[DOTA] mdesi111 Thrower. Republic- racist

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[DOTA] mdesi111 Thrower. Republic- racist

Postby PRECUM. » Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:08 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/11683993/ - http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 683993.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #3
Your Warcraft III Username: DieTHO
Violator's Warcraft III Username: mdesi111 , Republic-
Violated Rule(s):
Do not abuse votekick, !draw, or !ff. (14:04 / All) mdesi111: !ff
(18:33 / All) mdesi111: !ff
(11:08 / Allied) mdesi111: !votekick stone
(15:30 / Allied) mdesi111: !votekick stone

Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.
Do not refuse to learn/and or cooperate: this does not mean being new/bad is bannable.

(26:14 / Allied) DieTHO: -afk
At this point in the game Bara has spent a large amount of his time grieving in fountain trying to votekick sniper. He resets the afk timer multiple times and refuses to leave fountain to defend our base.

Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively. (21:43 / Allied) Republic-: !si worthless nigger syllabear

Any further thoughts:
This techies flaming me with a racist remark by using !si . No idea where he got the inspiration for this. Would like to see him banned for a day if that sounds reasonable. He was trash talking quite excessively. He was an enemy, yes but toxic to the ENT community.
As for Bara ... he has violated so many rules (repeatedly and intentionally) in this game that it was ruined.
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Re: [DOTA] mdesi111 Thrower. Republic- racist

Postby Astros » Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:44 pm

banning Republic- 3 days for bypassing !ignore/racism (does it in almost every game).

banning mdesi111 for 3 days for Griefing
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