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[ID] unrealclone-903

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:54 am
by Broccoli
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ID] Island defense #29
Your Warcraft III Username: broccoli
Violator's Warcraft III Username: unrealclone-903
Violated Rule(s): maphacking/dodging
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): multiple times throughout game, most suspicous are around 16:30 in he says the exact amount of gold i have as titan while he is obs and then again at around 17:30 in, defenders said he was constantly pinging my location when obs, when he took over maks spot i pearled and started heading towards him to kill in the direction he was moving then he started going other direction for no reason, says multiple things through out whole game that are highly suspicous/only a maphacker would know
Any further thoughts: says haunt just banned him an hour before? Possibly l-q1p/l-q2p/AFagg0TTree

Re: [ID] unrealclone-903

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:21 am
by Broccoli
definitely NOT l-q3p though, whoever that is.

Re: [ID] unrealclone-903

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:23 am
by Broccoli
also can i petition to get to be able to solely !open/close 12 in lobby to observe games? i like watching

Re: [ID] unrealclone-903

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:07 am
by FollowingPath
I believe this guy also plays on

Code: Select all

(06:29 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: ww
(06:30 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: again
(06:44 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: hm
(06:48 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: mcpancho
(06:52 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: im 1 year banned now
(06:55 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: right now
(06:57 / All) I-LoveBroccoli: 1 hour ago

Replay with the above chatlog: ... 644949.w3g

Re: [ID] unrealclone-903

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:46 am
by Hash ... 644534.w3g

[ent] island defense #29

4:25 pink pings the location of titan without having vision of him
4:25-5:55 pink is pinging the route of which the titan is walking

(17:43 / All) UnrealClonE-903: HOLY SHIT TITAN HAS 266 GOLD!?!?

^said that when titan literally had 266 gold.

Very obvious map-hack throughout the game. ... 644949.w3g

[ent] island defense #37

4:55 pirate uses wind-walk right as titan approaches in wind-walk to attack the builder.
5:07 pirate goes bakc to gold at the mound while titan is missing, after just wasting his wind-walk.

Again, very obvious map-hack here., banned 1 year for map-hack.

Re: [ID] unrealclone-903

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:04 pm
by Haunt