Violator's Warcraft III username:
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA LoD -sds6bod2 #75
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: Maphack
Time of incidents (replay timer): 11:19 starts reacting right away once Void starts roshing. 11:22 pings void at Roshan. 11:34 precise blind torrent at Roshan.
(21:29 / All) GaryEatsYourElo: bc he mh
(21:34 / All) fulafula: who (asks "who")
(21:43 / All) GaryEatsYourElo: the one who anwered to that
21:50 pretends to check Roshan after being accused of Maphacking, no torrent.
Replay: ... 959920.w3g
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: [DOTA]
RY3si wrote:Violator's Warcraft III username:
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA LoD -sds6bod2 #75
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: Maphack
Time of incidents (replay timer): 11:19 starts reacting right away once Void starts roshing. 11:22 pings void at Roshan. 11:34 precise blind torrent at Roshan.
(21:29 / All) GaryEatsYourElo: bc he mh
(21:34 / All) fulafula: who (asks "who")
(21:43 / All) GaryEatsYourElo: the one who anwered to that
21:50 pretends to check Roshan after being accused of Maphacking, no torrent.
Replay: ... 959920.w3g
Did that user had a wards or something near roshan position?
Check this out: Is this admin impersonating pretending to be a staff? Sorry for posting this but this will be interested for entgaming staff team.
Check log.
[System Log]
Code: Select all
[System]: *** player [Keej-23] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 324 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1245.35). W/L: 192/132. Hero K/D/A: 1998/1618/1796 (6.17/4.99/5.54). Creep K/D/N: 16940/694/5420 (52.28/2.14/16.73). T/R/C: 302/136/0.
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Check out our website at for a list of current games, player statistics, and our forums!
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations to the DotA Champion! Dream Team 3
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [SilverFang] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 134 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 818.65). W/L: 51/83. Hero K/D/A: 415/813/522 (3.10/6.07/3.90). Creep K/D/N: 6069/265/2632 (45.29/1.98/19.64). T/R/C: 73/31/0.
[System]: Waiting for 8 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 8 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 8 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [CloudGnome] has joined the game
[CloudGnome]: Hello! I am Cloud Gnome, son (daughter?) of TTR.Cloud and uakf.b. See for details. Live long and prosper, fellow bot.
[CloudGnome]: (Don't like me? E-mail to stop CloudGnome from connecting to your bot; or just ban me.)
[CloudGnome]: ?trigger
[System]: [] hasn't played any DotA games here.
[CloudGnome]: !version
[CloudGnome]: !stats UgotMapHacked
[System]: *** player [CloudGnome] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: Waiting for 8 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [SilverFang] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: Waiting for 9 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [Bountrix] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 29 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1023.18). W/L: 17/12. Hero K/D/A: 97/110/180 (3.34/3.79/6.21). Creep K/D/N: 967/25/280 (33.34/0.86/9.66). T/R/C: 19/3/0.
[System]: *** player [fulafula] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 644 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1496.39). W/L: 427/217. Hero K/D/A: 5961/2550/4571 (9.26/3.96/7.10). Creep K/D/N: 37880/1833/9678 (58.82/2.85/15.03). T/R/C: 638/258/0.
[System]: Waiting for 7 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [bahto] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 2 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1013.79). W/L: 1/1. Hero K/D/A: 13/10/8 (6.50/5.00/4.00). Creep K/D/N: 98/9/16 (49.00/4.50/8.00). T/R/C: 0/0/0.
[System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [Godlyhero] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 27 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 854.14). W/L: 6/21. Hero K/D/A: 72/181/84 (2.67/6.70/3.11). Creep K/D/N: 1168/46/361 (43.26/1.70/13.37). T/R/C: 11/4/0.
[System]: *** player [HungFarLow] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 464 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1333.68). W/L: 286/178. Hero K/D/A: 3330/2409/2616 (7.18/5.19/5.64). Creep K/D/N: 24453/1041/13808 (52.70/2.24/29.76). T/R/C: 490/233/0.
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[HungFarLow]: 0..3322222
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[fulafula]: !scores
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [GaryEatsYourElo] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 6 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1049.95). W/L: 5/1. Hero K/D/A: 68/36/48 (11.33/6.00/8.00). Creep K/D/N: 308/15/81 (51.33/2.50/13.50). T/R/C: 6/2/0.
[System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[GaryEatsYourElo]: !scores
[System]: ANNOUNCEMENT: Get the best players! ENT DotA League -
[System]: *** player [GaryEatsYourElo] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [analBUTFUK] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 20 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1189.03). W/L: 17/3. Hero K/D/A: 126/43/92 (6.30/2.15/4.60). Creep K/D/N: 914/40/255 (45.70/2.00/12.75). T/R/C: 28/13/0.
[System]: *** player [yawvan] has joined the game
[System]: [yawvan@entconnect] has played 24 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 937.65). W/L: 9/15. Hero K/D/A: 131/121/82 (5.46/5.04/3.42). Creep K/D/N: 712/5/505 (29.67/0.21/21.04). T/R/C: 15/4/0.
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[System]: *** player [GaryEatsYourElo] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 6 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1049.95). W/L: 5/1. Hero K/D/A: 68/36/48 (11.33/6.00/8.00). Creep K/D/N: 308/15/81 (51.33/2.50/13.50). T/R/C: 6/2/0.
