Replay Link:
Game Name: [ent] dota apem us/ca #84
Your Warcraft III Username: beerlord
Violator's Warcraft III Username:cfo
Violated Rule(s): mh
Noted some suspicious doings in game.
Necro's last vision of PL is 2208 in top lane.
2236 PL picks up invis rune bottom river and moves into sentinel forest.
2238 Necro creeping in area PL is coming towards. Necro backs from camp without killing as bara is also charging from fog. He moves in a direction directly opposite to that of oncoming inivisible PL.
2252 appears to move directly towards invisible PL then changes direction back.
2303 follows still invisible PL into gap in trees leading down to river.
2308 PL turns 90 degrees left.
2309 Necro follows PL's turn left.
2311 PL turns 45 degrees right, and again necro follows him.
PL abruptly doubles back and crosses river to scourge side.
Necro similarly turns back at 2315 and moves towards the retreating PL, and then blinks across the river directly on his position at 2317.
2328 Pl doubles back and re enters river. Necro also doubles back and follows PL into river where his invisibility runs out and necro then kills him.
banned one year.
[DOTA] cfo us west
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