oops0820 ban him plz

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oops0820 ban him plz

Postby pasheka » Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:13 am

Your Warcraft III username: pasheka
Realm/Gateway: europe
Why are you banned:
Why you should be unbanned: he just ruined the game
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 148049.w3g
he built on my side with out reason lvl 3
he had 375 value on lvl 6
he used surge lvl 9
he sent alone
he did nothing to help team
he just ruined the game
we dod announce about that and i typed !xk him but team 1 did nothing.
05:43 / Allied) pasheka: for wut reason u built on my side now
(06:03 / Allied) pasheka: ??
(06:08 / Allied) pasheka: no answer?
(06:15 / Allied) oops0820: fuck you
(06:21 / Allied) oops0820: this answer
07:11 / Allied) pasheka: !ignore oop
(07:11 / All) Qeight: Player [pasheka] has ignored player [oops0820].
(07:48 / Allied) oops0820: i have no money
(07:51 / Allied) oops0820: fuck you
(08:07 / Allied) Qeight: re 6
(08:14 / Allied) oops0820: ok game over bye
(12:28 / All) pasheka: 375 value
(12:32 / All) pasheka: guys
(12:41 / All) Qeight: kick please
(12:42 / All) oops0820: !votekick pasheka
(12:42 / All) pasheka: he just troll
(12:48 / Allied) hellhalt733: !lms oops
(12:51 / Allied) hellhalt733: !lms pash
(13:12 / All) pasheka: guys?
(13:18 / All) Qeight: A votekick against player [oops0820] has expired.
(13:27 / All) pasheka: well ok
(13:45 / All) pasheka: will report him
(13:51 / All) pasheka: and u guys too
(14:24 / All) Qeight: ?
(14:33 / All) Qeight: he have no units?
(14:57 / All) oops0820: yellow sell my units
(15:08 / All) oops0820: fuck you yellow
(15:42 / All) pasheka: guys go kick him
(15:50 / All) pasheka: !votekick oop
(17:49 / Allied) ISELLYOUWEED: XD
(18:04 / Allied) ISELLYOUWEED: save
(18:06 / Allied) ISELLYOUWEED: 10
(18:42 / Allied) ISELLYOUWEED: lmao
(23:39 / Allied) Qeight: can you guys leave ?
(23:41 / Allied) Qeight: i can win this
(23:46 / Allied) Qeight: you get win also
(23:52 / All) pasheka: oj wont do that
(23:55 / Allied) oops0820: no i want loss
well i have no words mire...this guy really troll and he plays only for ruin games.

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Re: oops0820 ban him plz

Postby mattybatty » Thu Feb 02, 2023 3:28 pm


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