[LTD] quickmaffs@entconnect Solo play, AFK, game ruining

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[LTD] quickmaffs@entconnect Solo play, AFK, game ruining

Postby GEN_Schwarzkopf » Fri May 24, 2019 2:51 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 736067.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #89
Your Warcraft III Username: LEGION_ONE
Violator's Warcraft III Username: quickmaffs (yellow)
Violated Rule(s): Solo play, AFK, game ruining, possible collusion with enemy

1. Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.

2. Refusing to cooperate by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.

Time of Violation (in-game or replay):

1. Does not send with team level 1.
2. Solo sends 6 right after we all agree up king.
3. Does not up king while king dying level 6 and we lose heal.
4. Does not rage with team 10.
5. Does not send with team 13.
6. Tells enemy he did not send 13 with team.
7. SOLO sends to ARENA.

Code: Select all

(01:20 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: send 1 ok?
(01:24 / Allied) Thiccc: lets do it
(01:27 / Allied) PLEBMASTER: dude
(01:30 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: hermit each, see if it screws their push
(01:48 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: send yellow
(01:58 / Allied) quickmaffs: fk sry
(02:10 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: need you to be ready for next one ok?
(02:40 / Allied) quickmaffs: ye im sorry, rarely send l evel 1 so got caught off guard
(02:48 / Allied) Sitthefuckdown: hermit fucked u
(02:49 / Allied) Sitthefuckdown: lol
(02:53 / Allied) PLEBMASTER: imma go hydras
(02:59 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: keep a vigiliant eye; we'll be talking strategy

If honest mistake, respectfully requested ally pay attention.

Then solo send happens again; we discuss up king 10, yellow sends level 6 instead up up king.

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(09:08 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: I think given what we have seen only necro appears to be viable 10 defense at their end so far
(09:16 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: -gi
(09:35 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: if we go king 10, can you guys be sure not to push too far to defend a likely pre-10 send from them?
(10:59 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: yeah up
(11:05 / Allied) quickmaffs: oh yeah fk
(11:10 / Allied) quickmaffs: sent auras for 6 forgot

< He did not forget, it was literally 15 seconds before we just agreed to up king. >

< Yellow has 720 lumber while king is dying and heal is used >

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(14:26 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: up king
(14:33 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: yellow
(14:37 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: again you are not paying attention
(14:47 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: I need you to be sharp
(14:56 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: and watch what is asked of you to help out
(14:59 / Allied) quickmaffs: sorry fkin norton tabbed me down

< Save for rage requested, yellow does not rage with team >

Code: Select all

(21:56 / Allied) quickmaffs: saving 720
(22:00 / Allied) quickmaffs: nvm
(22:08 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: you can hold 400 for rage if you can
(22:15 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: but don't cast it if they send huge
(23:05 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: rage yes
(23:30 / Allied) quickmaffs: sorry sent wolf and troll instead of rage
(23:42 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: I asked for panda rage
(23:45 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: why are you changing it
(24:05 / Allied) quickmaffs: bcuz im autistic
(24:15 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: for serious?
(25:21 / Allied) Thiccc: all im sayin is rage 3 would of taken off another heal for them
(25:26 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: yep

Again, this is unnerving; but pattern is showing.

< Here yellow does not send with team for rage 13 >

Code: Select all

(27:51 / Allied) quickmaffs: should we go all in 14=? got wandis

(28:17 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: well
(28:28 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: I think they might send 14

(29:23 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: let's rage 13 ok?

(29:33 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: force them to up time

(29:39 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: mmmkay
(29:40 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: ?
(29:41 / Allied) Thiccc: ok

(29:53 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: all auras first hold 520 for rage (instant rage at 0)
(29:59 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: include pudge
(30:18 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: send yellow
(30:28 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: wat the fuck you doing
(30:38 / Allied) quickmaffs: me?
(30:41 / Allied) Thiccc: send bro
(30:42 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: yes pay attention

(30:48 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: send all auras then warlock
(30:59 / Allied) quickmaffs: was taking a piss
(31:00 / Allied) Sitthefuckdown: just noticed
(31:02 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: warlocks, hold 520
[b](31:06 / Allied) quickmaffs: who tf sends 13 anyways[/b]
(31:11 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: we wil instant rage
(31:22 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: if you leave computer say so

(31:54 / Allied) quickmaffs: if i knew u send 13 i would not have left
(32:04 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: rAGE
(32:04 / Allied) Sitthefuckdown: n ext
(32:05 / Allied) quickmaffs: we will just delay
(32:06 / Allied) PLEBMASTER: kk
(32:08 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: SEND MAX

(32:17 / Allied) quickmaffs: so they will get bette rsend 14
(32:28 / Allied) quickmaffs: !ignore legion
(32:28 / All) quickmaffs: Player [quickmaffs] has ignored player [LEGION_ONE].

(32:56 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: constantly undermining our sends
(32:58 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: that's 3 times now
(33:00 / Allied) Jessica-: they dead meat
(33:09 / All) Sitthefuckdown: did u send?
(33:13 / All) quickmaffs: no

<This is ridiculous passive aggressive behavior now. Notice he says 'who tf sends 13'. This eludes to malicious intent that follows not sending with team. He then tells the enemy he did not send, appearing to be in collusion to undermine allies. This does not look good at all.>

But that's not the end of this game ruining. He pushes ridiculous and sends to arena:

Code: Select all

(48:22 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: yes 20
(48:43 / Allied) quickmaffs: lel check my crystal
(49:00 / Allied) Jessica-: all surge and insta next
(49:02 / Allied) Jessica-: they dead meat
(50:12 / Allied) Jessica-: rage
(50:24 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: stop
(50:29 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: fuck yellow stop
(50:31 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: omg
(50:35 / Allied) LEGION_ONE: it's arena next you fucking cunt
(50:43 / Allied) quickmaffs: !ignore legion
(50:43 / All) quickmaffs: Player [quickmaffs] has ignored player [LEGION_ONE].

Any further thoughts:

While this guy might plead ignorance, and intentional collusion with enemy or game ruining cannot be firmly established, SOLO play and AFK is 2 rule violations, and a pattern of this is proven beyond any doubt.

The SOLO play and AFK was so bad it's hard not to think it was intentional, but is by far the most egregious reckless disregard I've seen in a long time.

Even a broken clock gets it right twice a day but this guy....6 separate solo actions/inactions against own team?

He needs to read and understand the rules.

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Re: [LTD] quickmaffs@entconnect Solo play, AFK, game ruining

Postby SnowwyWolf » Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:05 am

User banned 3 days for game ruining.

- No priors.
- Constant bouts of AFK ruining the game.

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