[ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

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[ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby Derrekle » Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:40 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 506629.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #66
Your Warcraft III Username: Derrekle
Violator's Warcraft III Username: NyX.@europe.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Maphack?
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 16:41/17:04 replay time
Any further thoughts:

I'm not entirely sure how drm logs work but I have some idea.

16:41 16:41 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Satyr], 0x00015C8500011146
17:04 17:04 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Satyr], 0x00015C8500011146

I had a ring of shadows and was hitting him so I'm never visible to him unless he uses shade, pearl, etc. He had no vision on me at all (checked replay in his vision) so does that mean mh?


Re: [ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby Hatedmaru » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:19 am

After reviewing:


Code: Select all

2:34 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [|cff99b4d1Workshop|r], 0x0001768F0000FD99
2:36 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [|cff99b4d1Rogue Den|r], 0x00018CBF00011485
3:13 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Mechanical Trap], 0x0003A90C000134E4


Code: Select all

[2598]  2:34 Player: NyX.             0x19: Select subgroup [Factory, object=0x0001768F0000FD99]
[2713]  2:36 Player: NyX.             0x19: Select subgroup [Rogue Den, object=0x00018CBF00011485]
[3292]  3:13 Player: NyX.             0x19: Select subgroup [Mechanical Trap, object=0x0003A90C000134E4]

nyx.@europe.battle.net should be banned for maphack (legit fogclick)

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Re: [ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby Hash » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:06 am

So after reviewing this replay I just want to start off by saying that this titan did not even own a pearl when he fog-clicked at these time-stamps.

2:34 Titan was already at the lumber base attacking the walls, no way he could have had vision of the workshop at that time.
2:36 Titan was no where near the rogue den, and had no ways of scouting so it is not possible he could have seen the den.
3:13 Titan had no pearl nor shade that would give vision of the trap, the trap was also placed at 3:03, and went off starting at 3:17, so it is not possible that he could have seen it at the time-stamp.

16:41 + 17:04: Satyr had ring of shadows which makes him completely invisible, unless titan pearls on top of satyr, has a MSOG, eyes the satyr, or summons a shade which has sentry. Titan did none of the above, around those time-stamps so there is no way he could have seen the satyr.
8506629 (1).w3g
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Re: [ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby Stefool » Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:06 pm

Hello everyone, I am Nyx name "NyX.".

I returned to your post to say that indeed I could not see anyone attack me in real time while I was undergoing damage. from that moment I started to doubt myself a satyr prowled then we must move and do what we can to get rid of. The goal is to play Island defense and not Banish May players who try to rid it of horns like you who do all that they be banned, right?

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Re: [ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby Haunt » Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:40 pm

@Stefool feel free to post ban appeal.

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Re: [ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby FalenGa » Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:46 pm

2:34 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [|cff99b4d1Workshop|r], 0x0001768F0000FD99
3:13 <NyX.> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Mechanical Trap], 0x0003A90C000134E4

Map hack confirmed. Moving to ABC.
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Re: [ID] NyX.@europe.battle.net

Postby FalenGa » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:16 pm

Dodged. TID: 101742

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