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[LOD] Multiple Violators

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:03 am
by NighTShoW
Replay Link: ... 546980.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #10
Your Warcraft III Username: LordShoW
Violator's Warcraft III & one of the snipers
Violated Rule(s): Afk/griefing
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): end of the game
Any further thoughts:

And here I am again, reporting two more guys for being afk and ruining my game...
This is getting boring.

One player is sky (, the other one is one of the snipers (yes, there were two), I do not remember which one and my replay seeker is not working.

(43:25 / Allied) LordShoW: nice, 2 afk

They both went afk together when we were being attacked, and returned together (suspicious?). We lost because of these guys.

Re: [LOD] Multiple Violators

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:59 pm
by BeerLord
sky respawns at 3955 and remains afk at fountain until 4716, during which time bot is raxed.
VinChuuSonzong is banned 3 days for afk/failure to defend.
sniper respawns at 4214 and remains afk at fountain until 4707, during which time bot is raxed.
mag is banned 3 days for afk/failure to defend.