[System]: *** player [X_MaSteR] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 249 DotA LoD games here (ELO: 1207.51). W/L: 135/114. Hero K/D/A: 1387/1521/1386 (5.57/6.11/5.57). Creep K/D/N: 11295/675/2888 (45.36/2.71/11.60). T/R/C: 239/113/0.
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[Godlyhero]: !go
[GaryEatsYourElo]: !scores
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[Godlyhero]: !cb
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[yawvan]: !scores
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: GaryEatsYourElo, X_MaSteR
[GaryEatsYourElo]: !sl
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: X_MaSteR
[System]: 10. . .
[System]: 9. . .
[System]: 8. . .
[System]: 7. . .
[System]: 6. . .
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[yawvan]: my elosscuks
[System]: *** player [fulafula] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [HungFarLow] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [bahto] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [yawvan] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [X_MaSteR] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Keej-23] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Bountrix] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Godlyhero] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [analBUTFUK] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [GaryEatsYourElo] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
Fog clicks detected.
Repeating to mod/admins check fog clicks and you'll see this user is a pure maphack party programer.
It's all visible and everyone can see that he is maphacking using third party programs that's cheap and lame...
Confirmed: Maphack.
Thanks for reporting maphacker.
Re: [DOTA]
The click at 11:21 |cFFFFA500fulafula (Invoker)|r clicked Sacred Warrior is a valid fogclick.
The user fulafula@Lordaeron/USWest will be banned for one year due to maphacking. Thank you, both of you for posting useful comments to help me on the replay (legit). Everyone have a good day.
Awaiting Administrator Confirmation, check if I banned him also.
The user fulafula@Lordaeron/USWest will be banned for one year due to maphacking. Thank you, both of you for posting useful comments to help me on the replay (legit). Everyone have a good day.
Awaiting Administrator Confirmation, check if I banned him also.
- Marked
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Re: [DOTA]
!Denied, based on the fact the legit click is a delayed glitch in FCD, unbanned, for now.
Got it memorized?
Re: [DOTA]
fulafula never fogclicked in games with me btw
but sometimes he acts very very very suspicious
perhaps all should check his actions in replay
but sometimes he acts very very very suspicious
perhaps all should check his actions in replay
- NutzSucksHard
- Plague Treant
- Posts: 1703
- Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:56 pm
- Been thanked: 6 times
Re: [DOTA]
What about attaching the replay first of all. I'll get a look at that 'delayed'
11:21 |cFFA020F0analBUTFUK (Tiny)|r clicked Sacred Warrior < Oh oh!
See I got an other maphacker... When you're using fog-click detector, NEVER switch vision to the suspected one. It bug fcd and make most of the time respawn clicks. (When someone respawn it clicks it) STILL, if you go and use your brain, you'll confirm the click with DRM... But, let's wait.. This clicks doesn't appear on DRM! Meaning it's a click that never happen inside the game. This clicks is created by the detector itself.
When you review someone vision, switch it to someone of his team that is not suspected instead of the player itself to prevent this bug.
Reviewed now the instance. That's true that he lost prior vision. He could be at ancient creep/jungling/going fountain. Now there's a problem, all saw he was building vlad with skill of ursa. Thus maybe he just pinged to say CHECK it. He casted torrent very precisely though... For me it's 50/50... Would love to see an other instance (casting on invis/dodging invis) etc.
11:21 |cFFA020F0analBUTFUK (Tiny)|r clicked Sacred Warrior < Oh oh!
See I got an other maphacker... When you're using fog-click detector, NEVER switch vision to the suspected one. It bug fcd and make most of the time respawn clicks. (When someone respawn it clicks it) STILL, if you go and use your brain, you'll confirm the click with DRM... But, let's wait.. This clicks doesn't appear on DRM! Meaning it's a click that never happen inside the game. This clicks is created by the detector itself.
When you review someone vision, switch it to someone of his team that is not suspected instead of the player itself to prevent this bug.
Reviewed now the instance. That's true that he lost prior vision. He could be at ancient creep/jungling/going fountain. Now there's a problem, all saw he was building vlad with skill of ursa. Thus maybe he just pinged to say CHECK it. He casted torrent very precisely though... For me it's 50/50... Would love to see an other instance (casting on invis/dodging invis) etc.
- Attachments
- 1959920.w3g
- (222.59 KiB) Downloaded 61 times
Last edited by NutzSucksHard on Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- aRt)Y
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Re: [DOTA]
@BouncingHitman You've got time provide moments of suspicious behave to legitimate your ban else I'll move this to processed.
- Information, Rules, Guides and everything else you need to know about ENT is on the ENT Wiki.
- Ignorantia juris non excusat • Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? • Fallacy of composition
- NutzSucksHard
- Plague Treant
- Posts: 1703
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- Been thanked: 6 times
Re: [DOTA]
Everyone has been telling me it's a false click, to go check on DRMF.
I go check, it's not a valid win32 application because I use Windows XP, so I cannot use DRM on LoD and I gotta be old school. Well I'm sorry for the mistake, it was virtually impossible for me to see this coming, I hope we are all good now I would like to thank all of you for letting me know. The ban request has been denied.
Moved to processed.
I go check, it's not a valid win32 application because I use Windows XP, so I cannot use DRM on LoD and I gotta be old school. Well I'm sorry for the mistake, it was virtually impossible for me to see this coming, I hope we are all good now I would like to thank all of you for letting me know. The ban request has been denied.
Moved to processed.
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