clear: ENT HAS DONE NOTHING to remedy my constant complaint of tk from random players to lihl players like point who has been proven by morelossthanwin, inq, masterofthepit, and others that it IS true. Ask kundel for god sakes. Anyway Ent has NOT tried to make this as much of an enjoyable experience as possible for me, or they would have given me a lihl trial and seen that I am easy to play/get along with, funny, and type very little actually under average conditions when players actively discuss calls as team and don't demand flame for suiciding god roll, for example. For me, the wc3 community has actually been much less than what u claim wc3 is in this copy and paste, and also has been unfriendly straight up. It has NOT been wc3's "main goal" to make my experience "as enjoyable as possible" since they would have deleted Tklikeshambles. a long time ago. Instead they let it saturate and marinade overnight and a year later, I have lost well over 500 elo because of it. People upping tot for 3 with a rev and suicideto ns cuz I ask them not to up tot for 3---6poll. anyway whatever you fucking hypocrite pussy, get a life. I try to get one too, I try to play LEGION TD as it was made, not as a much lesser, diluted version of mega, you call 1200. Pce

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby suncrusher- » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:04 am

If the amount of hate you receive truly bothers you, feel free to post on them, and they will be dealt with accordingly. This is about MY post about how you are calling me racist and sexist words - words that could legitimately get you killed in the wrong parts of the world.

Just because you were treated unfairly does not give you the right nor the privilege to treat others with hate also.

And if we're anecdotally speaking, I have NEVER received the kind of hate that you claim to have gotten.
Have you ever thought that... the problem might be you?

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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:07 am

stfu dumbass. You are the problem clearly. Saying some life and death shit nonstop over a game that I was tk'd on. Fool. GO home noob. U new bro?
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Re: [LTD] Shambles@entconnect racism in 1200+

Postby Sh4mbl3s » Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:18 am

Btw I have tkd in last 3 games nonstop posting to your stupid shit. Let admins take care of "it" the "problem" and we can carry on there. You clearly are a dumb person and think that words are the devil and actions are ok. Fuck u

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