[LTD] buksetron europe.battle.net

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[LTD] buksetron europe.battle.net

Postby Jpinkman » Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:38 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 515838.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #68
Your Warcraft III Username: Jpinkman
Violator's Warcraft III Username: eroxzy, lacour, buksetron
Violated Rule(s): Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
Refusing to cooperate when asked to do so several times by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.
[antistuck]Cannot be used to delay or prevent units from teleporting to king with the intention to hide units or to aggro units away from king.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): flaming against me during all game long, red used antistuck on his towers lvl 12 to drag away a significant leak to our king and blue sent solo lvl 5 and other lvls
Any further thoughts:

These players flamed the most they could and "dared" me to request a ban for them. They think they can flame on a player and the rules wont affect them at all. a Warning ban would be appropriate to teach them some behavior, and do teamplay and, furthermore, dont doubt rules will be applied in fact. Thanks!

(01:10 / Allied) Jpinkman:
build more no
(02:16 / Allied) Jpinkman: noobs
(02:24 / Allied) Jpinkman: wanderer killed too much
(02:26 / Allied) buksetron: ok nice to meet u
(02:29 / Allied) Lacour: fuck u
(02:40 / Allied) Lacour: hater
(02:46 / Allied) Lacour: gonna fuck your mom
(02:48 / Allied) Jpinkman: look at that
(02:51 / Allied) buksetron: do u enjoy being a jerk or is it just u?

(03:30 / Allied) eroxzy: !ignore Jpinkman

(05:18 / Allied) Jpinkman: red, get wisps. you dont need more archers for lvl 4. and 4 ea for lvl 5
(05:19 / Allied) leguntedee: 1 leak
(05:26 / Allied) Jpinkman: its important that u push
(05:31 / Allied) buksetron: he ignored u

(05:36 / Allied) buksetron: because u where a jerk
(05:38 / Allied) Jpinkman: e typed wrong

(05:45 / Allied) buksetron: nope he typed 2 times
(05:53 / Allied) Jpinkman: bad for him
(05:57 / Allied) buksetron: and for u
(06:01 / Allied) Jpinkman: nah
(06:03 / Allied) Jpinkman: im good
(06:06 / Allied) buksetron: sure u are
(06:10 / Allied) buksetron: internet gangster
(07:48 / Allied) Jpinkman: its better to build only harlots for lvl 7

(07:51 / Allied) Jpinkman: u hold easy
(07:55 / Allied) Jpinkman: dont upgrade them

(08:05 / Allied) buksetron: 1 upgraded is a good idea

(08:12 / Allied) Jpinkman: dont think so

(08:20 / Allied) buksetron: well i dont give much for that

(08:27 / Allied) JustChill: we can 7

(08:45 / Allied) Jpinkman: we will see about that late game
(08:50 / Allied) buksetron: sure
(08:58 / Allied) Lacour: couldnt u just mind your own?
(08:59 / Allied) Jpinkman: why did blue solo send?
(09:03 / Allied) Jpinkman: no
(09:04 / Allied) Jpinkman: i cant
(09:07 / Allied) Jpinkman: its a team game

(09:13 / Allied) Jpinkman: and why did u send solo?
(09:15 / Allied) Lacour: why is there some ppls who just dont
(09:18 / Allied) buksetron: and ur a jerk to ur "team"
(09:23 / Allied) Lacour: cant u just shut up?
(09:25 / Allied) Jpinkman: im honest
(09:26 / Allied) Lacour: little kid
(09:31 / Allied) buksetron: no ur a jerk
(09:31 / Allied) Jpinkman: enjoy your ban
(09:36 / Allied) Lacour: qq

(09:46 / Allied) adaca: well im value

(13:55 / All) Jpinkman: this team sucks
(13:56 / All) buksetron: bullshit
(13:58 / All) Jpinkman: rly
(14:03 / All) Jpinkman: blue sends solo
(14:07 / All) Jpinkman: all the time

(16:35 / Allied) buksetron: haha leaking jerk
(16:39 / Allied) buksetron: wanna draw

(17:01 / Allied) Jpinkman: reported for flaming
(17:05 / Allied) Jpinkman: :)
(17:06 / Allied) buksetron: says u :D
(17:09 / Allied) buksetron: gl with that

(19:06 / Allied) buksetron: lowest value income lumber and leak the most
(19:09 / Allied) buksetron: seems legit

(19:10 / Allied) Jpinkman: did u hold boy?
(19:16 / Allied) buksetron: i hold more than u
(19:19 / Allied) buksetron: and u have druids
(19:21 / Allied) Jpinkman: im preparing for 15

(19:24 / Allied) buksetron: most op unit in the game
(19:28 / Allied) Jpinkman: hahaha
(19:30 / Allied) Jpinkman: sure
(19:34 / Allied) Lacour: true
(19:58 / Allied) buksetron: must be hard to speak that much and then be the lowest on team
(20:12 / Allied) Jpinkman: im not going to talk to you anymore, just wait till i report
(20:41 / Allied) buksetron: if u dare to report me, then just know i recorded the match and i will show the first10 min of the game
(20:46 / Allied) buksetron: then they see who will get banned
(20:54 / Allied) buksetron: just know that
(20:57 / Allied) Jpinkman: u dont need to report
(21:02 / Allied) Jpinkman: and i did nothing wrong

(21:06 / Allied) Jpinkman: ;)
(21:14 / Allied) buksetron: what did i do wrong that u diddent ?
(21:16 / Allied) Jpinkman: gave u advices
(21:20 / Allied) Jpinkman: and thats all
(21:25 / Allied) buksetron: u called us morons and idiots
(21:26 / Allied) Taranka1: 7/6 good y ?
(21:28 / Allied) buksetron: and that we suck
(21:30 / Allied) Jpinkman: no, i didnt
(21:31 / Allied) buksetron: and so on
(21:32 / Allied) JustChill: y
(21:32 / Allied) adaca: y
(21:33 / Allied) eroxzy: we go 14
(21:34 / Allied) buksetron: u sure did
(21:52 / Allied) Jpinkman: chat is recorded
(21:57 / Allied) Jpinkman: no need to lie

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Re: [LTD] buksetron europe.battle.net

Postby Jabba41 » Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:32 pm

Lacour banned 60 hours for solo send + flame
eroxzy banned 2 days. (low impact)
Send me your best Sloth pictures for instant unban*

*individual results may vary

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