However, I would like explanation of the following time stamps:
1052: Formless blinks away to fog, and he moves directly to his position, even chopping down a tree to proceed to him and gain vision of him.
2017: loses vision of arc warden who has blinked on top of mountain next to rosh. At 2026 tank tp's onto said mountain and kills arc.
2425: Loses vison of arc warden in bot lane adjacent to rosh. At 2432 tank tps to area east of place where arc was last seen, and he immediately turns south towards arc's position in woods in fog. At 2439 tank places ward adjacent to arc's unseen location, then moves south and turns east dirctly towards arc. At 2444 arc blinks south to the goblin merchant, and tank turns and follow him there and then kills him.
10.52 - Thats the weakness of the blink spell: You know where the person blinks to, cuz the last movement of blink is the hero facing the position he blinks to - and considering formless had blinked towards the trees, i would have went directly there too.
20.17 - Once again, you had vision of Arc blinking towards rosh, and even orange pinged it -> It was expected Arc to blink there, so nothing suspicious here either
Before the last incident take note of 2 things: Arc tp'ed mid, meaning his TP would be on cd, and Arc never had a 2nd scroll either, so you can figure out where he would go: No TP possible, only blink to escape, ur fighting a global TP, so u wont try to run back to base knowing he'd catch you, so where do you run to? To the shops, trying to outsmart ur enemy and get a TP scroll, to tp back to base (Sieger first tp's thinking arc would try to go back to base, to which he finds out arc never tried it, so its obv where would arc run)
24.25 - He loses sight, but sees arc going towards the little forest direction, to which sieger tp's into.
24.32 - self explained by the previous movement, he tp'ed into the last area he saw arc into: Considering he had wards and never saw arc appearing again (he knew by this point that arc dind't have inv, or anything to escape, besides blink - so he would have to pop off if he came towards base: Since he never comes back, it means either he went for the rosh area, or went to the shop sides, which justifies sieger moving bot from his position)
At 24.39 - he places a ward trying to figure out where did Arc go, since Arc never came on sight (dont forget they had a ward at the mountain near the secret shop, and one at roshan spot, so if arc tried to run there, he would know)
At 24:44 - it becomes clear that Arc was going towards shop, and ill explain why: At 24.25 u see him entering that forest spot, sent had sight all over the secret shop area, and the little ramp that goes towards the rune, on which Arc never showed up, so arc could have only gone one place: blinking behind forest, towards shops.
Tbh, i do enjoy playing with/against Romario due to the fact he's one hell of a good player (has one hell of a good map awareness, and u hardly gank him since he pays attention to his surroundings, instead of what his allies say), but based on this replay, he's definitely not hacking