Your Warcraft III username: meatwolf
Violator's Warcraft III username: jeosol, b[1]t3r
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA ap euro #43
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: jeosol: sold items and left, b[1]t3r: didn't kick jeosol when he sold items and just stood afk for quite some time
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): things start around min 15
Any further thoughts: here's the story: jeosol played bad and fed the opposite team, then he sold his items and went afk, i tried to votekick him but 1 player didn't vote, I think it was earthshaker. After a while I started another votekick and then 3 of the opposite team didn't vote, earthshaker, bara and naix. Then jeosol left but the game was already ruined because of feed and the fact that pretty much no one here was able to play normally after all this
[DOTA] jeosol, b[1]t3r@europe
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: [DOTA] jeosol, b[1]t3r@europe
if you're considering it, ban player "jeosolalt" as well too please.
jeosol joins games, trolls and griefs - of course this is anecdotal but I will be sure to save a replay of the "jeosolalt" as well. He seems to continue making new accounts and when he doesn't do well in a game he will deride his teammates with slurs then go afk in fountain and/or ask to be kicked and/or PP. I've seen it all from the guy.
Ask player n(eons userid trashbelike. he played a few games with jeosol and i in it and can attest to the rude and immature person that he is.
he called "mid" as soon as -arem game started without a hero. when he randomed AM and i randomed zeus, i asked for mid and he said "go fuck yourself ur not mid hero u trash" and then continued with "ill upload replay for u griefing later bitch". when i ultied to get a kill he went afk while moving every few minutes as to not get kicked, saying "im not playing with griefer"
all anecdotal but the player is a certified "ugh"
jeosol joins games, trolls and griefs - of course this is anecdotal but I will be sure to save a replay of the "jeosolalt" as well. He seems to continue making new accounts and when he doesn't do well in a game he will deride his teammates with slurs then go afk in fountain and/or ask to be kicked and/or PP. I've seen it all from the guy.
Ask player n(eons userid trashbelike. he played a few games with jeosol and i in it and can attest to the rude and immature person that he is.
he called "mid" as soon as -arem game started without a hero. when he randomed AM and i randomed zeus, i asked for mid and he said "go fuck yourself ur not mid hero u trash" and then continued with "ill upload replay for u griefing later bitch". when i ultied to get a kill he went afk while moving every few minutes as to not get kicked, saying "im not playing with griefer"
all anecdotal but the player is a certified "ugh"
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- Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:39 am
Re: [DOTA] jeosol, b[1]t3r@europe
This is jeosolsalt@useast
This action of making a fake account with same name @europe realm just proves how far Banaki@useast griefing goes. Im just one that plays to have good time and win every game. I have never grief/sold items/fed on purpose and checking my stats jeosolsalt@useast will prove it. Also just check the IP address since I only play on one.
Im sorry to the admins that have to waste your time on this ban cause i just report Bankai@useast for griefing and he wanted to get me banned for no reason at all.
This action of making a fake account with same name @europe realm just proves how far Banaki@useast griefing goes. Im just one that plays to have good time and win every game. I have never grief/sold items/fed on purpose and checking my stats jeosolsalt@useast will prove it. Also just check the IP address since I only play on one.
Im sorry to the admins that have to waste your time on this ban cause i just report Bankai@useast for griefing and he wanted to get me banned for no reason at all.
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- Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:39 am
Re: [DOTA] jeosol, b[1]t3r@europe
just for the admins to know me jeosolsalt@useast is not the same person as jeosol@europe. I jeosolsalt@useast have never grief/sold items/ or left. My % stay proves that. So the above comment from dudevant is totally untrue and sorry for anytime you need to waste looking into it.
Re: [DOTA] jeosol, b[1]t3r@europe
jeosol @ europe banned 10 days for item item destruction/griefing
admiralgold@europe banned 2 days for refusal to kick a game ruiner. Was only player to not vote in two attempts.
admiralgold@europe banned 2 days for refusal to kick a game ruiner. Was only player to not vote in two attempts.
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