[LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

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[LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

Postby Parkoe » Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:33 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=11683692
Game Name: Legion TD Mega +1200 62
Your Warcraft III Username: Parkoe
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Devaztate
Violated Rule(s): Forceing king
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): lvl5 - 09:09
Any further thoughts: We argued 3, 4 was no doubt argued against and 5 3 people wanted to go, but he forced king, thereby stopping the possibility of slowing down the game.. instead we gave them the free straight 7 game they wanted vs tm. after being toxic he stays /3 with a yolo role, just to tk even further.
Then he goes leaker for 15 vs 2 hydras, lock and toks. when 14 is chosen instead he doesnt leak 13.. All he does is obv. to ruin the game possibilitys.
Please give him a punishment for the weekend, think he needs a break from the online world.

Aura Tree
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Re: [LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

Postby mathiasfreytag » Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:30 pm

Oh man that guy just went full tk, i was there either Mathiasfreytag acc or megahigh...
we warr it, and Literally 3 of us wanted 3 cause ygg, he said no cause he wanted 5, we called 4 them, he didnt wanted either than at 5 all the 3 of us wanted send and king later them he just up 3x atk, forcing no send.. Intencional tk, totally intencional 5 was his call and he them forced us into king, we went warr + king and lost 4 heals by 7, if at least we had sent earlier we could have a better early game... He was toxic all game long to me, i didnt see he flaming other but he was toxic to me... I even called by 3 they would straight 7 so we needed send he said we would lose 2 heals if they sent also (aint true) and they skipped and went straight 7 as i called

Edit: y that /3 for 10 was painfull to watch, he leaked 7-8-9 and still stayed 7/3 being less val than 2 players that were 7/5

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Re: [LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

Postby devaztate » Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:23 pm

You retards wanted to send 3 herms and a commander 3 after no leaks 2, then you wanted to send 4 into a sg ygg ( the ygg built a 2nd ygg 4 btw, then they wanted to 5 into ygg hydra, so yes i VETOED your tk calls. ban me if you want i dont really give af, any mod worth a fuck will watch this replay and see that nothing i did was wrong or TK, if you wanna talk about tk, lets talk about Megahigh calling to 14 send, of course i agree to prove a point that they wont even king leak, which they didnt. Instead of getting mad that your tk calls wasnt followed maybe you turds should learn something from a better player and not cry like bitches. LMAO you posted that i violated rule "forcing king".....let me explain how this 5 send wouldve went since you obviously dont understand simple ltd game mechanics, we send 5 into OBVIOUS OB they get crazy fed on the holders ygg and hydra, then we actually lose the game 7 cause we just sent 600+ lumber 5 to only find out that 2 of them go mid........Literally this BRQ is a witchunt cause you plebs got vetoed for trying to tk me. Here's an idea dodge me from now on in lobby so i can LITERALLY farm your elo........I'm about to start going tryhard on you trashcans, you sluts need a reality check when it comes to your LTD skillz

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Re: [LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

Postby mathiasfreytag » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:18 pm

Exactly, finally someone that agrees that he deserves a ban, and even agrees he solo up... He doesnt understand simple ltd mechanics, he doesnt know what slow game means neither what fast game means, they literally was going straight 7 wanting fast game cause too ob, and devaztate tk whole game... how about his 7/3 by 10 without val nor inc... he went full tk.. I hope he gets the ban he deserves, he came here and confess everything we said, and showed us even further toxicity... U cant just decide stuff by urself, "i dont like 5, all team want 5 so ill just full king, fuck the team"... You just cant its against the rulings and u know it
Edit: we didnt send 5 as u say, we needed skip as u full king we lost 4 heals cause we all yolo and king with fast game instead of slow game and king with far more time and being ahead

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Re: [LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

Postby devaztate » Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:57 pm

The fact you dont understand why all those lvls you wanted to send was TK AS FUCK only shows why you're barely 1200 elo, Yea lets send 3 herms and 1 commander 3, then you know what lets 4 into sg ygg ( ygg built 2 ygg for 4 btw) then after we see we TM and the fact they are going straight 7 LETS 5 SEND into hydra PURE OB YGG........Jesus christ noobs like you literally should stay in the ent 18 bot

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Re: [LTD] Devaztate - Local ?

Postby legiontdgrrr » Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:28 am

will give warning for this one
ok yeallow also sayd at lvl 4 , full king and devaztate did up king then
but after the ups yeallow sayd ok we can go
sending 5 was kinda bad vs them since you scout a ob ygg and hydra
but @devaztate its a team game , only reason you dont get ban here is because of yeallow, beucase he sayd "go full king"
tho next time you can just w8 before you up king , doesnt matter if you call skip was good, its a team game and you deside as team even if its a bad call
next time will be ban
seBastian Kimi is FASTER then you

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